The confectioners' hand-book and practical guide to the art of sugar boiling in all its branches : the manufacture of creams, fondants, liqueurs, pastilles, jujubes (gelatine and gum), comfits, lozenges (plain and medicated), chocolate, chocolate creams, drops, bars, &c; American caramels, ice creams and moulded ices of every description : jams, jellies and marmalades (by fire and steam). Preserved and crystalized fruits, candied peel, English and Scotch pastry, cordials and syrups for American hot & iced beverages. Aerated waters of every description, by hand and machine, for bottle, syphon, or fountain, ginger beer, horehound, and other fermented beers. The recipes are accompanied with full and clear instructions in every branch. Every information about colours and flavours; the best to use and how to make them. Useful notes on machinery for every purpose, and about one hundred illustrations
Illustrated t.p.
Advertisements: 26 p. (at end).
Includes index.
Related Records
Sibling Records
Sacred monsters, sacred masters : Beaton, Capote, Dalí, Picasso, Freud, Warhol and more
On fasting and feasting : a personal collection of favourite writings on food and eating
Edible and poisonous fungi
The Oxford book of food plants
Wine and food
Ten vineyard lunches
Portable feasts
Directory of members
Cordon Bleu cookery course
Food : the gift of Osiris
Mastering the art of French cooking
Jan's kitchen : the best of the Sunday Times columns
The Gourmet quotation book : a literary banquet
Good home cooking
The facts of food
A handbook of Anglo-Saxon food : processing and consumption
The omnivore's dilemma : the search for a perfect meal in a fast-food world
BNF nutrition bulletin
A la carte
Slow : quarterly magazine of the International Slow Food Movement
Desserts : a lifelong passion
Natural symbols : explorations in cosmology
The cook's oracle : containing receipts for plain cookery, on the most economical plan for private families, the result of actual experiments instituted
The home book of Scottish cookery
Food for work
De obseruatione ciborum = On the observance of foods
The food of China
A culinária baiana no restaurante do SENAC Pelourinho
Food file
There & back
Roman cookery : ancient recipes for modern kitchens
Breadmaking : the modern revolution
Il n'y a que Maille... : three centuries of culinary tradition
Ultimate chocolate
The classic barbecue and grill cookbook
Relais & châteaux : relais gourmands
The perfect pickle book
Portable feasts
Self-sufficiency : the science and art of producing and preserving your own food
Scientific tables
Cato on farming = De agricultura
Directory of members
Hugh Johnson's pocket wine book
Cordon Bleu cookery course
Food : the gift of Osiris
From Julia Child's kitchen
The Waterside Inn
The housewives' monthly calendar
New Scottish cookery
The festive food of China
Cordon Bleu desserts and puddings
Taking the rough with the smooth : dietary fibre and your health, a new medical breakthrough
The Oxford companion to wine
Wines and spirits
Nutrition and working efficiency
Slice of life : the British way of eating since 1945
Le Nouveau guide Gault-Millau Connaissance des voyages
Cordon Bleu cookery course
BNF nutrition bulletin
North Atlantic seafood
The Observer food monthly
Mastering the art of French cooking
Frugal food
The Penguin book of herbs and spices
Desserts : a lifelong passion
The cook's companion
Indonesian heritage
First catch your eland : a taste of Africa
British bivalve seashells : a handbook for identification
Le grand livre des calvados
The world atlas of wine
Food and cooking in 18th century Britain : history and recipes
Cook now, eat later
Venus in the kitchen, or, Love's cookery book
The Good food guide
BNF nutrition bulletin
Chateaux & hotels de France
The chocolate book
Italy : a culinary journey
The cooking of provincial France
The elements of taste
Leith's all-party cookbook
A new style of cooking : the art of Anton Mossiman
Scents and sensuality : the essence of excitement
ABC of French food
The essential Mosimann
The backyard dairy book : how to be independent of the system for your milk, cream, butter, cheese & all dairy needs
Human guinea pigs
Your kitchen garden
Wild food from land & sea
Great dishes of the world
To the queen's taste : Elizabethan feasts and recipes adapted for modern cooking
Cheap eats in London
Food of the sun : a fresh look at Mediterranean cooking
The pantropheon, or, A history of food and its preparation in ancient times : embellished with forty-one engravings illustrating the greatest gastronomic marvels of antiquity
Foodwise : understanding what we eat and how it affects us : the story of human nutrition
Monet's Cookery notebooks
Our daily bread : who makes the dough
Climate, soils and vegetation
Relais & châteaux : relais gourmands
The Observer guide to European cookery
Lunch with Elizabeth David
The perfect pickle book
Canapés and frivolities : recipes from the Savoy, London
Cooking with herbs and spices
Your daily food : recipe for survival
Directory of members
Gardens illustrated
Anton Mosimann's fish cuisine
Bistro cooking
Oz Clarke's new classic wines
Canteen cuisine : Marco Pierre White in the kitchen with Michael Caine
Everything in the larder : traditional British provisions and how to prepare them
Synthetic food
White heat
Doçaria dos conventos de Portugal
Pebble Mill good meat guide
Cuisine à la carte
The Englishman's food : a history of five centuries of English diet
Food in England
Journal of the International Wine & Food Society
The Observer magazine
Floyd on Oz
The avocado : botany, production, and uses
Empire of pleasures : luxury and indulgence in the Roman world
My learn-to-cook book
Top 200 low fat recipes
The hashish cookbook
México : the beautiful cookbook
Fish & figs : the world's healthiest recipes from the island of Crete : for vitality, health and longevity
The good cook's encyclopedia
Windmills in my oven : a book of Dutch baking
La cuisine arabe
Soho cooking
American food : the gastronomic story, including a personal treasury of more than 500 distrinctive regional, traditional and contemporary recipes
Food and cooking in 16th century Britain : history and recipes
Raymond Blanc mange : the mysteries of the kitchen revealed
Sacred food : cooking for spiritual nourishment
Much depends on dinner : the extraordinary history and mythology, allure and obsessions, perils and taboos of an ordinary meal
Green gold : the empire of tea
The science of cooking
Directory of members
The Food magazine
Farmhouse cooking
Mireille Johnston's French cookery course
Canapés and frivolities : recipes from the Savoy, London
Purity and danger : an analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo
Bistro cooking
Oz Clarke's new classic wines
That's entertaining
The Penguin book of wines
Good fish from the sea
Nutritional aspects of bread and flour : report of the Panel on Bread, Flour and other Cereal Products, Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy
Narcotic plants
Molecules at an exhibition : portraits of intriguing materials in everyday life
Giuliano Bugialli's foods of Italy
Roman food poems : a modern translation
A gourmet's guide : food and drink from A to Z
Food and cooking in prehistoric Britain : history and recipes
Journal of the International Wine & Food Society
Floyd on Oz
Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases : report of a WHO Study Group
Charlie Trotter's seafood
The World atlas of food : a gourmet's guide to the great regional dishes of the world
Composition of foods : raw, processed, prepared
Charlie Trotter's desserts
Barbecue : where there's smoke there's flavour
Connaître la cuisine normande
Time Out eating & drinking in Great Britain and Ireland
Keep it simple : a fresh look at classic cooking
Snail eggs and samphire : dispatches from the food front
The gullibility gap
Chateaux & hotels de France
Directory of members
New Scottish cookery
The festive food of China
French leave 3
The classical cookbook
Spain gourmetour
Cordon Bleu cookery course
The slimmer's cook book
World Food Café
Siren feasts : a history of food and gastronomy in Greece
The history of Bovril advertising
All manners of food : eating and taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the present
Mosimann's world
Chateaux & hotels de France
Condé Nast traveller
The chocolate book
The new E for additives : the completely revised bestselling E number guide
The new book of apples
Dining with Dickens : being a ramble through Dickensian foods
The Joyce of cooking : food & drink from James Joyce's Dublin
Truly madly pasta
Reader's digest microwave cookbook
Chateaux & hotels de France
A celebration of soup : with classic recipes from around the world
Renoir's table
Alastair Little's Italian kitchen : recipes from La Cacciata
Introductory foods
The essential guide to London's best food shops
The diaries of Robert Hooke, the Leonardo of London, 1635-1703
Success in nutrition
A taste of Yorkshire : traditional Yorkshire food
Wine and food
Chateaux & hotels de France
Directory of members
Farmhouse cooking
Mireille Johnston's French cookery course
North Atlantic seafood
Food for one : eating and cooking on your own
Wine : beer, cider, spirits : liqueurs, cocktails, cups, mixed drinks, soft drinks, and mineral waters
A taste of ancient Rome
Gault Millau
The slimmer's cook book
World Food Café
Beer is best : a history of beer
Marguerite Patten's everyday cook book in colour
South American handbook
Pleyn delit : medieval cookery for modern cooks
Sophie Grigson's ingredients book
A kipper with my tea : selected food essays
The atlas of food : who eats what, where and why
Diet and cardiovascular disease : report of the Panel on Diet in Relation to Cardiovascular Disease, Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy
Journal of the International Wine & Food Society
Waitrose food illustrated
From coffee to espresso
Dumas on food : selections from 'Le grand dictionnaire de cuisine'
Charlie Trotter's
The Encyclopedia of herbs, spices & flavourings
The food of the western world : an encyclopedia of food from Europe and North America
Chateaux & hotels de France
Cocina popular
Latin American vegetarian cookery
A modern herbal : how to grow, cook and use herbs
Modern French culinary art : the Pellaprat of the 20th. century
Paris pratique : le guide de la vie quotidienne et des loisirs à Paris
French farm and village holiday guide, 1980
The Scots cellar : its traditions and lore
Irish recipes : traditional and modern
Paul Heathcote's rhubarb and black pudding
A traveller's tastes
Eat London : architecture and eating
The festive food of Italy
Pearl S. Buck's oriental cookbook
Mr Cook : cookery guide for men
The complete book of pasta
A taste of fame : 200 celebrities present their own favourite recipes
Classic Indian cookery
Granita magic
Real food recipes for your breadmaker
Tastes of Wales
Fruit culture and utility : a comprehensive and instructive companion for amateurs and young professionals
The goodness of beans, peas and lentils
More please! : meals with milk and cheese
Middle eastern vegetarian cookery
The way to cook
Instructions for using the Belling auto-timer cooker : for use with cookers 47-plus, 47-T, 64-plus
A fresh look at fish
Cooking in war time
The everyday dairy-free cookbook : recipes for lactose intolerants
A country recipe notebook
The real food guide
British cheese directory 1999-2000
What we eat today
The cuisine of the sun : classical French cooking from Nice and Provence
The Neal's Yard Bakery Wholefood cookbook
Josceline Dimbleby's complete cookbook
Bon Appétit : America's food and entertaining magazine
Slice of life : the British way of eating since 1945
The oyster seekers
The real meat cookbook
Food of Japan
Michael Jackson's malt whisky companion : a connoisseur's guide to the malt whiskies of Scotland
A book of mediterranean food
Classic bull : an accidental restaurateur's cookbook
Recipes of old England : three centuries of English cooking, 1580-1850
Kitchen wizard
Mediterranean seafood : a handbook giving the names in seven languages of 150 species of fish, with 50 crustaceans, molluscs and other marine creatures, and an essay on fish cookery, with over 200 recipes from the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries
Breadmaking and yeast cookery
The practical cook
It must've been something I ate : the return of the man who ate everything
Unfit for human consumption : food in crisis - the consequences of putting profit before safety
China's food : a photographic journey
The complete book of spices
Complete Arab cookery
The Faber book of food
A taste of Goa
Michael Jackson's pocket beer book
French country cooking
Michael Jackson's beer companion
Italian food
Ma cuisine
Washington cook book
Vatapá : xinxim, moqueca, mocotó, e mais 100 pratos da Bahia
The Welsh cookbook : a collection of recipes donated by the people and personalities of Wales : with a few extra celebrity supplements
Alexis Soyer : cook extraordinary
A guide to modern cookery
Smoked Salmon and Oysters : a feast of Suffolk memories
Quick and easy Chinese cooking
Handbook of cheese
Below the belt
Chinese gourmet cooking
The home encyclopedia
Géographie gourmande de la France : comment faire venir sur votre table les meilleurs produits de nos provinces
The taste of France : a dictionary of French food & wine
An ABC of Indian food
Verde en la cocina mexicana
The Hare Kṛṣṇa cook book : recipes for the satisfaction of the supreme personality of godhead
North African cookery
Xocoatl : chocolate : la aportación de México al mundo recetas e historia
Dr Atkins' diet revolution : the high calorie way to stay thin forever
Great Indian feasts : 130 wonderful, simple recipes for every festive occasion
Menu & recipe book
The vegan cookbook : over 200 recipes all completely free from animal produce
La cuisinière provençale : 1123 recettes, 365 menus, un pour chaque jour de l'année
The International Wine and Food Society's guide to herbs, spices and flavourings
Moro : the cookbook
The wines of France
Casserole cookery with Pyrex
Classic Chinese cuisine
Cream with everything
Soups and hor d'oeuvres
La véritable cuisine de famille : la bonne et vieille cuisine française : 1000 recettes simples, économiques indiquant les quantités et les temps de cuisson
The Covent Garden cookbook
Indian regional cooking
The farmers' market cookbook
Chinese food
Herbs for all seasons
The Westmorland Federation of Women's Institutes cookery book
Food in history
Pure, white and deadly : the problem of sugar
What's cooking
Soul food : classic cuisine from the Deep South
Cockney cookbook : tasty East End grub
Festive cooking
The cook's tale
The joy of cooking
Home baked : a little book of bread recipes
Picnic : the complete guide to outdoor food
Grandmother's secrets; her green guide to health from plants
McDougall's cake book
How safe is food in your kitchen?
Eat like a lord
Ken Hom's quick and easy cookery course
Pumpkins & squash
The South American cook book : including Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies
The pocket book of home canning
Nico : recipes and recollections from one of our most brilliant and controversial chefs
Pickled, potted and canned : the story of food preserving
The bushfood handbook : how to gather, grow, process & cook Australian wild foods
Food : a history
The well-dressed salad : contemporary, delicious and satisfying recipes for salads
Il Veneto in cucina
Dressed vegetables à la mode
The complete bread book
Great European chefs
Vegetarian cooking
Simply fish : a guide to identifying, buying and eating fish
Left over for tomorrow
1988 Which? wine guide
Rick Stein's food heroes
Martha Stewart's Christmas
Rhodes around Britain
The Polish kitchen
The splendid table : recipes from Emilia-Romagna, the heartland of northern Italian food
The Paris cookbook
Jewels of summer : recipes for the best of British summer fruits
Patatas a la carta
Larousse gastronomique
A book of Middle Eastern food
A taste of pumpkin
Classic Indian vegetarian cookery
Tamarind & saffron : favourite recipes from the Middle East
Champneys cookbook
Cooking with wine
Mushrooms on the menu
A taste of Zanzibar : chakula kizuri
Mrs Groundes-Peace's old cookery notebook
A slimmer way of life
Ken Hom's illustrated chinese cookery : a new edition of the chinese cookery classic
South East Asian food : Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
The cooking of Japan
The Bishops cook book : recipes from bishops and their wives who attended the 1988 Lambeth Conference
Chinese food for thought
French cooking for English homes
Michael Jackson's pocket cocktail and bar book
Cooking for family & friends
Acetaria : a discourse of sallets (1699)
La cuisine Chantraine : the complete collection of original recipes created at the Restaurant Chantraine in Brussels
The Epicurean book
Larousse gastronomique : the encyclopedia of food, wine and cooking
Australian colonial cookery
The fishmongers' company cook book
Danish cooking
Teaching young children to cook
Wagamama : way of the noodle
English seafood cookery
The doctor's quick weight loss diet
Gary Rhodes at the table
Le petit guide des vins d'Alsace
The feast of my life
The Roman cookery book : a critical translation of 'The art of cooking' by Apicius, for use in the study and the kitchen
A taste of the country
Chicken dishes : including turkey, duck & game
Butchering, processing and preservation of meat
The soybean grow-and-cook book
Home-made cakes and biscuits
Noshe Djan : Afghan food and cookery
Floyd on Africa
Mediterranean cooking for pleasure
The new Galt cook book
The baker's ABC : an encyclopedic dictionary for bakers, confectioners, and caterers
The millionaire's diet
Travels with a hot wok : 160 quick and easy dishes with East-West flavours
Essential herbs : enhancing your life with aromatic herbs and essential oils
Good fish dishes
The Mitchell Beazley pocket guide to cheese
The "Best way" book
Penguin cordon bleu cookery
Rosemary and bitter oranges : growing up in a Tuscan kitchen
The integrated cookbook : or, The soul of good cooking
The feast of Santa Fe
Fresh from the freezer
Cooking with unusual foods
Mexican cooking
Pat Chapman's Taste of the Raj
Great cooks and their recipes : from Taillevent to Escoffier
Le guide du gourmet à table : a practical guide for diners and epicures
Quick breads
The Polish kitchen
Annabel Karmel's baby and toddler cookbook : more tempting, nutritious and easy-to-cook recipes from the bestselling author of The complete baby and toddler meal planner
Cuisine actuelle
Flavours of Mexico
Bistrot Bruno : cooking from L'Odéon Restaurant
Café Spice Namaste : new-wave Indian cooking with over 100 recipes
You can cook, it's fun : a beginner's cookery book
Foolproof Mediterranean cookery : step by step to everyone's favourite Mediterranean recipes
Far flung Floyd : Keith Floyd's guide to South-East Asian food
The Bridgestone 100 best places to eat in Dublin 1995
Hotels-restaurants France 1999
A formulary of selected remedies : with therapeutic annotations and a copious index of diseases and remedies, diet tables, etc. : a hand-book for prescribers
Philip Harben's Television Cooking Book
Sichuan cookery
Recipes from a French herb garden
The Spanish kitchen
Roma in cucina
Food glorious food : winning recipes from the first junior cook of the year competition : with additional material
Guide to traditional French and British recipes
Facts about bread
Appetisers, vegetables & salads
Backe nach grundrezepten : Ein lehrbuch für erfahrene hausfrauen und solche, die es werden wollen
Modern German food : over 70 contemporary recipes
Country bread
Elizabeth David : a biography
Sophie's table
Simple French cuisine : from Provence and Languedoc
Silvester's sensible cookery
Cook it the French way
The complete Scarsdale medical diet, plus Dr. Tarnower's lifetime keep-slim program
Katie Stewart cooks : based on the I.T.V. series by Grampian Television Ltd
The Prudhomme family cookbook : old-time Louisiana recipes
Egon Ronay recommends eating places in London and round Britain
The Butterick cook book : with special chapters about casserole and fireless cooking
Jenny Webb's mixer & blender cookbook
Fare il pane e le ricette di pane
Cuisine courante
Vegetable cooking of all nations
The pizza book : everything there is to know about the world's greatest pie
Mediterranean cookery
Floyd in the soup : or my life and other great escapes
The Bridgestone 100 best restaurants in Ireland 1995
Tried favourites cookery book : with household hints and other useful information
The young cook
Very simple food
Why not eat insects?
The taste of health : the BBC guide to healthy cooking
The true history of chocolate
The festive food of Spain
Leave it to cook: the slow cooking method
Eating may be hazardous to your health : how your government fails to protect you from the dangers in your food
Eating your way to health : the Bircher-Benner approach to nutrition, with a complete cookery book
Healthy nutrition : preventing nutrition-related diseases in Europe
Facts about bread
New great dishes of the world
Air du Japon,1995
The book of tea & coffee
Cuisine naturelle : the way to better health, longer life and happiness
Argentina para todo el mundo
A book of Mediterranean food
Latinoamérica, su civilización y su cultura
Sophie Grigson's taste of the times
A collection of apple recipes
Coffee : a dark history
Feed the brute!
Short cut cookbook
Hot food
Egon Ronay's TWA guide 1983 to good restaurants in Europe's business cities
The melting pot : Balkan food and cookery
Dictionary of aphrodisiacs
Pot luck : a celebrity cookbook
The Wine and Food Society's guide to meat
The bachelor chef
A handbook of cookery for school and home
Food processor techniques
Tin fish gourmet : great seafood from cupboard to table
Great Britain & Ireland 2003 : selection of hotels and restaurants = sélection d'hôtels et de restaurants = selezione di alberghi e ristoranti = Auswahl an Hotels und Restaurants
The Tate cookbook
Petit livre sur le paprika hongrois
Où est le garlic, or, Len Deighton's French cook book : including chapters on l'art culinaire, les viandes, les fromages, les corps gras, la carte des vins, la cuisine française et le froid, le lexique, la batterie de cuisine, and 50 cookstrips
The book of old tarts : over 80 scrumptious sweet and savoury recipes
Jancis Robinson's food and wine adventures
Bread for every occasion
An invitation to Italian cooking
Mary Berry's new aga cookbook
Kevin Gould's loving and cooking with reckless abandon
The student's technology of breadmaking and flour confectionery
My water-cure : as tested through more than thirty years and described for the healing of diseases and the preservation of health
Chocolate baking
Mediterranean seafood : a handbook giving the names in seven languages of 150 species of fish, with 50 crustaceans, molluscs and other marine creatures, and an essay on fish cookery with over 200 recipes from the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries
Traditional Greek cooking from Cyrpus and beyond
The festive food of Russia
Food for friends
The cooking of the British Isles
Paula Peck's art of good cooking
Stuffed : growing up in a restaurant family
Rick Stein's seafood odyssey
Gardening for the future of the Earth
Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana kitchen
Egon Ronay's Lucas guide 1985 : hotels, restaurants, inns in Great Britain and Ireland
The eat your own pet cookbook
Sport and the body: a philosophical symposium
The entertaining book
Favourite seafood recipes : from Britain's coastal waters
James Sherwood's discriminating guide, London : fine dining and shopping with a special section on museums and art galleries
Greek food : an affectionate celebration of traditional recipes
La cocina tradicional cordobesa
50 great curries of India
Breakfast in bed : morning menus for sensational beginnings
The goodness of olive oil
International action to avert the impending protein crisis : report to the Economic and Social Council of the Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
A taste of Africa : with over 100 traditional African recipes adapted for the modern cook
Baked beans
Harden's UK restaurants 2003
Home measures : the essential reference guide to sizes and measurements for home, office and kitchen
James Beard's fish cookery
More caviar
Secrets of the great French restaurants : nearly 400 recipes from famous restaurants starred in the Michelin Guide
Menus made easy : how to order dishes and give the dishes their French names
Mastering the art of French cooking
The food we eat
South wind through the kitchen : the best of Elizabeth David
Fish and fish dishes of Laos
The physiology of taste, or, Meditations on transcendental gastronomy
A cozinha baiana : seu folclore, suas receitas
How to bottle fruit, vegetables, game, poultry, milk, tomatoes, etc
La technique : the fundamental techniques of cooking: an illustrated guide
Feast without fuss
The complete Indian cookbook
Nou manual de cuinar amb tota perfecció = Nuevo manual de guisar con toda perfección
The cook's encyclopaedia : ingredients and processes
The wines of Italy
McDougalls for all your baking
Chinese cooking and eating for health : delicious dieting
The handy book of the household : containing useful information about beds, bleaching, boxes, boots, carpets, curtains, disinfectants, dyes, domestic matters, fabrics, filters, firewood, furniture, glass, gloves, kitchen ware, lamps, mats, etc
Catering science and technology
West Country fish recipes : a harvest from home waters
Malaysian cookery
Take six more cooks
Cookery for every household
Food in Vogue : six decades of cooking and entertaining
Six hundred recipes for meatless dishes
Reader's Digest/Perrier guide to the Greek menu
The Fontana/Hachette guide to France 1985
Traditional Greek cooking : the food and wines of Greece
Great Britain & Ireland 2001 : selection of hotels and restaurants = sélection d'hôtels et de restaurants = selezione di alberghi e ristoranti = Auswahl an Hotels und Restaurants
Susan King's cook book
Sophie Grigson's travels à la carte
The F-plan
Jane Grigson's vegetable book
Posh food
Bread : an assessment of the bread industry in Britain : the TACC report
Lighthearted brewing
Antonio Carluccio goes wild
Hidden France
The ecological eclair : recipes for sugarless treats
The all new Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School cookbook
The Mitchell Beazley pocket cheese book
101 kiwifruit ideas
Flavoured breads
An omelette and a glass of wine
Shellfish : the art of shellfish cookery with an illustrated directory
Great dishes of Spain
The food and cooking of Russia
Eat your greens
Breadmaking at home
Leith's Indian and Sri Lankan cookery
Flesh and blood : a history of the cannibal complex
Brewing better beers : a practical guide to the craft which will satisfy every would-be home brewer and his thirst
Gourmet Ireland
Egon Ronay's Lucas guide 1982 : hotels, restaurants, inns in Great Britain and Ireland
A food lover's companion
Guide to better food and nutrition
Waugh on wine
Favourite Welsh recipes
What you have eaten in Norway : popular Norwegian dishes
In search of plenty : a history of Jewish food
French cooking : 400 French recipes to add pleasure and variety to English mealtimes
100 tapas with Tío Pepe
Floyd's American pie
The Tabasco cookbook : 125 years of America's favorite pepper sauce
20 cities Europe = 20 villes Europe
The essential Saffron companion
British cheese directory 2002
Simple food
Postcards from kitchens abroad
Cadbury's chocolate for all seasons
Il Libro della polenta
Birmingham's world of eating
Cooking for a baby
Facts New Zealand
The cookbook of the United Nations
Everyday dishes : old & new : being a selection of tasty, nutritious and economical cooking recipes for use with Lyle's golden syrup and Tate & Lyle's packet sugars
A year at Ballymaloe Cookery School
How to cook and eat in Chinese
The classic Italian cookbook : the art of Italian cooking and the Italian art of eating
Cooking in ten minutes, or, The adaptation to the rhythm of our time
Reader's Digest complete guide to cookery
Rick Stein's food heroes
The Times cookery book
Cyril Ray's complete imbiber
Town & country fare & fable
Simply British
Patricia Wells at home in Provence : recipes inspired by her farmhouse in France
The River Cottage cookbook
The Tassajara bread book
From Anna's kitchen : plain and fancy vegetarian menus
Chinese food and fables : the wisdom of a Chinese cook
Coffee : a connoisseur's companion
Vinos, licores y escarchados
Cooking at the kasbah : recipes from my Moroccan kitchen
Michelin hotels-restaurants 1997, Great Britain and Ireland
What's cooking in Japan : healthy home-style recipes the Kikkoman way
Madame Prunier's fish cookery book
The art of the tart
The mushroom feast
Curries and bugles : a memoir and cookbook of the British Raj
Home brewed beers and stouts : a handbook to the brewing of ales, beers and stouts at home from barley, malt, malt extract and dried malt extract
A passion for mushrooms
Mary Berry's new cake book
Honey from a weed : fasting and feasting in Tuscany, Catalonia, the Cyclades and Apulia
The Game cookery book
Food, wine & friends
Jams, conserves and preserving
Bread : from ciabatta to rye
Around the Roman table : with more than 150 original recipes
Beck Heinz
Ma & Pa's if you're hungry Cajun cookbook
Cooks for Kosovo : great recipes from Britain's favourite TV cooks
Deep-freeze secrets
Rick Stein puddings
A little history of Irish food
Gardening for gourmets
Viennese cookery
Lloyd George's favourite recipes
Nutrition and your mind
Great Britain and Ireland
The nouvelle cuisine of Jean and Pierre Troisgros
The new vegetarian epicure
Traditional recipes of Laos : being the manuscript recipe books of the late Phia Sing, from the Royal Palace at Luang Prabang, reproduced in facsimile and furnished with an English translation
The magic of tofu : and other soybean products
Spices : a culinary guide to choosing and using spices
Hotels-restaurants, Great Britain & Ireland 2000
A taste of Baltistan
Cake icing and decorating
Big flavours & rough edges : recipes from the Eagle
Jane Grigson's fruit book
Food and cooking in Roman Britain : history and recipes
The flavours of Gujarat : distinctive regional Indian cuisine
Carluccio's complete Italian food
France à la carte
A season in Spain
Spoon food & wine
My Mexico : a culinary odyssey with more than 300 recipes
Caribbean cookbook
Indian-Jewish cooking
Cooking in ten minutes, or, The adaptation to the rhythm of our time
The 20 minute health check
Modern cooking : from the first back-street bistros of Lyons to the finest restaurants of today
Great chefs of France
The peoples' cook book : staples, delicacies & curiosities from the earth's humble kitchens
Jane Grigson's vegetable book
The career woman's cookbook
Tropical legumes : resources for the future
Rick Stein main courses
A little history of Irish food
The great British cheese book
A guide to market fruits of Southeast Asia
The imbibers guide to wine pronunciation
Pasta, pizza & calzone
Ten dinner parties for two
Sobrasada de Mallorca : sabor y color : el secreto mejor protegido de la dieta mediterránea
Dining as a Roman emperor : how to cook ancient Roman recipes today
Clean plates : cooking for young children
Salad days : a collection of European and American salad recipes
On Uncle Sam's water wagon : 500 recipes for delicious drinks which can be made at home
The art of cake decorating
Food co-ops : how to save money by getting together and buying in bulk
A passion for potatoes
Fish dishes
Vatch's Southeast Asian cookbook
Bovril : the natural stock for all seasons
Ma cuisine des saisons
Elogío de la berenjena
The book of ingredients
Notions on cooking : a non-recipe cookbook
Mary Berry's ultimate cake book : over 200 classic recipes
Haybox cookery
Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese cookbook
Hungry for you : essays and extracts
Let's eat right to keep fit
Sophie Grigson's herbs
Chocolate desserts by Pierre Hermé
Cocina regional Aragonesa y Riojana : las mejores y más típicas recetas
Flavours of Mexico
Spuds galore
The Penguin book of spirits and liqueurs
Egon Ronay's Cellnet guide 1995 : hotels, restaurants, & inns, Great Britain & Ireland
The Picnic papers
Jill Walker's Caribbean cookbook : featuring 52 Jill Walker drawings
Festive feasts cookbook
A second slice : an anthology
The complete Asian cookbook
The Dutch table : gastronomy in the golden age of the Netherlands
The best health ideas I know, including my personal plan for living
Good pub food : a guide to Britain's best 600 pubs for real food and real ale
Progressive catering : a comprehensive treatment of food, cookery, drink, catering services and management
The book of ices : including cream and water ices, sorbets, mousses, iced soufflés, and various iced dishes, with names in French and English
Kind cooking
Wholefood cooking
How to be a Carioca : the alternative guide for the tourist in Rio
The Indian pantry
Talking about cakes : with an Irish and Scottish accent
La cucina tradizionale
Foolproof French cookery
Sainsbury's help you add variety to your diet
Brain food for kids : over 100 recipes to boost your child's intelligence
Plenty and want : a social history of diet in England from 1815 to the present day
Simply divine : recipes from the Cooking Canon [i.e. John Eley] & Rabbi Blue
The art of cuisine
English recipes, and others from Scotland, Wales and Ireland as they appeared in eighteenth and nineteenth century cookery books and now devised for modern use
A food lover's treasury
Mediterranean seafood
Chopstix : quick cooking with Pacific flavors
The Richard Corrigan cookbook
Cocina regional Manchega, Levantina y Balear : las mejores y más típicas recetas
A celebration of spices : Kerala recipes from Spice Village
30-minute suppers
The Princes' recipe book
Russian cookbook
Leith's cookery bible
The food bible : the ultimate guide to all that's good and bad in the food we eat
The weekend garden
The wines of Bordeaux
Alan Snow's wacky guide to food fun
The preserving book
The wine times, no. 34 : vintage festival, 1981
Pasta & oodles of noodles : a collection of pasta recipes
Never eat your heart out
Eat fat and grow slim
Eat up : food for children of all ages
The virtuous weed
Indian cooking
Fanny Hill's cook book
Darling, you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble
La cuisine spontanée
Booth's handbook of cocktails and mixed drinks
Food and nutrition research : report of the ARC-MRC committee
The natural foods cookbook
Cod : a biography of the fish that changed the world
A Catalan cookery book : a collection of impossible recipes
Savouring Italy
Henrietta Green's farmers' market cookbook
Culinary tales : an anthology of stories and recipes
Cocina regional Andaluza : las mejores y más típicas recetas
Patrick Skinner's Cyprus kitchen : home cooking from the mediterranean and one or two other places
The Presley family cookbook : featuring recipe favorites of the Presley family
Egon Ronay's Cellnet guide 1992 : hotels, restaurants, & inns, Great Britain & Ireland
An introduction to the study of the principles of bread-making
The Caribbean cook
The Berkshire Cookery book
One year at Books for Cooks
Indulgence : around the world in search of chocolate
Truffles : the black diamond and other kinds
The new Penguin cookery book
Les Secrets de la cuisine russe
Mrs. A.B. Marshall's larger cookery book of extra recipes
Shaun Hill's Gidleigh Park cookery book
Bottomfeeder : how the fish on our plates is killing our planet
The lymphatic glands, jointing of carcases, and animal anatomy : drawings for students of meat inspection
Hors d'oeuvres : how to make them
Vecchia Brianza in cucina
Food and cooking in medieval Britain : history and recipes
Good eating : a second book of war-time recipes
The Gunge file : episodes in the life of Ray Gunge, self-styled catering wizard of the north
Mary Berry's ultimate cake book : over 200 classic recipes
The yachtsman's cook book
The bean book
Home preservation of fruit and vegetables
Let's stay healthy : a guide to lifelong nutrition
The Stork wartime cookery book
Fruit : a connoisseur's guide and cookbook
River Cafe cook book green
The conduct of the kitchen : how to keep a good table for sixteen shillings a week
The Trap door kitchen
Colin Spencer's vegetable book
Mama Sita's East-West cook-book
The good cook selection : 50 potato recipes for healthy living
The Russian cookbook : recipes from Armenia, Azerbaidzhan, Belorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Turkestan and the Ukraine
Madhur Jaffrey's Far Eastern cookery
The taste of China
Fruit dishes & raw vegetables
Drinks of all kinds : hot and cold for all seasons
One year at Books for Cooks
Guía gastronómica de España
The wine book : a straightforward guide to better buying and drinking for less money
Use your loaf : a book of bread recipes old and new
Cooking for brides
The wine and food of Austria
Shaun Hill's cookery book
Flavours of the world
The good pub guide 2003
Arabella Boxer's book of English food : a rediscovery of British food from before the war
Food and cooking in 19th century Britain : history and recipes
International curry dishes
The artful cook : secrets of a shoestring gourmet
A taste of Egypt : quick & easy Egyptian recipes
James Beard : a biography
The best book of Greek cookery
Provence of Alain Ducasse
River Café cook book easy
Quick and easy winemaking from concentrates and fruit juices
Trader Vic's Pacific island cookbook, with side trips to Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Mexico and Texas : 300 food and drink recipes from 18 different places
British food : an extraordinary thousand years of history
Sameen Rushdie's Indian cookery
An alphabet of choosing and serving wine
The story of Loch Fyne oysters
A taste of Africa : an African cookbook
Foolproof Asian cookery : step by step to everyone's favourite recipes from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam
Suzy cookstrip
Floyd on Britain & Ireland
Teriyaki and sushi : selected 73 recipes
The eskimo diet : how to avoid heart attack
Happy birthdays : how to decorate birthday cakes, tables and gifts - for people who think they can't
The new complete book of Mexican cooking
Cuisine grand-mere : traditional French home cooking
Scottish Highland hospitality : new recipes from the Scottish Highlands and Islands
More than rice and peas : guidelines to improve food provision for black and ethnic minorities in Britain
La grande cucina : 3715 ricette, 242 soggetti a colori, 221 soggetti in nero, 139 disegni
The good pub guide 2001
Mediterranean cookbook
Georgian menus and meals
The Main cookery book
Cucina essenziale = essential cooking
Rick Stein's fruits of the sea
The Guernsey babaco cookbook
Oz Clarke's wine factfinder and taste guide
Herbs & spices : a gourmet's guide
The nasty bits : collected varietal cuts, useable trim, scraps, and bones
Mario of the Caprice : the autobiography of a restaurateur
Il tartufo : habitat, ricerca, zone di reperimento, addestramento del cane e tecniche di coltivazione del bianco e del nero
The heretic's feast : a history of vegetarianism
The discovery of chocolate
Gordon Ramsay's secrets
The Penguin cookery book
The pauper's cookbook
Kitchen in the corner : a complete guide to bedsitter cookery
Entertaining on ice : short-term freezing for the busy cook
Casablanca cuisine : French North African cooking
Summer cooking
The best of British cooking
Sauces : sweet and savoury, classic and new
Food & wine of the French provinces : a traveller's guide
Japanese cookery
Fast French : 100 recipes for stylish dishes in minutes
The edible sea
To die by inches : the famine in North East Cork
Good housekeeping's new basic cookery in pictures
The Penguin salad book
The Sunday Times complete cook book
The medieval cookbook
The Main cookery book
The great garlic cookbook
Food irradiation : the facts
The sporting epicure : the tradition of great game cookery
Sainsbury's book of wine
New Larousse gastronomique : the world's greatest cookery reference book
Curry leaves and cumin seeds
Reader's Digest/Perrier guide to the French menu
Chez Martha Rose : pleasures of Parisian eating
Zagatsurvey 2003 Europe's top restaurants : 26 major cities from A (Amsterdam) to Z (Zurich), including London, Paris and Rome
The Penguin freezer cookbook
Gordon Ramsay's passion for flavour : recipes from the Aubergine
The WI diamond jubilee cookbook
Offal : gourmet cookery from head to tail
Food for sport cookbook : the ultimate nutritional guide for peak performance
The compleat strawberry
Modern classics
Evergreen : classic vegetarian cookery
Ices : the definitive guide
Instruction in cookery; Book of receipts
Mrs. Balbir Singh's Indian cookery
Kitchen garden
Cuina catalana
Hutchinson's food and the principles of dietetics
Great Britain & Ireland 2002 : selection of hotels and restaurants = sélection d'hôtels et de restaurants = selezione di alberghi e ristoranti = Auswahl an Hotels und Restaurants
Tiger Lily : street food
Bakery : bread & fermented goods
Whine & dine
The Observer guide to European cookery
The best of British bacon recipes
Curries and bugles : a memoir and cookbook of the British Raj
Antonio Carluccio's vegetables
Mary Berry's freezer cookbook : over 150 easy to prepare recipes for your freezer
Honey from a weed : fasting and feasting in Tuscany, Catalonia, the Cyclades and Apulia
The Englishman's food : a history of five centuries of English diet
Brazil : a cook's tour
Cookies, biscuits & biscotti
Easy cooking for three or more
The French at table
Taste of Morocco
Food without frontiers
Sophie Grigson's country kitchen : 120 seasonal recipes
100 tiffin varieties : (vegetarian)
Mrs. A.B. Marshall's cookery book
'Vogue' food diary, 1978
Rick Stein's taste of the sea
The legendary cuisine of Persia
Dublin dining : new recipes from Dublin's finest chefs
Egon Ronay's Ford guide 1994 :... and baby comes too : 900 family-friendly hotels and eating places in Great Britain
A taste of England : traditional English food
The food factor : an account of the nutrition revolution
The really helpful cookbook
Feasts : for special or greedy days
English bread and yeast cookery
Cake decoration : illustrated with photographically reproduced full sized engravings of designs of cake tops, sides, and ornaments
Slimming World fast food : quick, delicious recipes to help you lose weight and feel great
The food of Italy
Floyd on Spain
The Bridgestone vegetarians' guide to Ireland
España & Portugal, 2003 : selección de hoteles y restaurantes
How to freeze : everything you need to know about freezing and freezer management
The way I cook
The way of all flesh : a celebration of decay
The New York Times gourmet shopper : a guide to the best foods
Recipes from an English master chef
Charcuterie & French pork cookery
La pasta asciutta, ripiena, al forno
Traditional Italian food
Kevin Gould's loving and cooking with reckless abandon
The story of champagne
French leave
The healthy life beverage book : a compilation, alphabetically arranged, of refreshing, curative, stimulating, and nutritive liquids, comprising fresh fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable broths, cereal drinks, unfired fruit soups, nut milks, plant teas, herbal decoctions, fruit syrups, gum water, &c., with critical notes on water, milk, casein, whey, beef tea, yeast extracts, vinegar, sugar, coffee, tea, cocoa, &c., also information respecting the nutritive and medicinal properties of all the products referred to
Heavenly chocolate
Food processor cookery
Investigating food in history
Sophie Grigson's meat course
The blessings of bread
The kitchen front : 122 recommended recipes selected from broadcasts by Mabel Constanduros, Freddie Grisewood, etc
The food of Indonesia : authentic recipes from the spice Islands
Rick Stein's seafood
The taste of France : a dictionary of French food & wine
Gourmet Ireland two
Egon Ronay's MLC guide 1993 : Pubs & Inns : the best in accommodation, over 1300 establishments in Great Britain
The book of cheese
Microwave cooking
Symposium fare : recipes from the Oxford symposium 1981 on national and regional styles of cookery
Sue Lawrence's Scottish kitchen
Eating simply : an ecological cook book
The Roux brothers cooking for two
Growing grapes in Britain : a handbook for winemakers and viticulturists
Nick Nairn's top 100 salmon recipes : quick and easy dishes for every occasion
Century 21 cookbook : 375 meatless recipes : economical, nutritious, tasty, plus 16 pages of nutritional facts
The exotic kitchens of Peru : the land of the Inca
More classic Italian cooking
One-pot wonders
Trade winds
The Common Ground book of orchards : conservation, culture and community
Kitchen confidential : adventures in the culinary underbelly
Cuisine spontanée
Catalunya llaminera : descripció i receptari de les postres típiques catalanes
Food and society
Cuisine of Germany
The picture of health : environmental sources of disease
A kitchen primer : a basic cookbook
The Boston Cooking-School cook book
The first principles of good cookery
Vino : the wines and winemakers of Italy
2002 Paris restaurants
Effortless entertaining
A culinary campaign
The marathon chef : food for getting fit
How to grill
Edible gifts
The Danwich guide : the art of making Danish open sandwiches
50 fish recipes
The rituals of dinner : the origins, evolution, eccentricities, and meaning of table manners
Look younger, live longer
Brazilian cooking : 10 classic recipes and 50 others
The book of household management : comprising information for the mistress, housekeeper, cook, kitchen-maid, butler, footman, coachman, valet, parlour-maid, housemaid, lady's maid, general servant, laundry-maid, nurse and nurse-maid, monthly, wet, and sick-nurse, governess : also, sanitary, medical and legal memoranda : with a history of the origin, properties, and uses of all things connected with home life and comfort
Outdoor feasts
Sauceguide : pubs & bars
A handfull of herbs
The independent cook : strategies for seasonal cooking
Food : the Museum of Modern Art appointment calendar
The Balkan cookbook
Claire Macdonald's Scotland : the best of Scottish food and drink
The History of Stilton cheese
Dr. Carlton Fredericks' low-carbohydrate diet
Hungarian cookery
A taste of Colman's
The modern cook's manual : all you need to know about cooking with over 200 recipes
Moley's feasts and treats : a seasonal cookbook
Can Britain feed itself?
Trade winds
Good hearted cookery : the Champneys/Slimmer Magazine guide to low cholesterol cookery
An ABC of home freezing
Funa, food from Africa : roots of traditional African food culture
Good food on a budget
Italian country cooking : recipes from Umbria & Apulia
L'Alta Murgia in cucina : Ricette tradizionali
Hong Kong food plants
The bread book
Thai food
Mediterranean flavours : savouring the sun
Christmas : a cook's tour
The complete Mexican cookbook
The anthropologists' cookbook
The taste of Portugal
Street café Morocco
Art of Oriental cooking
Pick, cook and brew
Archestratus the life of luxury : Europe's oldest cookery book
The Jewish heritage cookbook
Food for thought : cabe et vale, Londinium or a flight to the enchanted coast of Norfolk, embodied in a lachrymose catalogue of 100 books on cookery, amongst the many of the finest flowers of their kind, and other perennials which, though less spectacular, yet smell as sweet at their more balmy prices; including a supplement of 40 cook books from the new world (would that it still were....)
The diabetic cookbook
The passionate epicure
Sucre d'art : [exposition] Musée des arts décoratifs, 8 février-17 avril 1978
The book of Latin American cooking
Jill McWilliam's book of freezing
Cheese and cheese-making
Gammon and spinach
The modern cook : a practical guide to the culinary art in all its branches: comprising, in addition to English cookery, the most approved and recherché systems of French, Italian, and German cookery; adapted as well for the large establishments as for the use of private families
The best of British pubs : and other places to eat and drink
The gourmet's guide to London
Fruit & health
The British colonies, dependencies, and protectorates : physical, commercial, descriptive, political, social, historical
Tapas : the little dishes of Spain
Not all in the mind
Fantastic cakes
The Carter family favorites cookbook
Incest and morris dancing
Gastronomic tour de France
The recipes of Hannah Woolley : English cookery of the seventeenth century
No-one else has complained
And the toast is : a miniature anthology of drinking songs seasoned with a little prose
The international cookery book : 975 recipes
A-Z of slimming
The Alice B. Toklas cook book
The organic baby food book
Life and food in the Basque country
The Durden Park Beer Circle book of recipes : comprising recipes of light ales, pale ales, bitters, brown ales, dry and sweet stouts, lagers, and barley wines
Salads for all the year round
Chicken & egg : recipes & farmyard tales
Taste of Portugal
Mediterranean street food : stories, soups, snacks, sandwiches, barbecues, sweets, and more, from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East
Latin American cooking
Lillian Beckwith's Hebridean cookbook
A basket of berries : recipes and paintings from a fruit garden
Amy Willcock's Aga baking
A wine primer
The Duchess of Duke Street entertains
The book of spices
Murrels two books of cookerie and carving
The Good value guide,1988
Manual of nutrition
The perfect pickle book
Roast chicken and other stories : a recipe book
La France à votre table : the gastronomic routes of France
Kenneth Lo's Chinese cookery course
Gastronomy of Italy
A year in a Scots kitchen : celebrating summer's end to worshipping its beginning
Food for beginners
Barbara Cartland's health food cookery book
The diabetics' diet book : a new high-fiber eating program
Tulpa, nifu, ekinda
The new curry bible : the ultimate modern curry house recipe book
Blue corn and chocolate [uncorrected proof copy]
Balkan cooking
First catch your peacock : a book of Welsh food
Almonds are in the kitchen
Recipe book
Simple food
All you need to know about the starch-blocker diet
Casserole cookery with fireproof china and earthenware utensils
Recipes from restaurants in the Good Food Guide
Candies and bonbons and how to make them
Green & Black's chocolate recipes : from the cacao pod to muffins, mousses and moles
Proof of the pudding
Lebanese cuisine
The Virgin guide to London's best restaurants
James Beard's Theory and practice of good cooking
Salt-free cooking : recipes for eating well on a low-sodium diet
Entertaining the Persian way
Michael Smith's new English cookery
125 cookery recipes of Majorca, Minorca & Ibiza
The "this-will-kill-you" cookbook
African cookery book
Food additives : taking the lid off what we really eat
Japanese cooking
The hot and spicy cookbook
A taste of England : the West Country : traditional food
Brit spice
Entertaining all'Italiana
Real Greek food
British tastes : an enquiry into the likes and dislikes of the regional consumer
Hot chefs : over 150 recipes from Britain's greatest chefs
Nutritional deficiencies in modern society
The organic directory : your guide to buying organic foods : 2000-2001 edition
Aphrodisiacs in your garden
The A to Z of health food terms
Good things
The perfect egg and other secrets : recipes, curiosities, secrets of high- and low-brow cookery, from watered salad to boarding-house pastina in brodo, from Apicius to Michel Guérard, from Alexandre Dumas to Carlo Emilio Gadda, from the Curé de Bregnier to St Nikolaus von Flüe
Forum on the nutritional aspects of bread and flour and the implications for public health and the food industry : summary of proceedings
Cooking from the heart of Europe : food from Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and South Germany
Welsh country cookery : traditional recipes from the country kitchens of Wales
South African Cape Malay cooking
Classic food of China
Japanese cookery : 20 recipes
Pratos típicos do Brasil
Frida's fiestas : recipes and reminiscences of life with Frida Kahlo
Receipts and relishes : being a vade mecum for the epicure in the British Isles
A cozinha paulista : a volta ao mundo em 80 receitas
Encyclopedia of European cooking
East of Orphanides : my Middle Eastern food
Roger Vergé's vegetables
English food
European festival food
Beard on pasta
Encyclopedia of cheese
Carol Wright's flat cook book
One continuous picnic : a history of eating in Australia
Brews and potions : a hand book of remedies, spells, elixirs, cordialls and aphrodisiacs
Floyd on Italy : I came, I saw, I cooked! : veni, vidi, coxi!
A Provençal table : the exuberant food and wine from Domaine Tempier Vineyard
The Master chefs of Britain recipe book : over 250 recipes from the great chefs of Britain
Nelson's home comforts
Traditional West Country cookery
Food from Finland
Understanding additives
Family cook : more fabulous food for next to nothing
Savouries and sweets : suitable for luncheons and dinners
Majorcan food and cookery
Antonio Carluccio's passion for pasta
The Omega 3 fish & shellfish guide
The confectioners' hand-book and practical guide to the art of sugar boiling in all its branches : the manufacture of creams, fondants, liqueurs, pastilles, jujubes (gelatine and gum), comfits, lozenges (plain and medicated), chocolate, chocolate creams, drops, bars, &c; American caramels, ice creams and moulded ices of every description : jams, jellies and marmalades (by fire and steam). Preserved and crystalized fruits, candied peel, English and Scotch pastry, cordials and syrups for American hot & iced beverages. Aerated waters of every description, by hand and machine, for bottle, syphon, or fountain, ginger beer, horehound, and other fermented beers. The recipes are accompanied with full and clear instructions in every branch. Every information about colours and flavours; the best to use and how to make them. Useful notes on machinery for every purpose, and about one hundred illustrations
"What" and "how", or, What shall we have?, and How shall we have it?
We Japanese : being descriptions of many of the customs, manners, ceremonies, festivals, arts and crafts of the Japanese, besides numerous other subjects
Schott's food & drink miscellany
Masterclass in Japanese cooking
Fodor's Paris,1982
Sheila Howarth's Country fare
A book of Welsh bakestone cookery : traditional recipes form the country kitchens of Wales
Comme chez soi : creative Belgian cuisine
Recipes : classic French cooking
The English companion : an idiosyncratic A-Z of England and Englishness
Radiation cookery book : for use with the Regulo New World gas cookers
A table in Provence : classic recipes from the South of France
Simplified cooking and invalid diet
Diet for a small planet
Fruity passions
The flavours of Andalucia
The Wine and Food Society's guide to German cookery
Cookery for busy lives and small incomes
The complete Asian cookbook
The Breville toasted sandwiches book
Everyday cooking with Jacques Pépin
The complete book of barbecues
Portrait of a chef : the life of Alexis Soyer, sometime chef to the Reform Club
Street food from around the world
How to eat well and stay well the Mediterranean way
Good tempered food : recipes to love, leave, and linger over
A culinary guide to West Sweden : [Göteborg, Bohuslän, Dalsland, Västergötland]
The healthy Indian kitchen : food for vitality and fitness
Egg, flour, rice and cheese dishes
The essential guide to London's best food shops
Cider for all seasons : Mary Berry's cider recipes and drinks
Bills food
A loaf of bread : bread in history, in the kitchen and on the table : recipes and traditions
Robert Carrier's quick cook
Sauces : French and famous
Cucina Siciliana : authentic recipes and culinary secrets from Sicily
Food - facts and fallacies
The Tio Pepe guide to the seafood of Spain & Portugal
Russian cooking
Michel Guérard's Cuisine minceur
The country housewife's handbook
The good dog's cook book
The Jimmy Young cook book : 142 recipes from the Jimmy Young show
The new wolf in chef's clothing
Saveurs et traditions créoles
Elinor Fettiplace's receipt book : Elizabethan country house cooking
Real fast puddings : over 200 desserts, savouries and sweet snacks in 30 minutes
Carnal appetites : food, sex, identities
"The pudding lady's" recipe book : with practical hints
The grubbag : an underground cookbook
Wartime recipes : a collection of recipes from the war years
The pleasures of cookery
A concise encyclopedia of gastronomy
Michael Smith's Glyndebourne picnics
Franco & friends : food from the Walnut Tree
At Home with the Roux brothers
A history of the American soft drink industry : bottled carbonated beverages, 1807-1957
Pears' shilling cyclopædia
The Papal bullside book
Island harvest
Violet Oon cooks
The cannibal cookbook : fiendish ways to cook your friends and serve them right
Cooking with flowers
Chinese cookery masterclass
Cornish recipes : ancient and modern
Keeping company : contemporary menus for delicious food and relaxed entertaining
The essentials of classic Italian cooking
A taste of London : traditional food
Jewish cookery
The economics of modern cookery, or, A younger son's cookery book
Traditional British cooking for pleasure
Come alive! : positive steps for healthier living
Fresh thoughts on food
Portrait of pasta
Alice's restaurant cookbook
The British at table 1940-1980
Girardet : recipes from a master of French cuisine
Easymade wine and country drinks
The complete guide to preparing baby foods
Açúcar, côco, mandioca : culinária e confeitaria
Manual of nutrition
Brave new victuals : an inquiry into modern food production
Food with the famous
El libro de la paella y de los arroces
Easy food
The little brown bread book
Comer en el Altoaragón : la cocina del vino
Home preservation of fruit and vegetables
The Mafia cookbook
Great British chefs
The modern baker, confectioner and caterer : a practical and scientific work for the baking and allied trades
What shall we have to drink?
Home-made wines and liqueurs : how to make them
Classic French cooking
The Robert Carrier cookbook
Travel in health : a guide to healthy travelling overseas
The International Wine and Food Society's guide to poultry & game
The real cheese companion : a guide to the best handmade cheeses of Britain and Ireland
Pleasures of the Italian table : Italy's celebrated foods and the artisans who make them
Allinson cookery book
International kitchen : a book of recipes from all over the world compiled by Good Housekeeping Institute in collaboration with the Gas Council
Indian cookery for use in all countries
The Zilli fish cookbook : quick and easy recipes from Britain's top fish restaurant
Favourite Indian food : authentic regional recipes
Antony Worral Thompson's top 100 beef recipes : bquick and easy dishes for every occasion
Le Gavroche cookbook
The joy of Chinese cooking
Mexican cookery
A taste of Thailand : a practical and atmospheric guide to Thai cuisine
The world book of pork dishes
The vegetarian epicure
Salt : a world history
La grande cuisine à petits prix
Recipes : the cooking of the British Isles
Classic Palestinian cookery
The fish in my life : cooking and eating fish for health and happiness
The vine manual, or, Instruction for the culivation of the grape vine : in the stove, vinery, and greenhouse
Meatless meals : a cookery book with over 200 recipes
Les légumes de mon moulin
Jane Grigson's fish book
Real food handbook
Baking with passion : exceptional recipes for real breads, cakes and pastries
Classic Austrian cooking
Recipes from a Spanish village
Leith's complete Christmas
Beard on bread
Lebanese cookbook
A cook's tour of Britain
Walkers traditions of Scotland
The Canterbury pewside book
A feast of Floyd
The Irish gourmet : Traditional fare and gourmet dishes from Ireland's best hotels, restaurants and pubs
Kenny's Cajun Creole cookbook
Wine is the best medicine
Foolproof Thai cookery : step by step to everyone's favourite Thai recipes
A cordiall water : a garland of odd & old receipts to assuage the ills of man or beast
The flour graders' guide to better baking
The anti-ageing cookbook
Recipes for West African foods
Darina Allen's Ballymaloe cookery course
Fruit for the home and garden
Classic Turkish cookery
The domestic encyclopaedia : or, A dictionary of facts, and useful knowledge, comprehending a concise view of the latest discoveries, inventions, and improvements, chiefly applicable to rural and domestic enconomy
Finger lickin' good : a Kentucky childhood
Easy peasy : real cooking for kids who want to eat
Enquire within upon everything
The art of good living : a contribution to the better understanding of food and drink, together with a gastronomic vocabulary and a wine glossary
Poison on a plate : the dangers in the food we eat - and how to avoid them
Asian cook
Modern vegetarian cookery
Cooking the Indian way
The kitchen : and, The cook
Something's burning : the autobiography of two cooks
Lakeland cookery
A taste of Scotland : a Scottish Tourist Board project
Sensible food for all : in Britain and the temperate zones
The Indian epicure : classic recipes from North India
Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, how to cook vegetables
Iced delights
Eating up Italy : voyages on a Vespa
The cuisine of Hungary
Dictionary of gastronomy
Vietnamese cooking : exotic delights from Indo-China
La cuisine gourmande
Madhur Jaffrey's ultimate curry bible : India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, South Africa, Kenya, Great Britain, Trinidad, Guyana, Japan, USA
A guide to London's ethnic restaurants
The English bread book
Antique dinner recipes : for all seasons : an 18th century selection
The Sunday Times 1000 days out in Great Britain and Ireland
The unforgettable dishes of my life
The basic basics soups handbook
The Wine and Food Society's guide to classic sauces and their preparation
Kenny cooks America
A cozinha gaúcha : a volta ao mundo em 80 receitas
Ken Hom's Chinese cookery
The bread baker's manual : the how's and why's of creative bread making
Easy to entertain
Polish cookbook
La cuisine du marché : en hommage à Alfred Guérot
The new Cranks recipe book
Food Standards Committee second report on bread and flour
Hors-d'oeuvres, savouries, salads, pâtes, and cheese etc
In search of food : traditional eating & drinking in Britain
The cook book
Enquire within upon everything : to which is added Enquire within upon fancy needlework
The I still hate to cook book : with over 140 recipes and 323 afterthoughts
Les secrets des cuisines en terre marocaine
The Floris book of cakes
A dictionary of Japanese food : ingredients & culture
Kitchen book
Elizabeth Craig's economical cookery : containing over 650 economical recipes, together with a special section on catering and cooking in war-time
Cookery book
The coffee companion : the connoisseur's guide to the world's best brews
A taste of Kashmir
The book of apples
The Epicure's anthology
Recipes from the Indian spice trail
Mr Therm goes county : 160 famous county recipes
Kitchen essays
The shopper's guide to Paris
Soup, oysters and surprises
On salads
The law and the loaf
Modern cookery for private families
Mediterranean grains & greens : sun-drenched and irresistible - 170 authentic recipes
Suffolk cook book
The French baguette and pain Parisien
Floyd on fire
Madrid Fusión : I Cumbre Internacional de Gastronomía
The best of New York
Austrian cooking for you
Valentina's Italian family feast : festive cooking for family occasions
The dictionary of healing plants
Food for presents
Cookery book
A taste of heaven : adventures in food and faith
Cooper's Oxford : a history of Frank Cooper Limited
Eva Batt's vegan cookery
Michael Smith's posh nosh book
The international chafing dish cook book
The compleat housewife : or, Accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion. Being a collection of upwards of six hundred of the most approved receipts in cookery... with copper plates curiously engraven, for the regular disposition or placing of the various dishes and courses. And also bills of fare for every month of the year. To which is added, a collection of above three hundred family receipts of medicines
A world of flavours : recipes from the voyages of a master chef
Mannerström : fish and shellfish, a sensuous experience
Indonesian regional food & cookery
A taste of England, 1978 : over 780 restaurants offering English food prepared in the traditional way
The complete crafty cook book
Picnic recipes : a special CPRE collection of celebrity recipes
Das Kochbuch aus Salzburg
What one can do with a chafing dish : a guide for amateur cooks
250 Recettes De Cuisine Brésilienne
The Toshiba book of microwave cookery
Old cook books : an illustrated history
Fodor's France, 1978
The New York Times natural foods cookbook
Useful recipes for unsweetened milk
Minceur exquise
Madhur Jaffrey's quick and easy Indian cookery
The big red book of tomatoes
Egyptian cooking : a practical guide
The cooking of South West France
Honey : from hive to honeypot
Food and travel
Marguerite Patten's century of British cooking
La cocina completa
The Bridgestone Dublin food guide : 1997-1998
Great Britain and Ireland
The home book of Jewish cookery
Farmhouse kitchen : based on the Yorkshire Television series
Simply smoked : a little book of tempting recipes for smoked fish, meat and vegetables
Game cookery
The eat-less-meat book : (war ration housekeeping)
The market for yellow skinned chickens
Entertaining single-handed
The soup book
A taste of Persia : an introduction to Persian cooking
Is there a nutmeg in the house?
The pasta book : home-made pasta, filled pasta and pasta sauces
Dear Francesca : a cookbook with love
Chinese cooking
Cooking in Provence
Indonesian regional food & cookery
Good food throughout the year : month by month recipes
Classic FM crafty French cooking
Easy sweetmaking
Fish and fish products : third supplement to the fifth edition of McCance and Widdowson's The composition of foods
Cooking with Joy : a collection of family recipes
Köstliche Spezialitäten aus der schwäbischen Küche : eine Neuausgabe mit 340 Rezepten traditioneller und neuer Zubereitung
Citrus varieties of the world : an illustrated guide
Seductive flavours of the Levant : home cooking from Lebanon, Syria and Turkey
The Sunday Times book of woodland and wildflower gardening
Cooking in ten minutes, or, The adaptation to the rhythm of our time
Great Britain and Ireland
Burgers, rösti & fritters
Vegetable plotter
The spice book
La grande cuisine minceur
Sue Lawrence's book of baking
In praise of the potato : recipes from around the world
The ABC of preserving
Sicilian food
Pasta al forno : baked pasta recipes
Favourite foods of the famous
Living and eating
Simple French food
Red Sage : contemporary western cuisine
A Yankee cook in an English kitchen : favourite American recipes adapted for English cooks [uncorrected proof copy]
Guide des fruits tropicaux : la Réunion, Maurice, Mayotte
Traditional Scottish cookery
1984 Which? wine guide
Pasta perfect
The British regional food and drink directory
Authentic Mexican cooking : regional cooking from the heart of Mexico
The complete cooking canon
Food lovers' London
The confectioner's and pastry-cook's guide, or, Confectionery made easy
Ice cream
Roger Vergé's Entertaining in the French style
Grow, freeze and cook : your garden on a plate
A book of Welsh soups & savouries : recipes from the traditional heart of Welsh cookery, including cawl - Wales' meal-in-a-bowl
The awful cook's book
Floyd on France
The health spas : a world guidebook to health spas and nature-cure centers... all the best places for rest and rejuvenation
The dinner question : or, How to dine well and economically (1860)
Cooking with Michael Smith
Food of the bards 1350-1650
Food from the village
Austrian cooking
The adventurous fish cook
Secrets from an Italian kitchen
Charcuterie and French pork cookery
The princess and the pheasant, and other recipes
Catalan cuisine : Europe's last great culinary secret
On food and cooking : the science and lore of the kitchen
Breadlines : a journal of food and events
Apricots on the Nile : a memoir with recipes
Corfu banquet : a memoir with seasonal recipes
The Roux brothers on patisserie
Paris and environs
Clearly delicious : an illustrated guide to preserving, pickling & bottling
A meal for all seasons
Copeland Marks' Indian & Chinese cooking from the Himalayan Rim
Food inspection notes : a handbook for students
The Il Fornaio baking book : sweet and savory recipes from the Italian kitchen
Good housekeeping colour cookery
A visual feast
Judy's cookery book
Cooking for kids
Not claret
England, the west country : tourist guide
Anton Edelmann creative cuisine : chef's secrets from the Savoy
China to Chinatown : Chinese food in the West
Oz Clarke's pocket wine book 2003 : the world of wine from A-Z
What every cook should know
Elizabeth Craig's enquire within : a new book of simple, lively and up-to-date information on every household subject. Over 2,000 hints to be kept ready to hand
Ices : the definitive guide
Chef's manual of kitchen management
Flavors of the Riviera : discovering real Mediterranean cooking
Zagat map NYC 2002, New York City restaurants : based on the country's best-selling dining guide : [Manhattan]
The Spanish table; the food and wines of Spain
Pure Greek cooking
Culinary herbs
A chef for all seasons
Fish, game and poultry
Encyclopaedia of home-made wines
My gastronomy
Food for sport and fitness
Cooking in a bedsitter
Hawaiian cooking
Mrs. Lucas's French cookery book : with some additional hints from English and American kitchens
Hard up and hungry : a cook book of hassle free recipes and guide to civilised survival : produced for and by students and young people on the loose
The historic hotels of London : a select guide
Sue Lawrence's book of baking : more than 120 glorious breads, biscuits, cakes and tarts
Tempura and sukiyaki : selected 60 recipes
New classic cuisine
The International Wine and Food Society's guide to traditional British cookery
Look! It cooks : a life in microwaves
Cuisine Niçoise : recipes from a Mediterranean kitchen
Pumpkins & squashes : recipes, propagation and decoration
La cuisine pour 3 : recettes simples et pratiques calculées pour 3 personnes
Take 6 ingredients : 100 ingenious recipes to create simple, delicious meals
Continental motoring guide, 1983
Portuguese cookery
Cuisine spontanée
Spices and useful plants of Zanzibar
The futurist cookbook
Anton Edelmann's perfect pastries, puddings & desserts : a stunning collection of delicious recipes to suit every occasion
Oz Clarke's pocket wine book 2002
The Wine and Food Society's guide to soups
Bread & oil : Majorcan culture's last stand
The food of Portugal
Let's love fish
2002 New York City restaurants
The almost meatless diet book : delicious diet plans for long-lasting weight loss
SPACE cooks
The Blue Elephant cookbook : Royal Thai cuisine
A taste of Périgord
Traditional Life in Shetland
The George Bernard Shaw vegetarian cook book
The rituals of dinner : the origins, evolution, eccentricities, and meaning of table manners
Natural baby food
Les Routiers 2002
Beeton's book of household management
Army food and messing : the complete manual of mess management
The cooking of South-West France
A taste of Alsace
Floyd on fish
Meena Pathak's Indian cooking for family and friends
Las mejores recetas del bacalao
Guide France 1982
Good Housekeeping cookery book
Recipes and suggestions using pork & bacon
A buyer's guide to olive oil
With bold knife and fork
Bumper cook
La Cuisinière de la campagne et de la ville ou Nouvelle cuisine économique
A little spice cookbook
The joy of slimming
Classic great dishes of the world
A cook's tour : in search of the perfect meal
The vitamin and mineral counter : the essential guide to healthy eating
Dimsum : Chinese light meals, pastries and delicacies
La Construcción en pedra en sec a Mallorca = la construcción de piedra en seco en Mallorca = la construction en pierre sèche à Mallorque = dry stone construction in Majorca = der Bau bon Trockenmauern auf Mallorca
Colman's book of traditional British cookery
Kitchen ranging : 775 international recipes
Dancing on my table : perspectives on life and food
Mushrooms & toadstools : how to find and identify them
Noodles the new way
Fes vu par sa cuisine
Ashley Courtenay's Let's halt awhile : a guide to the hotels which Ashley Courtenay recommends
Cooking for one
The cuisine of Alain Senderens = La cuisine réussie
To the King's taste : Richard II's book of feasts and recipes
Table of natural orders
The first-time cook book
Food science and technology
On Rue Tatin : the simple pleasures of life in a small French town
The chafing-dish supper
The U.K.B.G. international guide to drinks
Viennese cuisine : the new approach
The concise herbal encyclopedia
A wolf in the kitchen : easy food for hungry people
Moroccan cuisine
Delia Smith's Christmas
Couscous and other good food from Morocco
The best of Floyd : my greatest hits
A taste of Switzerland
Feast days : recipes from the Spectator
Perfect venision : British farmed venision, a little book of recipes
L'alimentation suicide : les dangers réels et imaginaires des produits chimiques dans notre alimentation
Patout's Cajun home cooking
A look at yesteryear : early Australian cooking
Ricette tradizionali di Modena
The best of Paris : Gault Millau
Guide Michelin
It's your world vegetarian cookbook
Particular delights : cooking for all the senses
Pepys at table : seventeenth century recipes from the modern cook
A buyer's guide to olive oil
Dinner with James
Domestic preservation of fruit and vegetables
Michael Field's cooking school : a selection of great recipes demonstrating the pleasures and principles of fine cooking
The feast of the olive : cooking with olives and olive oil
Formulas for flavour : how to cook restaurant dishes at home
English cookery new and old
Perfect pickles
A pinch of spices
Stephanie's feasts and stories
Culpeper's complete herbal : consisting of a comprehensive description of nearly all herbs with their medicinal properties and directions for compounding the medicines extracted from them
Pears and plums
Tony & Giorgio
A tradition of English wine : the story of two thousand years of English wine made from English grapes
The new cigar companion : a connoisseur's guide
The cook German book
Chinese cookery : a hundred practical recipes
Delicious home cooking
Dim sum and other Chinese street food
Harvest of the cold months : the social history of ice and ices
Health foods and herbs
The country housewife's family companion
Pizzas & pasta
The diner's dictionary : food and drink from A to Z
Canada, the scenic land cookbook
Cooking with wholegrains
The Prince Philip throneside book
La cocina de Akelaŕe : el sueño de Pedro Subijana
The home book of Indonesian cookery
Guide to Chinese restaurants & food retailers in the UK
Feeding your children : a complete guide to healthy eating for pregnancy, babies, toddlers and children up to 11
Meze : small bites, big flavors from the Greek table
Flavours of Greece
Chile : [una cocina = fine cuisine
Notes on meat and food Inspection for sanitary inspectors
Nancy Silverton's breads from the La Brea Bakery : recipes for the connoisseur
The Bombay Brasserie cookbook : over 100 recipes with the authentic flavours of the Raj
Exotic tree fruit for the Australian home garden
La dolce cucina : the Italian dessert cookbook
The new Jewish cuisine
Le répertoire de la cuisine
The new cookbook
Fragrance of the earth : Lebanese home cooking
The chemistry of cooking and cleaning : a manual for housekeepers
Out to eat : London 2001
What are you drinking? : all you need to know about drinks
How to get well : according to "Nature's way" with an alphabetical list of ailments and their appropriate treatment
The WI book of jams and preserves
Food for free
Lang's Compendium of culinary nonsense and trivia
Five hundred points of good husbandry
The vegetable passion : a history of the vegetarian state of mind
The pappadum
Danish food / Grete Grumme; colour photos by Kirsten Kyhl
The bread machine book : over 100 recipes for easy-to-make spectacular breads
Sushi : taste and technique
Nutrition scoreboard : your guide to better eating
A celebration of soup : with classic recipes from around the world
The restaurant guide 2002
Sylvia's Soul Food : recipes from Harlem's world famous restaurant
The Swedish kitchen : a culinary journey : 198 recipes from south to north featuring modern Swedish food
The unforgettable dishes of my life
Scottish cakes and baking in colour
Milk, cheese, and butter : a practical handbook on their properties and the processes of their production, including a chapter on cream and the methods of its separation from milk
Vogue cocktails
Nobu : the cookbook
Fragrant Harbour taste : the new Chinese cooking of Hong Kong
A taste of Ireland : Irish traditional food
English cooking in four languages
The dial-a-dish cook book : based on the G.P.O. telephone recipe service by arrangement with the British Farm Produce Council
The new cuisine
The culture & cuisine of the Cape Malays
Common insect pests of stored food products : a guide to their identification
Crazy cooking
Faye Levy's international Jewish cookbook
The Conran cookbook
Fish cookery
Another landscape revealed : a culinary view of the Polish countryside
The Wine and Food Society's guide to bakery, cakes and simple confectionery
British gastronomy : the rise of great restaurants
A book of Welsh bread : recipes for the old, traditional wholegrain wheat, barley and rye breads of Wales, adapted for baking today
The nursery cookery book
Les Millors receptes de la cuina mallorquina
The Birds Eye book of home freezing
Today's eating : with American long grain rice
The taste of Mexico
Champagne: the wine, the land and the people
P is for pesticides
Recipes for the preserving of fruit, vegetables and meat
The French cook
Guinness, Dublin
Indian cookery
Modern cookery for private families
Woman's own book of cake decorating and cake making
Classic Jamaican cooking : traditional recipes and herbal remedies
Le guide des champignons : reconnaitre, ramasser, cuisiner
The basic basics baking
Dr. Oetker German home cooking
The thousand recipe Chinese cookbook
Couleurs, parfums et saveurs de ma cuisine
Ken Hom's quick wok : the fastest food in the East
A taste of England : [kitchen manual]
Dinner at Buckingham Palace
Larousse traditional French cookery
Shopped : the shocking power of British supermarkets
Irish traditional cooking
Great dishes of the world
The feast of Christmas
Easy peasy sweetie pie : truly scrumptious treats for kids who love to bake
English wine : then and now
'Good Housekeeping's' My second school cookbook
Glynn Christian's new delicatessen food handbook
La cuisine en Pays d'Agde de Nicolas Albano
The rice book
The prawn cocktail years
The Daily Telegraph cook's book
A harvest of apples
First steps to fitness : with never a jerk
Árboles y arbustos del Pirineo
La France et ses colonies : ouvrage conforme aux programmes de 1920 : troisième année
A drink for its time : farm cider making in the Western Counties
Fodor's South America 1971 : a comprehensive handbook of the whole continent
A taste of Ireland : Irish traditional food
The Northampton cookery book : favourite recipes tested by well-known ladies
Istanbul la magnifique : propos de tables et recettes
Michel Guérard's cuisine gourmande
On baking
Onions without tears : cooking with onions & shallots, garlic, leeks
The Ackerman guide to the best restaurants and hotels in the British Isles
Meals for moonrakers
Greek island cookery
Gary Rhodes Food with friends
The festive food of Thailand
From cellar and kitchen
The goodness of potatoes and root vegetables
Take a buttock of beefe
Tom Caxton recipe book : new ways with true brew beers
Voyages de l'aubergine
Kitchen confidential : adventures in the culinary underbelly
Quentin Crewe's gourmet traveller's menu guide
Cooking for friends
Wild mushrooms : how to find, identify & cook them
A feast of words : banquets and table talk in the Renaissance
Christmas from the freezer
The cheese handbook : a guide to the world's best cheeses, over 250 varieties described, with recipes
Spices, salt and aromatics in the English kitchen
Pot luck : recipes from the stars in aid of the Autistic Unit, Oak Lodge School
Pasta : every way for every day
London : tourist guide
The Africa cookbook : tastes of a continent
Real chocolate : over 50 inspiring recipes for chocolate indulgence
A surprise in every dinner
The story of the potato : through illustrated varieties
The little bean cookbook
Feast : a history of grand eating
Gary Rhodes cookery year : autumn into winter
Guide de l'amateur de pain
Bread winners : more than 200 superior bread recipes and their remarkable bakers
The art of quick breads : simple everyday baking
The Pan book of winemaking
Making bread at home : 50 recipes from around the world
Wine making with herbs
Cuisine of the sun
Parents for safe food : the safe food handbook
The impoverished student's book of cookery, drinkery & housekeepery
Pears' shilling cyclopædia
Tower pressure cooker recipe book
The Greek islands
Markets of Provence : a culinary tour of southern France
Marcella cucina
The marinade cookbook
Spanish regional cookery
The apple source book : particular recipes for diverse apples
The cook's garden
A guide to napkin folding
The cookery book for diabetics
The great American food hoax
Pesticides and food : a balanced view
The Harry's Bar cookbook
Light fare recipes for corn flour, "Raisley" and custard powder cookery
Good soups
The Rector's cookbook
Vino : great wine for everyday life
Il nuovo grande libro delle sculture di pane
FishWorks seafood café cookbook
30 minute menus
The experienced English housekeeper
Traditional cakes & puddings
Salt : a world history
The way we are
How to enjoy your weeds
The Latin American kitchen : a book of essential ingredients with over 200 authentic recipes
Cooking with verjuice
The Spanishwoman's kitchen
La cucina di Bologna : in centro riceyye tradizionali
The Penguin book of home brewing and wine-making
Apricots on the Nile : a memoir with recipes
No cook cookbook : over 200 simple recipes and ideas for mouthwatering meals without cooking
Caribbean cooking
Jekka's complete herb book
Food for free
Roast chicken and other stories : second helpings
How to bottle fruit, vegetables, game, poultry, milk, tomatoes, jams, pickles, etc. by Geo. Fowler
Provence gastronomique
Food choice and the consumer
Lloyd George's favourite dishes : a recipe book
The foods and wines of Spain
Life and food in the Caribbean
Yum : a voyage around my stomach
Food resources : conventional and novel
A Peek into Turkish cooking
The art of coarse cookery
Out to lunch
The Chinese kitchen
The history and virtues of cyder
Club wine list, autumn 1981
Cook the wild bird : an erudite treatise on the joy of hunting, cooking, and eating game birds, containing a galaxy of modern recipes on game bird cookery in America with significant information on the various game birds plus hints on how they are hunted
The Alice B. Toklas cookbook
My Irish cook book
Chafing dish and casserole cookery
Comfort me with apples : love, adventure and a passion for cooking
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish... a king : a book of delicious Nestlé's milk recipes
The nursery cookery book
Living on the earth : celebrations, storm warning, formulas, recipes, rumors & country dances harvested
Cocina selecta mallorquina
A feast of cooks : a year in the Telegraph kitchen
Recetas de cocina del Mercado Central de Valencia
Recipes from the Orkney Islands
The Good food directory
Rice and restaurants
Floyd's fjord fiesta
Ismail Merchant's Passionate meals : the new Indian cuisine for fearless cooks and adventurous eaters
The best of France
Isle of Wight cookery book
The perfect hostess
The essential olive oil companion
Carving meat and poultry
Irish country house cooking : the blue book recipe collection
The housekeeper's guide to preserved meats, fruits, vegetables, &c
Round the world in eighty dishes : the world through the kitchen window : for armchair travellers and young enthusiasts
Stephanie's seasons
The best of Robert Carrier : 250 favourite recipes from around the world
The Wine and Food Society's guide to cheese and cheese cookery
Classic Conran : plain, simple and satisfying food
Janie Ellice's recipes, 1846-1859
The glutton's glossary : a dictionary of food and drink terms
The book of meat cookery
The village baker : classic regional breads from Europe and America
Traditional Moroccan cooking : recipes from Fez
Celebrity choice cookbook
Santi Santamaría, cocinero del restaurante Can Fabes
Cooking is fun
Food and drink in Britain : from the stone age to recent times
The Taj magazine
Floyd's food
Kerala, colours, culture & lifestyle
Cassell's household cookery
The day the pigs refused to be driven to market : advertising and consumer revolution
Brian Turner's favourite British recipes : classic dishes from Yorkshire pudding to spotted dick
Quick meals
Easy noodles : recipes from China, Japan and South-East Asia
Party! food
The yogurt cookbook
New British classics
Traditional puddings
Menus for all seasons
The goodness of garlic
Nigella bites
Wine scandal
No-weigh to cook
Arte culinario de Bolivia
Good food from Ireland : the best of Irish cookery
Betty Crocker's new outdoor cookbook
New Generation cook book
Take 33 dozen eggs : a book of egg cookery
All about cakes and candies for pleasure and profit
The British Relais Routiers good value guide 1984
Wine's my line
Under the sun : Caroline Conran's French country cooking
The good housewife's jewel
Classic finger foods and appetizers
The flavour of Latin America : recipes and stories
The French kitchen : a cookbook
The poacher's cookbook : game and country recipes
Secrets of Eastern cooking
The loaves and fishes miracle cookbook : how to feed a multitude of unexpected guests
The encyclopedia of herbs and herbalism
Gary Rhodes cookery year : spring into summer
The botany of desire : a plant's eye view of the world
London at dinner : where to dine in 1858
Fifty breakfasts
The practical daily menu : suggestions and recipes for 365 breakfasts, 365 dinners, 365 suppers
The Boots book of home wine making and brewing
Arabian flavours : recipes and tales of Arab life
A cozinha baiana : a volta ao mundo em 80 receitas
A book of scents & dishes
La cocina y sus misterios : explicación científica de las 55 mejores recetas de la cocina francesa
Simply pickles : a little book of tempting chutneys, preserves and relishes
Your place or mine? : cooking at home with restaurant style
More delicious meals with cheese : 24 practical recipes for one and all
The Scots kitchen : its traditions and lore, with old-time recipes
Reader's Digest Perrier guide to the Italian menu
Game cooking
Le cahier de recettes provençales
The book of gingerbread
Recipes from Le manoir aux quat' saisons
Mourjou : the life and food of an Auvergne village
New tapas : today's best bar food from Spain
The American Heritage cookbook
The World of cooking
Favourite Cornish recipes
Food and feast in medieval England
More easy cooking for one or two
Taste of Israel : a Mediterranean feast
Confectionary of Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera
Henrietta Green's food lovers' guide to Britain
One hundred and one ways of cooking potatoes
Cocina regional Manchega, Castellana y Leonesa : las mejores y más típicas recetas
The Spice Islands cook book
Cooking the Caribbean way
Frying tonight : the saga of fish & chips
Russian cookery
No place like home
Cake decorating and sugarcraft
The British Museum cookbook
The gentlewoman's companion, or, A guide to the female sex : the complete text of 1675
World of salads
The Gerard Ronay chocolate kit
Enjoying Scotch
Judith Olney's entertainments : a cookbook to delight the mind and senses
Windowsill herbs : growing tips and recipe ideas
A cozinha mato-grossense : a volta ao mundo em 80 receitas
Ken Hom's East meets West cuisine
Crockery pot cooking
Make the most of bread in pub catering
Dangerous tastes : the story of spices
A passion for caviar : the art of eating and enjoying
Simply delicious meals in minutes
Spain on a plate : a mouthwatering selection of Spanish regional food
Les Routiers 2004 : the road to good food
The big book of brewing
The magic of herbs
The complete travellers' France
Your daily bread
La Tante Claire
Focaccia : simple breads from the Italian oven
Book of bread & breadmaking
A book of Welsh bread : recipes for the old, traditional wholegrain wheat, barley and rye breads of Wales, adapted for baking today
Le Cordon Bleu complete cooking techniques
Vin rude
Fasting : the super diet
Ice cream : sorbets, frozen yogurts, parfaits, bombes and more
A table in Tuscany : classic recipes from the heart of Italy
Good things in England : a practical cookery book for everyday use, containing traditional and regional recipes suited to modern tastes : contributed by English men and women between 1399 and 1932
A life with food
Food as presents
Guide des relais routiers
Sue Lawrence's Scottish kitchen
Wine snobbery : an insider's guide to the booze business
Modern cookery for private families
The Essex cookery book
Illustrated guide to herbs
Egon Ronay's Cellnet guide 1989 : hotels, restaurants, & inns, Great Britain and Ireland
Traditional Spanish cooking
The goodness of nuts and seeds
How to eat : the pleasures and principles of good food
Recipes for the nation's favourite food : Britain's top 100 dishes
The company speaks : communication in modern business management
Whole Earth cookbook : recipes tested in the Whole Earth Restaurant on the University of California campus, Santa Cruz, California
Foods from France
Bridge on British beef
New Zealand native trees
The Crisis cookbook
Eat and be well, eat and get well
Wings of life : the pleasures of vegetarian cookery
The baking of an English loaf
Easy cooking for one or two
Eating and drinking : a miscellany
Chefs galore
Bread wholesome bread : a collection of nutritous bread recipies [sic] using mixed grain flours [uncorrected proof copy]
Food : a 20th-century anthology
Pots and pans
The chocolate companion : a connoisseur's guide to the world's finest chocolates
The best butter in the world : a history of Sainsbury's
The lunchbox book
Creating small gardens
The cookery year
Italy for the gourmet traveller
Puligny-Montrachet : journal of a village in Burgundy
Crazy water, pickled lemons : enchanting dishes from the Middle East, Mediterranean and North Africa
Katie Stewart's guide to Danish bacon cookery
'The Saturday evening post' all American cookbook : 500 all-American recipes
Building a wood-fired oven for bread and pizza
Wine making the natural way
The court and kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwell, wife of the late usurper, truly described and represented, and now made public for general satisfaction
Fields of greens : new vegetarian recipes from the celebrated Greens restaurant
Guide to good food and wines : A concise encyclopedia of gastronomy
The book of Jewish food : an odyssey from Samarkand and Vilna to the present day
English puddings : sweet and savoury
Women chefs of Britain : a wonderful collection of the recipes from the leading women chefs of the British Isles
The accomplisht cook, or The art and mystery of cookery
Food from the Arab world
Here's health
Simply the best : the art of seasonal cooking
Das Fleischergewerbe in Wort und Bild
Lancashire cookery
Les secrets de la mère Brazier
Feasting with Brian Binns
Caribbean & African cookery
Spoon : food & wine
The Raj at table : a culinary history of the British in India
Cuisines of Southeast Asia : a culinary journey through Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines
The true history of chocolate [uncorrected proof]
Simple French cooking : recipes from our mothers' kitchens
The Good housekeeping illustrated cookbook
Classic cheese cookery
Cuisiniers à Roanne : les recettes originales de Jean et Pierre Troisgros
Rick Stein starters
Ireland's traditional foods : an exploration of Irish local and typical foods and drinks
The great British cheese book
Herbs from a Norfolk kitchen : [with] additional recipes from Norfolk Lavender
Management of constipation
The Chez Panisse menu cookbook
Country kitchen
Ship's cook and steward's guide, containing hints for management, and two hundred and fifty receipts
The sociable cook
Egon Ronay's Guinness pub guide, 1985 : food and accommodation
A bit between the teeth
Cooking from the heart of Spain : food of La Mancha
The goodness of peppers
How to be a domestic goddess : baking and the art of comfort cooking
News Chronicle cookery book
The Riversong Lodge cookbook : world-class cooking in the Alaskan bush
Essentially aubergines : a culinary tale
South East Asian food
The driving force : food, evolution and the future
Countdown to Christmas
The home book of Turkish cookery
Glynn Christian tastes Royal Thailand
Recipes from a Greek island
Syllabubs and fruit fools
The new London spy : a discreet guide to the city's pleasures
French country cooking
Adventurous cooking with Fanny Cradock
Ainsley Harriott's all-new meals in minutes
Cooking on turning spit and grill
The encyclopedia of world cookery
Practical buttermaking : A treatise for buttermakers and students
The wheat- and dairy-free cookbook
Goose fat and garlic : country recipes from south-west France
The complete Rhodes around Britain
Recipes from paradise : life and food on the Italian Riviera
Reader's Digest/Perrier guide to the Chinese menu
Home cook : more than 150 recipes for the food we love to eat
Turkish cuisine
Making bread at home : 50 recipes from around the world
South Indian vegetarian : 200 classic lunch recipes
Modern bistrot cookery
Olive oil companion : the authoritative connoisseur's guide
Drinking wine : a complete guide for the buyer & consumer
Good pub food
Novas receitas de Dona Mimi
Ian McAndrew on poultry & game
Picnic basket
Home baking
The fifth book of curries
The Sugar Club cookbook
Vatch's Thai cookbook : 150 recipes with guide to essential ingredients
Complete mushroom book : the quiet hunt
Blanc vite : fast, fresh food from Raymond Blanc
Sydney food
The complete bread book : 150 traditional recipes from around the world
Leith's book of cakes
You can cook it : a cookery book for young people
Seafood of South-East Asia : an illustrated catalogue of the edible marine fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other sea creatures of the region, with their names in the various languages
Ireland : the taste & the country
Margaret Costa's four seasons cookery book
Creole flavors : recipes for marinades, rubs, sauces, and spices
Dishes of winter flowers : cooking with radicchio rosso di Treviso
The step-by-step Chinese cookbook
Appetite : so what do you want to eat today?
The new English kitchen : changing the way you shop, cook and eat
The tea companion
Ancient & modern
Cookbook for the needy greedy
Oriental flavours : an English cook travels eastward
Elizabeth Craig's simple cooking : a book of simple, economical recipes and cookery processes that will help the modern housewife to provide nourishing meals for the family
Spices, salt and aromatics in the English kitchen
Recipes from a country kitchen
Only the best : the art of cooking with a master chef
The Sunday Telegraph cookery book
A taste of excellence : recipes from the best of British chefs
Cuisine Niçoise : recipes from a Mediterranean kitchen
The world of Jewish entertaining : menus and recipes for the Sabbath, holidays, and other family celebrations
Beer for beginners
The Good housekeeping all-American cookbook
The man who ate everything : and other gastronomic feats, disputes, pleasurable pursuits
The Sunday Times complete cook book
The broilerhouse society
Writing at the kitchen table : the authorized biography of Elizabeth David
Changing food habits in the UK
Henrietta Green's food lovers' guide to Britain : 1996 - 1997
Scotland : tourist guide
Taking tea at The Savoy
Oz Clarke's wine buying guide 2003
Volem pa amb oli
Flavours of the Riviera : discovering the real Mediterranean cooking of France and Italy
To think of tea!
The trumpet : African restaurant and food retailer directory
Pâtés, terrines and potted meats
Cakes for kids
Ices galore
Gordon Ramsay's just desserts
Just like mother used to make : food from the '30s and '40s
I pesci
Cooking in a bedsitter
Off the shelf : cooking from the pantry
Vines, grapes and wines : the wine drinker's guide to grape varieties
A vineyard in England : the story of the planning, planting and bringing to fruition of an estate of vines on an island in the fens
Seafood specialities from southern Africa's top restaurateurs
Eat smart in Brazil : how to decipher the menu, know the market foods & embark on a tasting adventure
Herb & spice
A Taste of Provence
Beer making for all
Comfrey report : the story of the world's fastest protein builder
Cooking Japanese style
Cook at home with Peter Gordon
A cozinha Baiana
Recipes from Morston Hall
Les meilleures recettes de gibier
Enter into the kitchen of Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera
Zen macrobiotic cooking : book of oriental and traditional recipes
Valentina's Italian regional cookery
The weekend sailors' cookbook
Philip Diamond's Covent Garden fish book
Let's cook it right
Elinor Fettiplace's receipt book : Elizabethan country house cooking
The Taste of France
The festive food of England
Cocina regional Catalana : las mejores y más típicas recetas
Pastability : a second helping
Exciting Greek dishes
Así cocinan los argentinos = How Argentina cooks
Egon Ronay's Cellnet guide 1990 : hotels, restaurants, & inns, Great Britain & Ireland
A taste of India
Chocolate and confectionery
Eat, drink & be sorry
The cake bible
A Shetland cookbook
Leaves from the Walnut Tree : recipes of a lifetime
Buon appetito, your holiness
A cook's guide to grains : delicious recipes, culinary advice and nutritional facts
Simple French food
Flavours of Korea : with stories and recipes from a Korean grandmother's kitchen
Make me an expert meat cook
Kochbuch für den Gasherd : enthaltend 440 zuverlässige und selbstgeprüfte Rezepte zur Bereitung der verschiedenartigsten Speisen für die gute bürgerliche Küche, nebst Anleitung zur Handhabung der Apparate
Irish traditional food
1983 Which? wine guide
Cooking with kids
Guide to good food shops
Rick Bayless's Mexican kitchen : capturing the vibrant flavors of a world-class cuisine
A passion for oysters : the art of eating and enjoying
Argentine Cookery
Fish fingers
A gourmet's guide to fish and chips
Picture cook book
The complete book of self-sufficiency
Italian cooking
A book of Welsh fish cookery : recipes for sea, river, lake & shell-fish from the country kitchens of Wales
Teach your mum toffee and sweet making
A second helping : or, more dishes for English homes
Martin Yan's invitation to Chinese cooking
A taste of Thailand
Cooking with Michael Smith
Eating for health
Provence : twelve journeys with a gastronome
Bouquet de Bretagne : seasonal recipes from Le Bretagne, Questembert
Our war-time kitchen garden : the plants we grow and how we cook them
Cuisine of the sun
English food : an anthology
Leith's fish bible
James Beard's American cookery
Guide du fromage : English edition, with the help of N. Roche, G. Lambert; translated from the French by John Githens
Children's all-star cook book
The magic of saucery
Egon Ronay's Britvic guide 1994 : just a bite : eating out on a budget in the UK and Ireland
Cottage and country recipes
McCall's introduction to Scandinavian cooking
The mushroom book : recipes for earthly delights
The garrulous gourmet
Cooking with wine
The good bed and breakfast guide
Traditional Irish cookery
Beer and skittles
Thai vegetarian cooking
Chocolate : the definitive guide
Food hygiene and food hazards for all who handle food
Street Café Vietnam
Summer cooking
Human nutrition and dietetics
Cooking à la Ritz
The taste of Spain : traditional Spanish recipes and their origins
Ainsley Harriott's gourmet express 2
Don't sweat the aubergine : what works in the kitchen and why
Great cooks and their recipes, from Taillevent to Escoffier
Getting the best from meat
The art of home cooking : a comprehensive cookery book of easy-to-follow recipes
Flavours of Spain : a gastronomic journey
Brazilian cooking
New Chinese vegetarian cookery
Nose to tail eating : a kind of British cooking
Whitbread's brewery : incorporating The brewer's art
Let's cook with yeast
The cookery of England : being a collection of recipes for traditional dishes of all kinds from the fifteenth century to the present day, with notes on their social and culinary background
The food book
How to live 100 years : dedicated to all those who would live a healthy, happy and useful life
Los niños en la cocina
Herbs for today and tomorrow
Jancis Robinson on the demon drink
The food of Spain & Portugal : the complete Iberian cuisine
The Carved Angel cookery book
Wines and spirits
Cooking at The Merchant House
Domestic economy : a text-book for teachers and students in training
The good pub guide 2002
Artistry in cold food preparation : with recipes and notes on the care of your refrigerator
Arabella Boxer's garden cookbook
The Jane Austen cookbook
Parnassus near Piccadilly : an anthology : the Café Royal centenary book
The cookery book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie
Cooking for campers
Forget the lentils : just spoil yourself
Sally Clarke's book : recipes from a restaurant, shop & bakery
The wine atlas of Spain and traveller's guide to the vineyards
The busy cook's cook book
Food and cooking in 17th century Britain : history and recipes
Open sesame : the way of a cook with a can
Traditional Sri Lankan food
Colin Spencer's fish cookbook
A new system of domestic cookery : founded upon principles of economy and adpated to the use of private families
The French cheese book
Table talk : a witty companion for winers and diners
Home baked : a little book of bread recipes
The pauper's cookbook
Sweet talk : the secret history of confectionery
The salmon cookbook
Health or hoax? : the truth about health food and diets
The allergy diet : how to overcome your food intolerance
A history of cooks and cooking
Flavors of the Philippines : a culinary guide to the best of the islands
The best of Scottish cooking in colour
The vegetable book
Mark Miller's Indian market cookbook
Pain, cuisine et gourmandises : 150 recettes faciles, amusantes, légères et savoureuses pour utiliser le pain
Londoners' larder : English cuisine from Chaucer to present
A taste of Ireland : Irish traditional food
Finger food for babies & toddlers
Consult me : how to cook... on confectionery... how to brew... on household management and economy... on diseases and their remedies... on games of cards, chess... how to dye... consult me as to married women's property... on the cold water cure, and on a thousand other things
The British speciality food & drink directory
The festive food of Ireland
Ena Baxter's Scottish cookbook
Jams, pickles and chutneys
British cooking
The British selection : Arthur Eperon's guide to the best of British hotels
Modern bread from the viewpoint of nutrition
Charcuterie & French pork cookery
Aji no kaze : windborne flavours
Fodor's Belgium and Luxembourg, 1983
Howard & Maschler on food
A book of Welsh country cakes and buns : traditional tea-time favourites from the country kitchens of Wales
The Great Scandinavian cookbook : an encyclopedia of domestic cookery
The salt counter
Outlaw cook
La cucina Veneziana : the food & cooking of Venice
Return to Paris : a memoir with recipes
Radiation cookery book : for use with the "New World" regulo-controlled gas cookers
A table in Provence : classic recipes from the south of France
Flavors of Puglia : traditional recipes from the heel of Italy's boot
Food as presents
The home herbal : a handbook of simple remedies
Feast : food that celebrates life
The Hay system menu book with recipes
Modern cookery illustrated
Two fat ladies : obsessions
Ice creams and semi freddi
The new Jewish cuisine
Vitamin C and the common cold
The French menu cookbook
Flavored breads : recipes from Mark Miller's Coyote Cafe
La sobrassada de Mallorca [Texto impreso] : cuina i cultura
Extreme cuisine
A taste of Paris : traditional food
Traditional Scottish cookery
Passione : the Italian cookbook
Poor cook
The magic of honey
Ruth Mott's favourite recipes
Spice magic
Serious cook's handbook
Whole-meal : with practical recipes
Tropical Asian cooking : exotic flavors from equatorial Asia
Russian cooking
A book of Welsh puddings and pies : traditional recipes for fruit, milk and bread puddings and sweet and savoury pies
The Ballymaloe cookbook
Simple French cooking for English homes
Food for a future : the ecological priority of a humane diet
Fruit and bread : a scientific diet
Flour cooking, naturally
Table etiquette, practical and social : a book for the host, hostess and guest, including carving, serviette folding, table decoration, wines and glasses
The seasons of Parmigiano-Reggiano : recipes and tips celebrate old and new ways to use the world's unique parmesan cheese
The Oldie cookbook
International guide to fitness and health : a world survey of experiments in science and medicine applied to daily living
Dayplan three : 7 days' vegetarian menus and 7 days' vegan menus : with menus nutritionally assessed
The enjoyment of food : the best of Jane Grigson
The La Ina book of tapas : classic small dishes from Spain
James Sherwood's discriminating guide, London : fine dining and shopping with a special on museums and art galleries
Katie Stewart's cookbook
Jacques Pepin's the art of cooking
Toast : homage to a superfood
The festive food of France
The French family feast : traditional French country recipes
Nevin Halici's Turkish cookbook
The cook's companion
The flavour of Holland : sketches and recipes
Anthony Bourdain's Les Halles cookbook : strategies, recipes and techniques of classic bistro cooking
250 1/- recipes
Something's burning : the bad cook's guide
Lakeland cookery : recipes from the English Lakes counties
The food & drink cookbook
Edible France
Baker : the best of international baking from the Australian and New Zealand professionals
Dried herbs, aromatics and condiments
Household hints
The practical encyclopedia of Asian cooking
Ainsley Harriott's low-fat meals in minutes
Traditional beer and cider making
Edible flowers
Tequila : the book
The new tastes of India : over 100 vibrant vegetarian recipes from Southern India
La Cucina : the complete book of Italian cooking
Eat better live better
Plasmon : the mainstay of life : What it is
A guide to Chinese eating
The South African ostrich cookbook
Old London street cries and the cries of today : with heaps of quaint cuts
The art of eating
Memoirs of a "whenwe -"
French provincial cooking
One year at Books for Cooks
Cooking for kids
The foods of love
Your walrus hurt the one you love : malapropisms, mispronunciations, and linguistic cock-ups
The pumpkin & squash cookbook
Physical culture cook book
The International Wine and Food Society's guide to Spanish cookery
RAC food routes : the motorist's guide to seeing, tasting and buying Britain's best local food
Good things made, said, & done, for every home & household
The instinctive cook
Belgo cookbook
Good fare : a book of wartime recipes
Cornish recipes, ancient and modern
Cook the "Look North" way, with Stuart Hall
The science of eating : how to ensure stamina, endurance, vigor, strength and health in infancy, youth and age
The curious cook
Devon W.I. cookery book
Let's get well
Gastronomy of Italy
The River Café cookbook 2
Wine man's bluff
Everyday meals for invalids : a collection of tiny recipes, tasty and nourishing, for every day in the year
Vegetarian pastability
Indian cookery
Old Anglian recipes
The heart-watcher's cook book : low cholesterol cookery
Reader's Digest Perrier guide to the Indian menu
The pleasures of the table
Germany, West Germany and Berlin : tourist guide
E for additives supermarket shopping guide : a comprehensive listing of additive-safe foods
Breadmaking its principles and practice
Sauces : comprising the principal classical sauce recipes, together with a classified index of condiments, garnishings, dressings, herbs, flavourings, seasonings and stuffings
Bruschetta : crostoni and crostini : over 100 country recipes from Italy
Olives : the life and lore of the noble fruit
Off the menu : conversational chefs
Fat is a feminist issue 2
The ABC of cookery
All for one
Geraldene Holt's country house cooking : recipes for both stoves and traditional ranges
The 1989 family welcome guide
Mrs. Manders' cookbook
The classic food of northern Italy
The rough guide to London restaurants
The unofficial countryside
King Edward's cookery book
The second food & drink book
Chinese gastronomy
Great British chefs
The Penguin dictionary of cookery
The art of good living : a contribution to the better understanding of food and drink, together with a gastronomic vocabulary and a wine dictionary
Sauceguide : drink & drinking
Memories of Gascony
The International Wine and Food Society's guide to Far Eastern cookery
Mutton and oysters : the Victorians and their food [uncorrected proof copy]
Cook now, dine later
The secrets of the master chefs of China
Wholefood for the whole family
Glut book
Work study in the kitchen
Recipes : Latin American cooking
A taste of Punjab
Cook's tour of European kitchens : the best continental dishes suited to an English table
The further adventures of a fish cook : cooking and eating fish for health and happiness
Food for keeps
Fat man in the kitchen
Growing for freezing
From the farm and garden to the kitchen and store cupboard
Beard on entertaining
Slimming the French way : L'art de maigrir