Transvestite Disguise in the English Folk Song Tradition


M.A. study of transvestite disguise (male or female, actively performed or suggested) occurring in folk songs collected in England, North America and Australia, and following a thematic analysis by the collector of a number of major song collections. The first section deals with female transvestites, and is divided according to a rough classification based on the theme of the songs, i.e. Girl follows lover as sailor or soldier, Girl suggests disguise, Girl disguised for love, including love tests, Girl disguised for adventure or protection. Song texts accompany the commentary throughout these sections. Section Two deals with a small body of songs concerning the man dressed as a woman situation. These are three comic songs and four Child ballads ( 'Brown Robin', 'Holy Nunnery', 'The Duke of Athole's Nurse' and 'Robin Hood and the Bishop'). An appendix lists the sources of the fifty-seven songs quoted in part or in full in the text. An Index of Songs is also included.


Identifier grfw2855
IRN 409978
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/082
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Barnes, Glynis E C
Date 1972
Size and Medium 157 unbound typed leaves.

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