Survey of English Dialects recording in Portesham, Dorset


[Side 1] Sid talks about typical wages for mowing by hand in past, explains different approaches to harvesting wheat, barley and oats and describes different types of 'rick' [= stack of corn]. [Side 2] Sid explains how to thatch rick, discusses importance of threshing at right time, recalls once seeing man thresh with 'frail' [= flail] in past, stresses importance of sheep for improving land for corn, lists root crops grown locally and practice of growing 'catch-crops' [= crop grown between two main crops when ground would otherwise lie fallow] such as 'thetch' [= vetch] and 'trifolium' [= type of clover] for pasturing sheep.


Identifier cklfgbck
IRN 726670
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/D/2/D291
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record English Dialect Sound Recordings (England and Wales)
Date Dec 1956
Size and Medium [Side 1] 05 min. 12 sec., [Side 2] 05 min. 06 sec.

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