The Calvert Folklore Manuscript, by George and Alfred Calvert


The focus of this study is a manuscript containing items of Yorkshire folklore collected by George Calvert of Kirkby Moorside (North Yorkshire) in the early nineteenth century. Two-fifths of the manuscript is a transcription of Calvert's original fieldwork notebooks, made by him in the 1820s. The rest of the transcription was completed by his son, Alfred Calvert a short while after. Paul Annis gives a custodial history of the manuscript, and provides what information is known of the collectors and their informants. He also describes the content of the manuscript, and the problem of the text given that all work has been based on photocopies held at the University of Leeds (the whereabouts of the original is unknown). Both Richard Blakeborough, the Yorkshire folklorist, and his son, Major John Fairfax-Blakeborough, have owned the manuscript, and it was the latter who allowed the University to make two photocopies of the manuscript. A full transcription of the photocopied manuscript makes up the bulk of the study, and Paul Annis includes notes on his editorial approach to the manuscript. The transcription is interspersed with photocopied examples of pages from the copy manuscript.


Identifier g2k34lpw
IRN 409924
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/028
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Annis, Paul
Date 1978
Size and Medium 156 unbound typed leaves.

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