Sound Recordings, South Ayrshire


Tom Sloan, recorded at home in Maidens, talks about his fishing career; mother baiting baikies - small lines - with mussels; big line fishing; drift net fishing; ring net fishing for herring off the Isle of Man (June/July), Hebrides in winter time, Mallaig, Oban - c. 50 years ago; sail boats used; first engined boat in 1908/1909; changes in village; women baiting the lines; selling the fish; fishing from Whitby, Seahouses and Scarborough - fish sold in Hartlepool; occupational folklore - landmarks, weatherlore (moon, north wind); whales, sharks; creel fishing for lobsters; nicknames. Recorded 17 January 1974. [Tr. 1] Turner McCrindle and Peggy McCrindle, recorded at home in Maidens, talk about fishermen's occupational folklore; beliefs regarding white stone on board, salmon, meeting a minister on the way to work, women on board; describes the fish caught, reduction in quality, need for conservation measures, problems of longer, deeper nets for fish stocks; weatherlore - sayings, north wind, green sky; herring fishing in Ayr bay, quantity caught; salt smuggling, smugglers' coves; Culzean Castle and other buildings in the area; Robert the Bruce; Robert Burns; Maidens' harbour and pier; baiting the lines; local houses; cooking, cleaning; Queen Ann Grant to Fishermen; Robert the Bruce. Recorded 3 January 1974. [Tr. 2] Recording made in [?Ayr] fish market. Voice of auctioneer audible; collector banter with market workers re. singing; collector accompanied by unidentified male who gives information on the market, destination of fish, Glasgow, Grimsby fish markets. Parts inaudible due to background noise. [Recorded 28 March 1974]. [Tr. 3] 4 of 6.


Identifier d3c6k9d8
IRN 414336
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A286r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Czerkawska, Catherine Lucy
Date 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 84' 56".

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