Yorkshire Response List: Boughs


Typed list of responses collected in Yorkshire localities to SED question IV.12.2, Boughs. The information is largely based on recordings collected by Peter Wright. The list is arranged in tabular form with three columns: one gives the locality number, name and source (other than Peter Wright); one gives the response in phonetic script; and one is for additional remarks.


Identifier ngdp8c3h
IRN 413214
Class Mark LAVC/PHO/S097
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/ngdp8c3h
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Slides
Date [Mid 1950s-1960s]
Size and Medium 1 glass lantern slide.

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