Spain gourmetour


no.10, 1st quarter (1988); no.16-17 (3rd-4th quarter 1989); no.19-24 (2nd quarter 1990-3rd quarter 1991); no. 26-39 (1st quarter 1992-May/Aug. 1996); Special issue July 1993; no.41-46 (Jan./Apr. 1997-Sep./Dec. 1998); no.48-49 (May/Aug. 1999-Sep./Dec. 1998); no.51-53 (Sep./Dec. 2000-May/Aug. 2001); no.57 (Jan./Apr. 2003); no.67-77 (May/Aug. 2006-Sep./Dec. 2007); no.79-80 (May/Aug. 2010-Sep./Dec. 2010) "Food, wine & travel quarterly magazine." Includes special issue. Issued quarterly 1986-1991; issued 3 times a year from 1992- "Spain Gourmetour is a journal published by the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) of the Economy and Finance Ministry to promote Spain's food and wines as well as its cuisine and culture." Also issued in French-, German-, and Spanish-language eds. Description based on: No. 29 (Jan./Apr. 1993); title from cover. Latest issue consulted: No. 42 (May/Aug. 1997).


Identifier dkwb6b11
IRN 684572
Class Mark Large Cookery Bateman A SPA
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books - Bateman

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