The Style and Structure of The Girl as Helper in the Hero's Flight, based on A[arne] - T[hompson] 313 Versions in Dr. Katherine Briggs' A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales, Part A, Folk Narratives, Volume 1


M.A. dissertation suggesting that the folktale is not only an art form worthy of serious consideration in itself, but that the storyteller is a gifted performer whose performances merit critical appraisal. The first two chapters concentrate on the outside forces - society and tradition - which determine to a considerable extent the content and form of the folktale. Chapter Three emphasises the active role of the individual narrator, focussing on each narrator's ability to develop suspense and pathos within the framework of the folktale. Chapter four (Style), is a continuation of the appraisal of these individual characteristics. A total of eleven tales are discussed within these two chapters. The dissertation concludes with a chapter on the narrator and his/her audience, stressing the importance of the live performance in the renewal and re-creation of the folktale, seen as essential to its continued life. A photocopy of Jan Harold Brunvand's article, 'A Classification for Shaggy Dog Stories' (Journal of American Folklore, 76, 1963), is included, with also a copy of Subject and Motifs contents pages from an unidentified publication.


Identifier lkjw8sjs
IRN 409968
Class Mark LAVC/SRP/1/072
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Postgraduate Theses and Dissertations
Creator(s) Morgan, John S
Date 1972
Size and Medium 158 unbound typed leaves.

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