Sound Recording, Suffolk


Alice Messenger, possibly recorded at a friend's house in Aldeburgh. [The informant is from Blaxhall. A Mrs. Thompson also speaks on this recording.] AM sings the following songs (generally just the chorus): 'It's a Great Big Shame', 'Two Little Girls in Blue', 'If I Could Plant a Seed of Love', 'If Those Lips Could Only Speak', 'Are We to Part Like This?', 'Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland', 'When the Fields are White', 'Poor Old Joe', 'For Old Time's Sake', 'Nellie Dean', 'Sweet Rosie O' Grady', 'In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree', 'Lassie from Lancashire', 'Just Like the Ivy', 'Just an Old Fashioned Lady', 'The Old Rustic Bridge', 'The Volunteer Organist', 'Where the Praties Grow', 'Smiling Through', part of 'I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen'; conversation concerning the Ling family. [Tr. 5] Alice Messenger talks about her singing at school and in church; her father and family; working in service in London, Cambridge and Manchester; sings 'Beautiful Dreamer', 'White Wings', 'Won't You Buy My Pretty Flowers?', 'My Grandfather's Clock', 'Gypsy's Warning', 'English Rose', part of 'I'll Walk Beside You', and 'I Passed By Your Window'. [Tr. 1]. Concludes on tape LAVC/SRE/A390r. 61 of 79.


Identifier ssprzjfh
IRN 414440
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A389r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date 4 October 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 62' 08".

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