SED Printer's Page: Fields


Printer's page for the Northern Counties Basic Material volume, completed in typescript with responses to SED question I.1.1, Fields, for all Northern Counties localities. This was one of the last stages in the preparation of the Basic Material volumes. The page is headed with the SED question number, question subject, and the question as asked by fieldworkers; and responses recorded orthographically. The body of the page is divided into 2 columns: one has SED county codes, and the other includes typed responses in phonetic script in locality number order.


Identifier hf7tklxl
IRN 413132
Class Mark LAVC/PHO/S014
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Slides
Date [Mid 1950s-1960s]
Size and Medium 1 glass lantern slide.

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