Sound Recording, Suffolk


Ben Ling, recorded at home in Blaxhall; talks about singing when younger, and learning to sing; singing at school, and during his time in the Army (in France, field artillery); farm work with his uncle; moving to Canada, employment on farms; family; jobs post-war and retirement; parents; working in London; uncle's singing; singing in the Ship Inn; changes in the Ship and other pubs; the organisation of the singing and Wicketts Richardson's role; his own repertoire of songs; step dancers and musicians; women in the pub, the Candlestick Dance and segregation; village activities - Quoit Dinner, Harvest Supper; favourite singers; decline of singing amongst younger people; changes in entertainment; education and night school; sing, say, or pay; comments on singers, favourite songs and singers' repertoires. Female [? Mrs. Ling] talks about women's activities in the village, organising fund-raising concerts during the war, her involvement in committees; the Red Cross in wartime; son stationed in India; school, singing/performing sketches/plays and songs; father's accordion playing; attitude towards the pub, and other women going; drunkeness; hand bell ringers; carol singing; the Women's Institute; Men's Club Dinner; her own singing; entertaining the forces in the village; Ben Ling talks about fighting in the Ship, Gypsy Traveller communities, village entertainment; Mrs. Ling talks about nursing work in the village; both talk about Bessie Hammond; Mrs. Ling refers to the Women's Institute; Ben Ling sings 'The Song of the Thrush' [part]; cycling to pubs to sing; sings 'In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree'; Mrs. Ling comments on her husband's singing and repertoire, Bob Scarce and remembering songs, singing to her sons and their singing and work. 76 of 79.


Identifier kgxmtffw
IRN 414455
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A404r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Dunn, Ginette
Date 2 July 1975
Size and Medium 1 x 12.7cm open reel spool, Duration: 86' 06".

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