Sound Recordings, Suffolk


[Collector announcement]; Maggie Chilvers, recorded in Helmingham on the 26 July 1971; describes a typical working week for her mother, including brushing Sunday clothes; washing (Tuesdays); ironing (Wednesdays) - describes a charcoal iron/box iron; baking (Thursdays); cleaning (Fridays/Saturdays); three visits to church on Sundays; home grown wheat used for bread; cooking meat and buns together in a brick oven; describes wash day - water supply (ponds), soap, drying, ironing; Sunday routine - church, cold dinner, Sunday School, tea, church; Sunday School classes - prizes at Christmas, hymn singing, with harmonium accompaniment; daily routine of weekday school - lessons, no sports, boys' allotments; Helmingham Flower Show, pre-World War One; Easter holidays; Harvest holidays; local gentry family - servants, residences, philanthropy; local Roman camp; burial site of King ?Helmer in the village; local Gypsy Traveller grave; local placenames; collecting milk; origin of the village's name; corporal punishment and discipline at school; Christmas Day - church, food, presents, tea, hymns (including Sankey), with accordion accompaniment; Christmas tree (decorations); Christmas Eve - collecting holly and mistletoe; taking a carrier's cart to Ipswich for shopping, market day; story of how informant got her name. [Tr. 2] [Collector announcement]; William Manning [and Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Sherman], recorded in Helmingham on the 27 July 1971; talks about leaving school; working on a farm as a boy; joining the Army in 1914, serving in France until 1916; prisoner of war in Germany - doing farm work (compares with England); food in Germany; return to England in 1918; agricultural work - ploughing with horses, hedge cutting, drilling, harvesting, wages; preparing horses, including feeding (baiting); Suffolk horses; horse brasses; the role of the Head Horseman in foaling; farm work with horses; hazel; harvest; self-binders; shocking the corn, carting to the farm; threshing; waggons to Ipswich; women's involvement in the harvest; gleaning; threshing in winter, using a portable machine; ploughing in Autumn; holidays; Largesse Supper after the harvest in the local hall, for agricultural labourers; Fourses (rum and tea at four o'clock for workers); Elevenses (or Bait - bread, cheese and tea); evening supper; beer making; Mrs. Sherman describes working in the local school canteen - food served, the cost to the children; the size of the school. [Tr. 3] 1 of 7.


Identifier kdr2gs9c
IRN 414787
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A736r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Pasanen, Leena
Date July 1971
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 88' 51".

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