Survey of English Dialects recording in Horsington, Somerset


[Side 1] Percy talks about current 'cow-dog' [= dog trained to work with cattle], explains dog clipped annually by local pedigree breeder, reflects on horses' and cattle's ability to understand and obey instructions, compares farming now and in past, recalls mowing with scythes. [Side 2] Percy talks about piecework at harvest time, recalls farmers supplying cider and bread and cheese to harvesting gang, briefly mentions annual hiring fair at Sherborne (15th October), describes haymaking in past incl. loading waggon and building 'rick' [= stack] by hand, comments hayricks now replaced by bales, describes specialist work of thatcher, recalls making 'spars' [= thatching pegs] when weather too bad for hedging in winter, comments used last batch as 'faggots' [= bundle of sticks used as fuel].


Identifier bqrwyj2z
IRN 726646
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/D/2/D267
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record English Dialect Sound Recordings (England and Wales)
Date Jul 1956
Size and Medium [Side 1] 05 min. 10 sec., [Side 2] 04 min. 39 sec.

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