The Worst Printer Ever. A Study of the Brereton Broadside Ballads Contained in W10 of the Bigger Collection, held by the Central Reference Library, Belfast


M.A. study of a collection of sixty-six ballads collected by F. J. Bigger, forming part of the F. J. Bigger Collection at Belfast Central Reference Library. Fifty-five of these were printed by Peter Brereton of Dublin, the remainder by John Pitts of London, and it is on the former that the study focusses. Colin Neilands suggests that these seem to represent a fair cross-section of nineteenth century Irish broadside balladry, having examples of all the major song themes - love, politics, history, religion and humour. A typed transcript of each broadside ballad is presented, accompanied by commentary and notes. Editorial intervention by Neilands has been limited to the correction of typographical errors and the placing of conjectural readings of words or phrases in square brackets. Additional punctuation has only been inserted where it has been deemed vital to the understanding of the text. The Introduction which precedes the Brereton ballads outlines the history and development of the broadside ballad (including their production and distribution), with further sections on Irish balladry, a biographical note on F. J. Bigger, information on the printer Peter Brereton and his work, and analysis of the ballads' content and construction. The appendices contain a list of Brereton ballad titles, an Index of First Lines and a list of music sources for each ballad.


Identifier wf9wv8lw
IRN 409990
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/094
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Neilands, Colin W
Date 1983
Size and Medium xviii, 127 unbound typed leaves.

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