Dry Stone Walls and Wall Building in West Yorkshire


M.A. dissertation in five parts, with a separate volume of photographs. Part One discusses the practical aspects of the project, and outlines the research methods employed (letters to newspapers, correspondence with individuals, tape recorded interviews and photography). This section also provides an introduction to the geology of the area surveyed, a history of wall building, boundaries and enclosures, and factors determining fence type. Part Two focusses on the wall builders, and incudes sections on learning the craft, wallers' personalities and payment. The third part looks at the practical aspects of building a wall, with sections on tools, preparations, laying the stones (foundations, fillings, courses, throughs, batter, wall heads, copings and finishing up), holes in walls and other special situations and wall maintenance (damage and repairs). Part Four considers the dating of walls, whilst the final part comprises a glossary of walling terms. Three appendices contain information on the collector's informants, associated lore and walling competitions. The [copy] photographs accompanying the dissertation show examples of wall types, details and features, and a wall under construction during a walling competition held as part of the Upper Wharfedale Agricultural Society's annual show at Kilnsey, in August 1973.


Identifier bf7rtqcv
IRN 409928
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/032
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/bf7rtqcv
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Brooks, Margaret
Date 1973
Size and Medium 143 unbound typed leaves; 68 b/w photographs. 2 volumes. 2 files.

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