Survey of English Dialects recording in Coleford, Somerset
[Side 1] Jim recalls General Strike of 1926, describes serious accident on returning to work and severe injuries that forced him to retire when roof of mine collapsed, discusses typical wages in mine in past. [Side 2] Jim lists various roles in mine incl. 'tippers' [= workman employed in tipping/emptying out coal-wagons/trucks] and 'breakers' [= workman employed to break coal into useful sizes/remove impurities], describes conditions underground, recalls helping to start village football team aged 18, memories of village school, explains chapel school cost twopence a week so as one of large family moved to church school for free aged 7.
Identifier | fnc3f5wz |
IRN | 726639 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRE/D/2/D260 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | English Dialect Sound Recordings (England and Wales) |
Date | Jul 1956 |
Size and Medium | [Side 1] 04 min. 54 sec., [Side 2] 04 min. 58 sec. |