A Phonological Study of Two Newcastle Idiolects


M.A. research exercise analysing the speech habits of two informants from Newcastle upon Tyne, based on fieldwork carried out in December 1975 in Gosforth High School ( Gosforth), and on an audio recording of a Scotswood mineworker, made by Stanley Ellis in November 1953. The fieldwork in Gosforth entailed informal conversations with eight pupils, aged thirteen to sixteen, recorded individually within the school. Material from one female informant is analysed in the study, and the topics covered include school and school work, hobbies and interests out of school, the informant's family and local customs. The study looks at the extent to which the old, traditional dialect forms have survived in the older generation, and compares this with the speech of younger people living in the same district but increasingly exposed to the Received Pronunciation influences resulting from education, the mass media and facilitated travel. Four chapters provide an introduction to the informants, the historical/social background of the localities and the transcription and presentation of the material, descriptive accounts of the sounds of the Scotswood and Gosforth dialects and the development of Middle English sounds in vowels of stressed syllables within the sound systems of the two localities (including a tabular summary). An Appendix provides a sample of speech transcribed from the interview with the Gosforth informant.


Identifier wym6z4ws
IRN 410030
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/134
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/wym6z4ws
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Skelton, Michael G
Date 1976
Size and Medium v, 93 bound typed leaves.

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