Fishing Traditions in South Ayrshire


M.A. dissertation on the fishing industry in South Ayrshire, written in two parts. The first, Fishing Methods and Marketing, has chapters on salmon fishing, creel fishing, line fishing, ring netting, marketing the fish and the state of the fishing industry in 1974. The second part, The Life of the Community, contains chapters on fisherfolk (relationships inside and outside the community), food, dress, income supplements, smuggling, superstition, weatherlore and local knowledge, ceremony and entertainment. Tape Table of Contents for the audiotapes submitted with the dissertation are included, and the Appendix contains photocopied printed items and transcriptions of texts relating to salmon fishing on the River Ayr, net mending, Seine netting, pair trawling, the fishing industry at Ballantrae, 1908-1913, as remembered by one of the collector's informants, John McGarvie, Carrick tales, as written by another informant, James Dunnachie of Maybole (Ayrshire), poems written by another informant, Roy McCrindle, and a sketch of 1920s Scottish life entitled 'The Kipper Fair and the Cadger Races', written by David Caldwell.


Identifier pc43lwng
IRN 409930
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/034
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Czerkawska, Catherine Lucy
Date 1974
Size and Medium 181 unbound typed leaves; 22 b/w photographs; 1 map.

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