"The Gypsy Caravan in Britain: A Functional Examination of its Significance in Traditional Gypsy Society"


M.A. dissertation comprising five chapters. The first gives a delineation of spheres of Gypsy Traveller cultural activity, a colour-coded map locating wagon makers and craft specialists, fairs and races and seasonal agricultural activities, the reasons for clusters of Gypsy Traveller groups and descriptions of seasonal rounds, agricultural activities, fairs and circuses. Chapter Two describes the structural-functional features of the Gypsy Traveller caravan as an object of Gypsy Traveller folk craft, with sections on the evolutionary development of the caravan, types and varieties, form and function relationships in terms of internal configuration, design motifs, symbolism and colours. The third chapter addresses behaviour, customs and beliefs associated with caravans, with sections on the caravan as a status symbol, fairs, the caravan as a focal point for social activity, birth and ritual, including uncleanliness of women, ghosts, death, funeral customs, magic, blood sacrifice, good and bad luck, protective and exorcisory measures, omens, religious beliefs. Chapter Four analyses the craftsmanship of caravan building and decoration, with reference to well known craftsmen and workshops, craft techniques, tool kits, steps in building, the subcontract system, time taken, costs, the interaction between client and craftsman. The concluding chapter includes discussion of the transition to mechanised vans, sedentism and ritual nomadism. An appendix lists the location and owners of museum and privately-held caravans in Wales and England.


Identifier hk8yd3c9
IRN 409996
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/100
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/hk8yd3c9
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Schuster, Ivan L
Date 1971
Size and Medium iii, 230 unbound typed leaves.

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