Sound Recording, South Ayrshire


Rob Gibson, recorded at home in Dunure, talks about his fishing career and the changes observed in the fishing industry; mussel beds; mussel baits and baiting of fishing lines, tools used; fishing boats; launching a new boat in the village; informant's marriage in the village hall; to sea aged fourteen; describes his father's boat; herring fishing described; big line fishing; use of landmarks when at sea; occupational folklore - whistling, ministers, Swan Vesta matches, white-handled knives, white ballast stones, reference to salmon and pigs whilst on board, women sailing; selling fish; East Coast fishwives; describes houses in the village and other buildings; fishing boots - some made locally, cost, use of castor oil to preserve leather; reference to book, 'Fire in the Water', by Peggy Curry (1952), re. herring fishing, based on some first-hand experience; reference to Poles living locally. Reference to a book on herring fishing (title ?Twenty Years Ago); courting on boats; village pastimes - quoits, caber tossing, fiddle playing, other musical activities - accordion, melodeon, mouth organ, singing; talk of Peggy Simson [Peggy Curry]; courting - fresh herring hung on door of wife's parents house; RG's mother-in-law talks about holidays, home village and recollections of childhood; talk of the Irish situation; selling fish; fishermen and naval service - minesweeping; smuggling; dangers at sea; loss of life at sea; village harbour; fishing generations in RG's family. Recorded 23 December 1973. 3 of 6.


Identifier tf8sq1p8
IRN 414335
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A285r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Czerkawska, Catherine Lucy
Date 23 December 1973
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 92' 44".

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