Sound Recordings, [West Yorkshire]


Unedited Field Master tape. James Lyons sings [ 'Young Soldier Cut Down in His Prime'], [first line: One night as I sat by the fireside], [3 unidentified]; two children sing [unidentified]; Kathleen Lyons sings [unidentified fragment], 'McCaffery', [unidentified], 'Barbara Allen'; JL sings [first line: They are heroes, British heroes]; KL sings [first line: In Mountjoy jail one Monday morning]; JL sings [ 'Wild Colonial Boy']; KL sings [Wild Colonial Boy], 'Old Dick Drummond', [ 'Bonny Lad']; JL sings 'McCaffery', 'Old Roger' and 'Billy Boy', [2 unidentified, second a fragment]. [Tr. 6] James and Kathleen Lyons continue singing; JL sings [first line: From Liverpool across the broad Atlantic]; KL sings [first line: Johnny Tar had a notion], [ 'Molly Branagan'], [ 'Wild Colonial Boy']; female [not KL] sings [unidentified], 'Robin a Bobbin', [ 'Old Church Clock']; children sing 'Three Wheels on My Wagon' and 'Down by the Station'; Marion McClean sings 'Sally Bought a Rabbit'; KL sings [unidentified]; JL sings 'McCaffery'; children sing [unidentified]; KL sings 'Patrick Sheehan' and [unidentified]. [Tr. 1] Gladys Collie sings 'Leeds Old Church'. [Tr. 2] James Lyons sings 'Botany Bay'. [Tr. 3] Male sings two unidentified fragments. [Tr. 4] Male relates an incident regarding the Evil Eye and its effect on farm animals (eighty years ago), the burning of an effigy as a cure; a white witch in Gawthorpe, near Wakefield, West Yorkshire; sings an unidentified fragment, and a wassailing song. [Tr. 5] 3 of 7.


Identifier mjc81yyn
IRN 414670
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A619r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Green, Anthony E
Date 1964-1966
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 104' 31".

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