Survey of English Dialects recording in Outwell, Norfolk


[Side 1] William explains how to 'rode' [= to dredge/clear out] 'dyke' [= ditch], lists tools used incl. 'hodding-spade' [= implement used to clear out dyke], and 'crome' [= hook/fork with prongs at right angle to shaft], describes method of 'jack-balling' [= passing mud/weeds etc. from spade to spade when dredging/clearing out dyke], recalls working on Forty Foot Drain. [Side 2] William comments fewer fish in dykes now than in past, recalls catching eels when dredging dykes and auctioning them among workers, discusses war service as 'lance-jack' [= lance corporal], lists places stationed incl. Cape Town, Durban, Bombay, Basra and Baghdad, tells anecdote about shaving moustache off and not being recognised by fellow soldiers.


Identifier tbgyk2gb
IRN 726590
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/D/2/D211
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record English Dialect Sound Recordings (England and Wales)
Date 03 Apr 1957
Size and Medium [Side 1] 04 min. 09 sec., [Side 2] 05 min. 30 sec.

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