De l'usage du caphé, du thé, et du chocolate


The sections on coffee and tea are compiled from various authors, among them A.F. Naironi and Alexandre de Rhodes; the section on chocolate is from the Spanish of Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma. An additional part, "Du chocolate: dialogue entre un medecin, un Indien, et un bourgeois" is from the Spanish of Bartolomeo Marradon. Jacob Spon, who translated a later ed. into Latin, may have assisted Dufour with the original compilation; the work is sometimes attributed to him. Cf. Kress Lib. Compiled by P.S. Dufour. References: Kress Lib : S.1348. Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature, no. 1992.2 suppl.


Identifier vf6r85fn
IRN 249432
Class Mark Cookery B/DUF
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books B - French

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