Aspects of the Phonology and Agricultural Terminology of the Rural Dialects of Surrey, Kent and Sussex


Ph.D. thesis including chapters on the aims and scope of the investigation, undertaken in Surrey, Kent and Sussex, sources of material, methods of analysis and presentation, phonology, word geography (mapping of concepts connected with agriculture, the countryside and wildlife), conclusions relating to each dialect area, indexes to lexical notions, material culture items mapped and lexical responses. Appendix 1 relates to the questionnaire employed, with an index of key-words, while Appendix 2 lists the discrepancies noted by the collector between the Survey of English Dialects Basic Material and what appears on the field tape recordings. Volume Two contains maps relating to phonology (vowels), phonemic types and oppositions, phonology (consonants), lexis, material culture, dialect, landscape and topography. A number of figures are included throughout the text, illustrating a variety of agricultural implements.


Identifier vddvs9m9
IRN 409921
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/025
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) North, David J
Date 1982
Size and Medium xviii, 407 bound typed leaves (Volume 1); xii, maps and tables (Volume 2).

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