Sound Recordings, Cheshire and Derbyshire


Compilation of Survey of English Dialects fieldwork recordings (copies) for Cheshire locations 7Ch3-6 and Derbyshire 8Db1-2. The original recordings were made in 1955, 1957, 1965 and 1966. The date when this copy tape was made is not known. [Collector announcement]; Wilf Lancaster, a miller, recorded in his home in Swettenham; talks about his working life as a miller, with reference to cutting millstones; milling oats and wheat; millstones and controlling their speed. [Tr. 5] [Collector announcement]; Walter Davis, a farmer, recorded at home in Farndon; talks about calving (process and terminology); cows' anatomy; difficult births; mares in foal. [Tr. 6] [Collector announcement]; Harry Griffiths, a cowman, recorded in Audlem; talks about ploughs and ploughing; the working day and wages; pedigree livestock; types of plough; tractors; his father's work as a teamsman; threshing and the use of steam engines; storing hay; changes in farming methods; Market Drayton Dirty Fair; farm buildings and modernisation (electricity, machine milking); hedge laying; manual nature of farm work in the past. [Tr. 7] [Collector announcement]; Stephen Morris, recorded in Hanmer; talks about farming; livestock; milking; ploughing/harvesting with horses; crops; looking for work during the Depression of the 1930s; working on the roads; catching eels; the local pub; ploughing (terminology); working days; farm animals; farm waggons; making corn and hay stacks (thatched); Hanmer Oddfellows Club - Club day, with parade, in June. [Tr. 8] [Announcement]; Arthur Hilton, railway worker and road man, recorded in Charlesworth; talks about his working life on the railway and as a gas man; talk of Lawrence Earnshaw ; looms and millworkers; Mr. Shaw; the local church; walking to/from work; the 1910 election and a Chinese slavery poster; thoughts on modern times, work and wages. [Tr. 9] [Announcement]; Bill Elliot, a retired farmer, recorded in Derwent [informant for the SED location of Bamford, five miles south east of Derwent]; talks about bad winters (reference to 1947); the isolated location of the hamlet; local transport, including carrier's carts to Sheffield and the railway; the quiet nature of the local area; drystone walls; sheep; wife's work on the farm. [Tr. 10]


Identifier vfwj9lj2
IRN 414776
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/A725r
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Audiotape Sound Recordings
Creator(s) Ellis, Stanley, Barry, Michael V, Siporin, Rae Lee
Date [1966-1980]
Size and Medium 1 x 7.6cm open reel spool, Duration: 60' 38".

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