The Dialect of Eaton-by-Tarporley (Cheshire), A Descriptive and Historical Grammar


Ph.D. thesis which describes the sound system and accidence of the modern Eaton-by-Tarporley dialect and relates this to the system from which it is descended. Chapter 1 demonstrates the interplay between the traditionally developed system and the infringing Standard English system. Chapters 2-6 relate the traditional system to its historical sources and suggest a probable sound system for the North-West Midland Middle English dialect. Chapter 7 deals with the syntax and morphology of the modern dialect. The thesis is completed by a full glossary and index and by a series of maps (contained in volume 2), setting the Eaton dialect within the context of the other dialects of the North-West Midlands. The emphasis throughout the thesis is placed upon the systemic approach to diachronic dialectology, relating the various changes which have taken place to the internal and external pressures to which the dialect has been subject The second of two appendices contains the tune transcriptions of two Eaton souling songs (one originally sung by children, the other sung by adults), as noted by the collector.


Identifier szg67ptc
IRN 409919
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/023
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Anderson, Peter M
Date 1977
Size and Medium xxii, 439 bound typed leaves (Volume 1); i, 206 bound typed leaves; 3 OHP maps (Volume 2).

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