Sound Recordings, Suffolk


Percy Webb, recorded at home in Tunstall Commonon the 31 October 1974 ; talks about making clay ovens [learned during World War One]; farm work; church choir; family; engagement; being gassed during World War One; courting; song performance - singing in folk clubs; recites one verse of 'All Jolly Fellows that Follow the Plough', and then sings; learning songs from his father, also when in the Army; singing at weddings; shocking - describes the process of gathering sheaves of corn to dry (also known as stooking); politics; religion; army anecdote. Farm/horse work after leaving school; head horseman, working with Shire horses; Framlingham Horse Society; Tendring Hundred; Green Man pub at Tunstall and other local pubs; comments on other local singers and singing style; comments on folk club singers; singing at the Butley Oyster pub; choice of songs; sources of songs learned, and swapping songs with Bob Hart; comments on singing in public and people joining in; singing at folk clubs; PW's record for Topic Records. [Tr. 2] Percy Webb, recorded at home on 16 November 1974 [or possibly the 15th]. Collector lists songs and PW comments on their age and where he learned them; tells story of learning 'I Came Home Late Last Night' from a fisherman at Bawdsey, whilst working there as a horseman, 1910-1914; PW explains the song's story; explains the story in 'On the Banks of the Clyde'; describes a Harvest Frolic in a pub at Bawdsey - drink, food, song; being hired for harvest work - shilling to farmer to bind the deal for one month [fastening penny]; wages, 1914, for harvest work. [Tr. 3] 54 of 79.


Identifier ylfj7rc8
IRN 414433
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A382r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 97' 25".

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