Sound Recordings, Suffolk


[Collector announcement]; George Parker and Mr. Cutting, recorded at Mr. Parker's home in Pettaugh; talk about the flooding of the village in 1912; Mr. Parker working for Mr. Cutting, carting produce to/from Ipswich using a steam engine; agricultural wages; the cost of living; anecdotes re. various men both informants knew, working on the farm; Mr. Parker's schooling and local Reverends; playing in a band at flower shows, and for carols at Christmas; horse buses to Ipswich; anecdote re. a shooting match; drink; food; brick ovens; Mr. Parker's family; church attendance; newcomers to the village; village quoit club; various anecdotes; thoughts on the Common Market and decimilisation. [Tr. 4] [Collector announcement]; William Parsley, recorded at the home of Harold Styles in Halesworth; talks about his work as a horseman on the estate of the Earl of Stradbroke; daily routine; preparing horses; ploughing, harrowing, clipping, harvest time, carting, thrashing; hours of work; horses' bait (feed); Horse Shows; horse brasses; Harold Styles talks with Mr. Parsley about horses and blacksmiths; breaking in new stable boys; trade secrets amongst horsemen; wages; Harvest Horkey (Supper)/Largesse - collection of money for drink at the harvest's end; home brewed cider; rabbiting; thrashing with a frail; assessing others work (ploughing, stacks, hedges) - competition amongst farm workers; use of trace horses; ploughing; milking; Mr. Parsley's Army service during World War Two (prisoner in the Middle East, Italy and Germany - factory work); career after the war; showing horses (with decorated waggons); anecdotes re. practical jokes on the farm. [Tr. 1] 5 of 7.


Identifier vpvsb1fc
IRN 414791
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A740r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Pasanen, Leena
Date 11 August 1971
Size and Medium 1 x 17.8cm open reel spool, Duration: 86' 05".

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