Sound Recordings, North Yorkshire
Male, recorded in Filey in 1962 [date when this copy tape made not known]; relates incident where coble capsized and fisherman swam ashore; talk of a local poet [recites an example]; observations on changes in Filey; local chapels; Filey fishermen; childhood recollections of (local) elections; walking to Scarborough to work; collecting flidders/flithers; experience of sea fishing (haddock); fish prices; baiting lines with liver; fish selling in Grimsby; St. John's Church; salting fish; describes fishing in cobles (four lines per man); women collecting lines and carrying them on their heads [?for re-baiting]; Ebenezer Chapel; local parson; anecdote re. man named Brassy; reference to Lord ?; running for handkerchiefs [wedding custom]; tells of ships/men lost off Filey; fishing in 1914 at the outbreak of war. [Tr. 6] Same male continues to talk about his experiences of World War One and the sinking of the ship [?Edith Cavell] - the saving of the crew; names parts of a ship, including the sails; seaman's clothing; reference to men lost at sea, his mother and upbringing; a local man known as Brassy; talk of informant's house. [Tr. 1] Male [possibly recorded at Muston] talks about farm work; being hired off at the age of fourteen; harvest suppers (food and drink consumed); Hunmanby Hall; harvest time; topping turnips [another male joins]; general conversation - reference to father clipping sheep, clot hopping to break up lumps of soil after ploughing; using wooden harrows. [Tr. 2] 8 of 10.
Identifier | p75x2df1 |
IRN | 414617 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRE/A566r |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Audiotape Sound Recordings |
Creator(s) | Widdowson, John D A |
Date | [Mid-1960s] |
Size and Medium | 1 x 14.6cm open reel spool, Duration: 93' 03". |