Sound Recordings, Northumberland


[Collector announcement]; Mary Moffat, recorded at home in Earsdon; talks about doctors, a new Health Centre and home visits in the past; the village; Chapel; playing the organ; other musicians in the family; young people and discipline; the village school (now a Community Centre); holidays and travel in her youth; health; the church and falling attendances; reference to Sunday School anniversaries; chapel attendance in the past; chapel events; speaking Geordie, current usage; attitudes to the dialect and her own usage. [Tr. 1] [Collector announcement]; Bob Morris, recorded at his allotment in Earsdon [ Jim Arnold also present]; talks about his birthplace; the 1926 miners' lockout; miners' pay and the reduction demanded by employers; locked out May-December; poor relief; soup kitchens; return to work; working life at the pit from 1911; describes the pit head baths; pit's air supply; the experience of being underground; accidents; fund for dependants of the dead; children in mines; pit ponies; modern working conditions; names local pits; pitman's knowledge; employment opportunities beyond mining; shipbuilding; seeing the Mauritania leaving in 1908 (reference also to the Titanic); thoughts on corporal punishment; pit closure in 1934. Continues with description of methods of working the mine; occupational ailments and injuries; pit ponies; thoughts on young people and discipline in modern times; working day and the introduction of an eight hour day and minimum wage; village Institutes providing newspapers, games, leisure; women's work; village co-op and dividends; Union power during World War Two; changes in the village; winter of 1947; biographical details and talk of family and in-laws. [Tr. 2] [Recording affected by wind and traffic noise.]


Identifier pl9f9f9y
IRN 414903
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A852r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Upton, Clive S
Date 15 May 1974
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 81' 31".

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