Ceremonial Dance Traditions in the South-West Pennines and Rossendale


Ph.D. thesis in five parts. Part One provides a discussion of theory and method, and information on the socio-historical background to the area in which fieldwork was carried out. Part Two covers dance and ceremonial in the period ca. 1780 - ca. 1914, with chapters on The Wakes ca. 1780 - ca. 1830 (Communal Celebration) and ca. 1830 - ca. 1914 (Opposition and Decline), continuations and new contexts with regard to rushbearing and morris dancing at the Wakes, pageants and carnivals ca. 1890-1914, the morris dancers, and coconut and garland dancing before World War One. Part Three offers a case study of ceremonial dance in the twentieth century, with reference to the Britannia Coconut Dancers of Bacup. Chapters consider the dancers in diachronic perspective, describe selection, appreciation and tradition and analyse ceremonial dance traditions in the region. Six appendices provide dance notations, musical accompaniment to the dancers' repertoire, a selected list of interviews conducted in Rossendale, a list of former members of the Coconut Dancers, written and oral accounts of the dance route at Easter, and a copy of the draft agreement made between the dancers and the English Folk Dance Society in 1929.


Identifier bym2km1w
IRN 409911
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/015
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/bym2km1w
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Buckland, Theresa Jill
Date 1984
Size and Medium xxii, 1283 bound typed leaves; 47 b/w, colour photographs. 3 volumes.

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