Traitez nouveaux & curieux du café, du thé, et du chocolate : bouvrage également necessaire aux medecins & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé
An enlarged edition of "De l'usage du caphé, du thé, et du chocolate" (1671), compiled from various authors, among them A.F. Naironi, Alexandre de Rhodes, and Thomas Gage. The section on chocolate is from the Spanish of Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma. Includes "Dialogue du chocolate, entre un medecin, un Indien, et un bourgeois" from the Spanish of Bartolomeo Marradon (p. 423-445). Includes bibliographical references. References: Kress Lib : S.1578. Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature, no. 2582.5 suppl.
Identifier | wxsy99r6 |
IRN | 250194 |
Class Mark | Cookery B/DUF |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Cookery Collection |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Cookery Printed Books B - French |