Sound Recording, West Yorkshire


Mrs. Longstaffe, her son Sidney and her sister, Florrie, talk about working in the Dewsbury textile industry. The speakers were recorded in the home of Mr. Gallon and Mrs. Gallon in Dewsbury. Mrs. Longstaffe and her sister talk about shoddy; weaving sheds and looms; the process of clothmaking and checking; sales; making travelling rugs; explain the terms shoddy and mungo; adding mungo to the mixture for weaving; shoddy manufacture and content; shoddy manure, putting rags into a machine for unravelling and blending; starting work aged thirteen; learning the trade; clothwork; shuttles; weaving, and dealing with knots; describe the machinery in the winding department; wool-combing in Bradford; wool used for blankets; cheese-winding; use of teazles; mending/menders; Huddersfield area best for worsteds; cheaper cloth (shoddy); working conditions and hours; making cloth for Army and Airforce uniforms during World War Two; knockers-up; mill closures; carpet making and carpet mills. [Tr. 5] Mrs. Longstaffe's son talks about the differences between mungo and shoddy cloth; lambswool; quality grading; decline of mills; Bradford as centre of twist worsted manufacture; mungo and shoddy as reclamation of material; influence of arrival of synthetic fabrics - more colour and pattern, but difficult to reprocess; flocking trade and the use of rags in seating and mattresses; stocking trade and its decline; changing work preferences. [Tr. 6] The second track on this tape contains a duplicate recording of the interview with Mrs. Longstaffe's son.


Identifier xd9vnpyz
IRN 414736
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A685r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Morales, Carmen
Date 15 May 1977
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 38' 03".

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