Survey of English Dialects recording in Empingham, Rutland


[Side 1] John and Albert briefly compare farming now and in past, Albert recalls well-respected boss (Master Charles), tells anecdote about being asked to help neighbouring farmer whose waggoner was ill. [Side 2] Albert describes being asked to take part in local ploughing match and winning several prizes, John recalls popularity of ploughing matches in past, comment tractors replaced cart-horses locally but still used on Fens, brief discussion of sheep farming and sheep-dogs, John tells anecdote about pet jackdaw frequently getting in house and pulling tail of father's sheep-dog much to father's consternation.


Identifier nlts7359
IRN 726563
Class Mark LAVC/SRE/D/2/D184
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record English Dialect Sound Recordings (England and Wales)
Date May 1957
Size and Medium [Side 1] 04 min. 55 sec., [Side 2] 05 min. 16 sec.

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