The Evil Eye: Towards an Exhaustive Study


M.A. study which discusses the belief that a glance can damage life and property, with sections on the action of casting the Evil Eye, protection from it, and the process of cure of the affected party. Sub-sections cover possessors, susceptibility, explanations, protective measures, detecting and curing the effects of the Evil Eye. A number of examples of beliefs from Mediterranean countries, notably Italy and Greece, are included in the text.


Identifier tnnkf5w5
IRN 409960
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/064
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Lykiardopoulos, Amica
Date 1979
Size and Medium 27 unbound typed leaves.

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