Sound Recordings, North Yorkshire


Male, recorded in Filey in 1962 [date when this copy tape made not known]; talks about sea fishing (first, aged eleven) from Grimsby (no fishing on a Sunday); fishing on Dogger Bank; tacking into the wind; working the lead line; funfair on shore Monday nights; necessity of fishing as a youngster to earn money; providing for siblings; describes a fishing trip (rowing), c. fifty years ago; taking his son to sea and teaching him the trade; taking royalty children to sea (landing at Flamborough); Flamborough lighthouse. [Recorded the following day]. Talks about fishing, wages (eight shillings a week, c. 1900), disappointment when bad weather prevented sailing; the fishing boat (yawl); selling the catch (fifteen shillings for a box of haddock), sending wages home; distance travelled to fishing ground 135 miles; Monday evenings off in Grimsby - describes leisure time; fishing out of Filey in a coble boat - relates incident at sea and rescue of crew; selling fish cheap to locals; teatime food, including cow's cheek. [Tr. 1] Male, recorded in Filey; describes his work as a blacksmith; shoeing a horse; names parts of a ?harness/?plough; making gates and fences, also anchors; describes making a fishing anchor, and a metal tyre for a waggon wheel; comments on modern welding; talk of father and grandfather (latter selling baskets to Flamborough fishermen); father's work with traction engines; mother's family from Burton Agnes; comments on modern methods of forging/stamping/welding, compared with past methods; industrial accidents; decline in iron work as horses used less; edge tools - making turnip hoes, using shear steel for the blade; machinery (twist drills); apprentice to his father; reference to the slump/economic depression of 1929/1930; talk of other men who worked for his father; other blacksmiths' shops (often with land or a pub attached); threshing - bottling sheaves to carry them, using straw bands; Massey Harris self-binder; Irish workers during harvest time. [Tr. 2] 10 of 10.


Identifier sbyr8dql
IRN 414619
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A568r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Widdowson, John D A
Date [Mid-1960s]
Size and Medium 1 x 14.6cm open reel spool, Duration: 90' 24".

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