Survey of English Dialects recording in Ludham, Norfolk


[Side 1] Abiather explains how to set snare in 'dyke' [= ditch] to trap hares, recalls hare stew cooked over open fire, comments moles constantly make holes in river wall that flood marshes, explains how to repair leaks with jam jar bottoms, describes occasion when man from Wroxham in a Collins 'wherry' [= light sailing boat] found longstanding leak full of eels in Ludham to Womack dyke, comments eels live in banks not in middle of river. [Side 2] Abiather comments 'silver-bellied eel' [= silver eel, i.e. mature eel] more sought after than 'golden-bellied eel' [= yellow eel, i.e. young eel before adult coloration develops], notes white-legged poultry also worth more at market than yellow-legged, describes 'pod' [= net with narrow neck for catching eels] used to catch eels, recalls occasion when local man caught several pods full of eels at St Benets, describes sitting on boat at night keeping eye on moon, tide and other boats, recalls occasion when strong tides brought huge catch of shrimps.


Identifier t583y5w2
IRN 726589
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/D/2/D210
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record English Dialect Sound Recordings (England and Wales)
Date 16 Jan 1957
Size and Medium [Side 1] 05 min. 02 sec., [Side 2] 05 min. 20 sec.

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