The Passing of a Community and its Songs: A Study Based on the Unpublished Manuscript Collection of Songs from Adderbury, North Oxfordshire, made by Janet Heatley Blunt


Ph.D. thesis concerned primarily with the social background to traditional English song, as found in the manuscript collection made by Miss Janet Blunt in Adderbury, North Oxfordshire. The Introduction outlines the aims of the thesis and the method of gathering oral material, with a brief sketch made of the village and the region. This is followed by a biography of Janet Blunt and an assessment of her role as a song collector. The main part of the thesis sets Adderbury song in the context of village life during the lifetimes of the singers, and in some cases previously. This context consists essentially of agricultural labour, domestic life, childhood, high days and holidays, customs and sports, drink, love and marriage, itineracy and vagrancy. The thesis's central concern is to determine the function and meaning of song and the singing in this everyday life, the relationship of text to context. An Ordnance Survey map of the Adderbury area is included with the thesis.


Identifier ckmdqzjf
IRN 409907
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/011
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Pickering, Michael J
Date 1978
Size and Medium xii, 1009 bound typed leaves; 60 b/w plates (photographs and postcards). 2 volumes. Copy.

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