Les delices de la campagne : suitte du Jardinier françois, où est enseigné à preparer pour l'usage de la vie tout ce qui croist sur la terre & dans les eaux. Dedié aux dames mesnageres


Epistre aux dames typesigned at end : R.D.C.VV.B.D.N. (being, in reverse orders, the intials for: Nicolas de Bonnefons valet du chambre du roi). Authorship attributed in A.A. Barbier, Ouvrages anonymes, I, 872. First published in 1654 according to Vicaire, Bib. gastronomique, p. 261; NUC pre-1956 66:50 cites eds. of 1655 and 1656 described as "2e ed." The engraved t.p. and three copperplates all on integral leaves. Cagle, W.R. Matter of taste 1078.


Identifier wswqxs5l
IRN 249723
Class Mark Cookery B/BON
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/wswqxs5l
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books B - French

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