v. 1. The choice of a house, the law of landlord and tenant, decoration of the house, furnishing the house -- v. 2. Furnishing the house (continued), heating and lighting, draperies and home upholstery, final decoration, the garden -- v. 3. The engagement of servants, the law of master and servant, the treatment of servants, cook's department, the larder, cookery -- v. 4. Cookery (continued), the store cupboard, servants and their duties, spring-cleaning, household economy, laundry work, the dairy, the poultry-yard -- v. 5. The law of husband and wife, the master's duties, the mistress's duties, the toilet, choice and care of dress, home dressmaking, embroidery -- v. 6. Embroidery (continued), home art work, reading and correspondence, household repairs, entertaining, locomotion, domestic pets, home occupations for profit -- v. 7. The first baby, management of children, children's dress, children's amusements, health, sickness, invalid cookery, education -- v. 8. Education (continued), home
gymnastics, music, recreation, choice of a career, holidays, Christmas and other festivals, coming out of a daughter, a wedding.
Related Records
Sibling Records
Good fish from the sea
A quintet of cuisines
The magazine of domestic economy
International hors d'oeuvres
A quintet of cuisines
The housewives' monthly calendar
The English hous-wife : extracted from the original work published in 1653
Bachelor woman's cookery
Party fare
Marjorie Salter and Adrianne Allen Whitney present delightful food
The encyclopædia of practical cookery : a complete dictionary of all pertaining to the art of cookery and table service
The best Hungarian dishes
Step-by-step cookery
Kitchen & table; a bedside history of eating in the western world
Delightes for ladies
Communal feeding in war time
Vegetarian and simple diet
The Tassajara bread book
'Better Homes and Gardens' barbecue book
Eat, drink and be slim
Greek cooking
Cold storage and ice-making : on elementary handbook
Grossman's guide to wines, spirits, and beers
Dainty dishes : receipts
Easy-to-make confectionary and sweets : how to make biscuits, blanc-manges, custards, creams, buns, cakes, jams, preserves, jellies, pastry, pies, tarts, mincemeat, sweets, syrups, liqueurs, etc., etc
Group feeding
French household cooking : with a number of recipes from the best Paris chefs, simple and inexpensive
James Beard's fish cookery
Småretter : morsom, god og lettlaget mat
Of cabbages and kings : a cook book
Cooking the Spanish way
The boys' cook book
The encyclopædia of practical cookery : a complete dictionary of all pertaining to the art of cookery and table service
What shall I eat? : a manual of rational feeding
Cookery for girls
Desserter fra mange land. : Over 500 oppskrifter på gode, fristende desserter av alle slag
The art of preparing dainty dishes for dinners, luncheons and suppers, as also other tid bits
Mrs. Beeton's hints to housewives : with sections on labour-saving, household work, servants' duties, shopping, table service, etiquette, and first aid
Manual of modern cookery
Food science and technology
Festive food decoration for all occasions
How to ice a cake : let Anne Anson show you
The cooking of Scandinavia
The home encyclopedia
The cookery book for diabetics
Practical cookery : cookery methods, food-values and meal-planning, food preservation, cookery under rationing
Communal dietaries in war time
A book of scents & dishes
Mr Munch, sugar
Simplified cooking and invalid diet
Food for the future
The complete international Jewish cookbook
Home furnishing and decoration : including furniture-making for the amateur
A guide to better cooking and diet
Good food from the Balkans
Cookery for invalids and the convalescent
Fruit and vegetable preserving and war time gardening
Liverpool School of Cookery recipe book
Food, health, vitamins : being a new edition of Food and health
Fatfree cooking for the gourmet
Health-giving dishes
The dinner knell : elegy in an English dining-room
Lots of fun to cook
Bartender's guide to the best mixed drinks
La cucina : the complete Italian cookbook
The non-drinker's drink book
Best food from Italy : a receipt book
Vegetable dishes & salads for every day of the year : collected for the British growers council
Housewives beware
Today's woman book of salads
Danish cooking
New casserole treasury
The Southern cookery book : (Formerly known as the School of Mines Cookery Book)
Plasmon cookery book : dainty, nutritious and economical dishes for every household
English cooking in four languages
Bar Hill metric recipe book : a collection of recipes from the residents of Bar Hill village, Cambridge
Deep-freezing for the housewife
Modern cookery illustrated
The physiology of taste, or, Meditations on transcendental gastronomy
The story of bread
Halving your housework; a practical guide for women who hate doing it
A complete guide to deep freezing
The Colony : portrait of a restaurant and its famous recipes
Cooking à la Ritz
High-class and economical cookery recipes, as used in the Cookery School, 78a, Westbourne Grove, London, W
Pure, white and deadly : the problem of sugar
Preserves for all occasions
Cookery and home comforts
Homemaker's handbook : an economical standard practice manual for the cook and housekeeper
A calendar of home freezing
Pork and pork products
Food for fifty
Recipes for home-made wine, mead and beer
Eat at pleasure, drink by measure
The life and sport of the inn
Flower decoration for the table : in colour
Saleable shop goods for counter-tray & window : a practical book for practical confectioners
Today's Woman candy cook book
The Seventeen cookbook
The Boston Cooking-school cook book
Fruit recipes : a manual of the food values of fruits and nine hundred different ways of using them
Catering establishments and the prevention of food poisoning
Your food
Ice cream plant and manufacture
The twelve days of Christmas turkey
A treasury of Australian cooking
Institutional cookery and dietetics
The wines of Bordeaux
The baker's repository of recipes : with special references to Scottish specialities
Feasting with Nonna Serafina
Good poultry and game dishes : with a note on the cooking of wildfowl
Unusual vegetables
Salads and salads : a little collection of one hundred and fifty recipes for salads
Come into the garden, cook
The English bread-book : for domestic use, adapted to families of every grade: containing the plainest and most minute instructions to the learner; practical receipts for many varieties of bread; with notices of the present system of adulteration, and its consequences; and of the improved baking processes and institutions established abroad
Around the kitchen like magic
The teaching of domestic science
Catering science and technology
America's housekeeping book
The country cookbook; cooking, canning, and preserving victuals for country home, farm, camp & trailer, with notes on rustic hospitality
A housewife in Kensington
Deep freezing : [a new and comprehensive guide to preserving food]
Stella Shaw's Modern cake decoration
She quickie cookbook
The chef's compendium of professional recipes
Housewife's handbook : an information bureau on household work and repairs; labour-saving hints and devices; shopping; cleaning and mending; table service; etiquette and first aid
Instruction in cookery
Dora Seton's cookery book
The quickest guide to breakfast, dinner and supper
Shopping for food
Five to a feast
La bonne cuisine de Mme E. Saint-Ange : huit cents recettes et cinq cents menus
The elementary principles of breadmaking
The cooking of Japan
Paris cuisine
The man in the kitchen : how to teach a woman to cook
The international cook book : over 3,300 recipes gathered from all over the world, including many never before published in English. With complete ménus of the three meals for every day in the year
Double-quick cooking for part-time homemakers
Fondue and casserole cookery
Recipes : the cooking of Vienna's empire
282 ways of making a salad : including some special salads, salad dressings and favourite recipes by British and American Personalities and Stars
Radiation cookery book : for use with the Regulo New World gas cookers
A medley of recipes
Good Housekeeping book of wine
Sickroom cookery and hospital diet : with special recipes for convalescent and diabetic patients
Planned cookery
Good food no nonsense : cooking à la Longchamps
Grow it and cook it
Cooking the French way
La cuisine Chantraine : the complete collection of original recipes created at the Restaurant Chantraine in Brussels
The Epicurean book
Pickle and sauce making
Dearest Priscilla : letters to the wife of a colonial civil servant
Polytechnic cookery book
Housekeeping in the eighteenth century
English recipes : including the traditional dishes of Scotland, Ireland & Wales
The Jewish holiday cook book
A joint report by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London and North East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board on the Ganymede Tray Service at Bethnal Green Hospital
Canteens at work
The standard book of quilt making and collecting
International meat dishes
A course in confectionery, volumes I and II
New York times cook book
The Penguin book of sauces
The Brazilian cookbook
Ten shillings a head per week for house books
Rose Buckner's book of homemaking; with sixteen pages of inset illustrations and many drawings in the text
Making ends meet
Homes for today & tomorrow
The Roman cookery book : a critical translation of 'The art of cooking' by Apicius, for use in the study and the kitchen
The summertime cookbook : elegant but easy dining, indoors and out
The wines of Bordeaux
My cook book
Mary Gallati's hostess dinner book
Sixpence in her shoe
True blue cookery : over 200 favourite recipes, for every day and special occasions, contributed by Tory Members of Parliament
The Idbury cookbook
Simple sweetmaking
Treasure trove of Hungarian cookery
Party foods : cake decorating, candy making, chocolate dipping
English wines and cordials
Kitchenette cookery
Chafing dish possibilities
The casserole cookbook
Savouries à la mode
Practical cookery : cookery methods, food values and meal planning, food preservation, kitchen economics
Brighter budget cooking
Lovely food : a cookery notebook
The stove-top cookbook
The treasure cookery book : containing the principles and rules of modern cookery, including numerous recipes
Vitamins in theory and practice
Minnie, Lady Hindlip's cookery book
Crops for pickling
The bride's guide
Jewish cookery : in accordance with the Jewish dietary laws
Catering management in the technological age
Putnam's book of parties
Le traducteur des menus : français, anglais, allemand = The menu-translator : French, English, German = Übersetzungsbuch für Speisekarten : französisch, englisch, deutsch
The flowing bowl : a book of blithe spirits and blue devils; a selection from the best things written through the ages on drinks, drinking and drinkers by poets, novelists, essayists, dramatists, drunkards, social reformers, and teetotallers
The world book of meat dishes
Up-to-date confectionery : a complete guide to the craft
Pastry cook book
A little book of sweetmeat making for pleasure & profit
Journal of agriculture cookery book, containing 624 recipes selected from The New Zealand Journal of Agriculture
Good food from France
Cookery up-to-date : a practical handbook for the modern housewife
Menu & recipe book
Woman's annual
Labour-saving hints and ideas for the home
Practical cookery
Food for the greedy : a collection of receipts
Mary Gallati's good cooking companion
Intermediate domestic science
We're cooking in Portugal
A northern cookery book for schools
Country dishes : traditional farmhouse recipes from the counties of Great Britain
Kakeboka : 500 gode opskrifter pa kaker av alle slag
Bed-sitter cook book
Vintagewise : a postscript to Saintsbury's Notes on a cellar book
The complete book of outdoor cookery
A primer on breadmaking
Cooking en voyage
Diet and cookery for common ailments
The hostess cook book
Home Pickling
Basic nutrition and diet therapy
Dr. Oetker German home cooking
English country house cooking : a family cookery book
Not just a pretty face : 50 model girls' recipes (their tastes in other things, too)
What to eat in health and disease
La véritable cuisine de famille : comprenant 1.000 recettes et 500 menus
The domestic science handbooks
The menu book : menu compiler and register of dishes
Food and Life Yearbook of Agriculture
The housewife's what's what : a hold-all of useful information for the house with numerous recipes
Housekeeping in the eighteenth century
The White-Watson menu & recipe book : menus & recipes for every meal on every day of the year
Successful canteen management
Successful entertaining for the modern hostess
Picture cook book
The world book of fish dishes
The science, raw materials and hygiene of baking
Berry cooking
Round the world with an appetite
Breakfast and supper dishes
The South American gentleman's companion : being an exotic drinking book or, up and down the Andes with jigger, beaker and flask
Cook it the French way
Vegetables for victory : some 600 main vegetable dishes
Left over for tomorrow
The housewife's annual, volume 1
The ABC of Good Housekeeping : household management and cleaning, laundry work, catering, home cookery, preserving, bottling
Kippers to caviar : cooking for all occasions
Woman's own book of pleasure
Dinner building : also, luncheons and suppers : a book of entertaining and practical instruction in the noble art of cooking and eating
Brides cook book
A cook book of leftovers
A Spanish cookery book
What shall we cook today?
Recipes from Scotland
Leave it to cook: the slow cooking method
The art of Scandinavian cooking
Cooking round the world : the big cookery book of national dishes
The Danwich guide to Danish party foods : the art of making Danish open sandwiches and the Danish cold table
Beer cookery; 101 traditional recipes
André Simon's French cook book
Lightning cookery
The Jackson cookery book
Mrs. Allen on cooking, menus, service : 2500 recipes
Tables of the amino acids in foods and feedingstuffs
New high-class cookery, with game recipes, as taught in the school
Cooking the German way
The home book of Greek cookery : a selection of traditional Greek recipes
All in good time; one hundred menus for advance preparation
Natural foods, their preparation and use
The American salad book
The fish-retailer and his trade
The domestic science handbooks
Emergency dinners : the amateur cook's manual
And so to dine... ; a brief account of the food and drink of Mr. Pepys based on his diary
A book of Mediterranean food
Home cooking : tested recipes from "Homes & gardens"
Meal planning and table service : for the American home without servants
Mainly fish : meatless menus and recipes (with wines) for the festive occasion and every day
Self-study guide for nutrition and diet therapy
Fish cookery
The Cherwell wine book
Continental dessert delicacies
Haybox cookery
Hor's d'oeuvre and cold table : a book of tried and trusted recipes and methods
Swiss gateaux designs and decorations "Decor" book : a new Swiss manual of design and decoration, covering the elementary groundwork to a wide choice of artistically decorated gateaux
Tell me, chef : being the French recipe collection of the Lady Muriel Beckwith
Joan Storey's home service book : the answers to your everyday problems in the home
Modern homes and homemaking
Deep-freezing for the housewife
Rhône, Provence, Languedoc, Roussillon
The finger & fork snack book
Foods and dietetics (theoretical and practical)
The electric cookery book
English cooking : a new approach
The zebra cookbook
Advances in food research
Highland housewives' cook book
The complete Scandinavian cookbook
The spirit of grand cuisine
Good dishes from tinned food
The W.I. book of party recipes
Cake making
The wooden spoon : easy French cookery
Cookery for common ailments
Perfect cooking by electricity
Home pickling
Honest bread : and that which is not
German cooking
The unharried hostess : memorable dinners in thirty minutes
L'Art de preparer les conserves de legumes, poissons, lait, beurre et oeufs, dans les familles
The country housewife's book : how to make the most of country produce and country fare
The fish-retailer and his trade
The domestic science handbooks
The perfect hostess
Economeg y cartref
The cook's decameron : a study in taste, containing over two hundred recipes for Italian dishes
Florence Greenberg's cookery book
Catering with meat
A second slice : an anthology
Desserts for all occasions
Health giving brews
Meats, poultry and game
Cooking with fruit
In foreign kitchens : with choice recipes from England, France, Germany, Italy, and the North
Mrs. Beeton's hors d'oeuvres and savouries, including cheese and egg dishes, sandwiches, salads and dressings
Casseroles : (casserole cooking and braising)
Nursery cookery book
Good food in wartime
Cooking in ten minutes, or, The adaptation to the rhythm of our time
Shopping science
Science and housecraft
Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables
Pot-luck : or, The British home cookery book : over a thousand recipes from old family MS. books
Zena Skinner's fourth book of recipes
Peggy Archer's book of recipes
Robin McDouall's Cookery book
Recipes : the cooking of Spain and Portugal
Cooking for two : a handbook for young housekeepers
The Scots kitchen : its traditions and lore : with old-time recipes
Charcuterie & French pork cookery
The French provincial cookbook
500 recipes for cooking for one
The economical Jewish cook : a modern Orthodox recipe book for young housekeepers : especially adapted as a class book for schools
Savouring the East : feasts and stories from Istanbul to Bali [uncorrected proof]
Fermented goods
Instant haute cuisine : French cooking--American style
Good-bye Mrs Beeton : 101 family tested recipes
The home book of Austrian cookery
The advanced commonsense cookery book
Single cell protein : proceedings of the International Symposium held in Rome, Italy, on November 7-9, 1973, sponsored by Stanford Research Institute and Liquichimica S.p.A., Milan, Italy
The greedy book : a gastronomical anthology
La cuisine a Nice : cours de cuisine en usage à l'Ecole Hôtelière de Nice et du Littoral
Ann Pillsbury's new cook book
Good Housekeeping's popular cookery
Native diet with numerous practical recipes
Dictionnaire de l'Académie des gastronomes
The Emily Post cookbook
Elementary Science of Food
101 things for the housewife to do : a practical handbook for the home
The complete cook
ABC of parties
French cooking for pleasure
Marguerite Patten's book of savoury cooking : soups, hors d'oeuvre, snacks, party savouries and supper dishes for every occasion
The world book of egg and cheese dishes
Wine aristocracy : a guide to the best wines of the world
The manufacture of biscuits, cakes and wafers
All about Genoese glacés, petits fours & bonbons
Successful jam making and fruit bottling
Mushroom recipes
British recipes : the traditional dishes of England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales
Sandwiches for parties and picnics : how to make them
Angela Kay's household hints
Food and physical fitness
Running your home-management and equipment
The IXL recipe book
Cooking craft : a practical handbook for students in training for cookery and for the homeworker
The electric cookery book
Traditional English cooking : new ways with old dishes
Food and cookery; a practical guide to culinary art
Group feeding
Hungarian-American cook book : culinary gems from world-famous Hungarian recipes, especially adapted to American tastes
Au petit Cordon Bleu : a collection of recipes
A handbook of industrial and institutional catering : a practical guide to the planning and management of catering in staff canteens and restaurants, hospitals and other institutions
Biscuits plain and fancy
The complete book of barbecues
Pleasant food for diabetics
Time saving cooking
The frozen food cook book : a complete guide to the preparation, cooking and preservation of frozen foods
One thousand American fungi : toadstools, mushrooms, fungi - how to select and cook the edible, how to distinguish and avoid the poisonous
Plain cookery recipes
Woman cookery book
The chemistry of food and sick-room cookery
The practical cook
Pickles and preserves
Food and your future
Quick dinners for beginners : a book of recipes taking one hour or less to prepare and cook
The complete toastmaster : a handbook for both the professional and the amateur
The anglers' cookbook : trout, salmon and eel
New homes from old buildings
The cake and biscuit book
The burger book
The book of fish cookery
Kookboek der Rotterdamsche kookschool
The single handed cook : more recipes
Mrs. Beeton's jam-making, including preserves, marmalades, pickles and home-made wines : 400 recipes fully illustrated
The economic cookery book
Cooking with Bon Viveur : the first Bon Viveur cookery book
Focus and promise of home economics : a family-oriented perspective
Diet in health and disease
Useful information for every household
The expectation cookbook
The Boston Cooking-school cook book
Household management & entertaining
Cook it the farmhouse way
Simplified cookery and dietetics
Lillian Beckwith's Hebridean cookbook
One hundred recipes for the chafing dish
The Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings cookbook : Cross Creek cookery
War-time cookery
Come cooking with me
Fancy cakes and pastries
Les Lions à table
Gourmet cooking for everyone
Wiener Küche : Sammlung von Kochrezepten aus der Staatl. Bildungsanstalt für Koch- und Haushaltungsschul- Lehrerinnen und Kochschule der Gastwirte in Wien, jetzt Bildungsanstalt für Hauswirtschaftslehrerinnen Wien XIX
Beating austerity in the kitchen
Food without fads or fancies: a dietetic guide to good health
What to eat & drink in France; a guide to the characteristic recipes & wines of each French province, with a glossary of culinary terms and a full index
Good Housekeeping's picture recipe book
Cook book note book
Mrs. Rorer's vegetable cookery and meat substitutes : vegetables with meat value, vegetables to take the place of meat, how to cook three meals a day without meat, the best ways of blending eggs, milk and vegetables
Dictionnaire de l'Académie des gastronomes
Personal choice
Better buying through consumer information
The Jewish chronicle cookery book
Cook and hostess
The book of meals ("Please, M'm, the butcher!") : Catering for the housewife of moderate means, with menus of all meals for a year, numerous recipes, and fifty-two additional menus of dinners without meat
British restaurants : an inquiry
Egg dishes : how to make them
Shaking in the 60's
Candy-making revolutionized : confectionery from vegetables
Pressure cookery
The art of preparing soups, stews, hashes and ragouts
The ABC of canapés
French cooking for English kitchens
The Dudley book of cookery and household recipes
Good breakfasts
Paula Peck's art of good cooking
Dr. Chase's new receipt book and medical advisor, or, information for everybody : an invaluable collection of practical receipts for merchants, grocers, saloon-keepers, physicians, druggists, tanners, shoe makers, harness makers, painters, jewelers, blacksmiths, tinners, gunsmiths, farriers, barbers, bakers, dyers, renovators, farmers, and families generally; all arranged in their appropriate departments
So you're engaged
Easy freeze cooking
Alsace, Arbois, La Loire, Monbazillac, Jurançon
The complete cook
Royal chef : recollections of life in royal households from Queen Victoria to Queen Mary
Teach yourself to cook
Industrial canteen catering : being the report of a conference organised by the Food Education Society for the exchange of up-to-date knowledge on nutrition in relation to large scale catering
What's cooking in Scotland
Good fish dishes
The best of Scandinavian cooking
Recipes from no. 10 : some practical recipes for discerning cooks
Mabel Claire's cook book for the busy woman : including complete guide to kitchen management
Cake making
Camp cooking and catering
Good Housekeeping's 100 ideas for breakfast and high tea
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickens entertain at home
Gastronomique : a cookbook for gourmets
Health, diet and commonsense
The art of pastry making, according to the French and English methods, including cakes, sweetmeats and fancy biscuit baking, and all kinds of confectionery, plain and ornamantal. A concise practical guide prepared for the use of confectioners, pastrycooks, and private families
German cookery
Off the Beeton track
Wishful cooking
Health via food
The housekeeping book of Susanna Whatman, 1776-1800
Fresh from the freezer
The domestic science handbooks
Le répertoire de la cuisine
Ladies' Home Journal family diet book
Florence Greenberg's Jewish cookery book
Canteen management and cookery
Fish dishes
Home brewed beers and stouts : a handbook to the brewing of ales, beers and stouts at home from barley, malt, malt extract and dried malt extract
Flowers for the house and how to arrange them
Meat cookery
Wild fruits, berries, nuts & flowers : 101 good recipes for using them
Decorated cakes and confectionery
Sweet-making for all
Mushroom cooking
Junior foods and nutrition
The figure finaglers
A home of your own
The eating in bed cookbook
Wine lore : a critical analysis of wine dogma
Zena Skinner's third book of recipes
Food-from-the-woods cooking
The gourmet's London
British bouquet : an epicurean tour of Britain
Catherine Ives' cookery book : a much enlarged and thoroughly revised edition of "When the cook is away" with new chapters on cakes, savouries, and left-overs
What we drink
Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables
Elektrisk matlagning : Några råd och vinkar
Chafing dish and casserole cookery
One-room cookery
The four seasons cookery book : some favourite recipes
Mrs. Rorer's Philadelphia cook book : a manual of home economics
Recettes de cuisine pratique
The slimmer's cookbook
The home cookery book
Addenbrooke's cook book
The contribution of chemistry to food supplies : Invited and selected contributed papers presented at the Symposium on the Contribution of Chemistry to Food Supplies, held in Hamburg, FDR, 29-31 August 1973. Joint symposium committee chairmen: H. Egan, J. Hawthorn. Symposium editors: I. Morton, D. N. Rhodes
The four-in-one book of continental cookery : Italy, Spain, Portugal, France
French cooking : 24 recipes
Potluck cookery : original cooking with what you have on hand in the cupboard or refrigerator
One man's meat
Cleaner food and how to get it
The French at table
Kitchen table talk : 500 recipes
Introductory Foods
The practical cook
The pleasure of your company : a text-book of hospitality
How to cook eggs and omelets in 300 different ways
A new approach to wine making at home
The butter recipe book : more than 100 hints and tips showing why butter is better
Wines and juices
Herbs for the kitchen
Hot and cold sweets
Hors d'oeuvre and canapés
The Southern cook book
An old-world recipe book
Sweetmeat-making at home
The A.T.D.S. cookery book
Mrs. A.B. Marshall's cookery book
The English housewife in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Home economics
High-class cookery recipes : as taught in the school
Running your home-food and entertaining
Home from the office
Royal chef : recollections of life in royal households from Queen Victoria to Queen Mary
Accent on seasoning
The Victorian cookery book
The young woman's companion in all her social relations, embracing practical instructions in plain and ornamental needlework, letter writing, sick room management, dress and clothing, house furnishing, gardening, etiquette, and every other variety of household economy in the nursery, kitchen, and parlour with copious notes of the months, complete history of domestic manufactures, moral and religious readings in prose and poetry and four hundred golden rules of life
"Up-to-date" dress cutting & drafting, with diagrams
Home brewed beers and stouts : a handbook to the brewing of ales, beers and stouts at home from barley, malt, malt extract and dried malt extract
The easy electric cookbook
Specification for catering equipment burning liquefied petroleum gases
The art and magic of cookery
Lenten fare and food for Fridays
French colonial cookery : a cook's tour of the French-speaking world
What's cooking on Okinawa : a community cookbook
Cooking out of doors : for picnics, camping, caravan holidays, sailing and barbecue entertainments
Meatless menus, for lunch, dinner, and supper : being a series of attractive menus arranged to give adequate nourishment, with over 300 recipes drawn up specially for this book
Haute cuisine : a gastronomic guide to classical menus and dishes, with digressions on regional specialities, Oriental cookery, and the joys and responsibilities of connoisseurship and epicureanism
Canning, preserving and pickling
The wining and dining quiz; a banquet of questions and answers from soup to nuts
'Please, M'm, the butcher!' : a complete guide to catering for the housewife of moderate means, with menus of all meals for a year, numerous recipes, and fifty-two additional menus of dinners without meat
Having crossed the Channel
The Frances Parkinson Keyes cookbook
Weight control
Common Market cookery : Italy
The practical fishmonger and fruiterer
Good food again
Frankly feminine : a book of comprehensive information and advice for the woman of today
Christina Foyle's party book
Household hints and theatricals
Review of nutrition and diet therapy
The best of Woman's Own cookbook
Authentic and hilarious bar guide
Hints on home brewing : a concise guide to the making of all types of homebrew similar to mild, bitter and brown ales, stout, milk stout, strong stout, and lager, from malt, malt extract, dried malt extract, and grains
Small meat dishes
The technology of bread-making : including the chemistry and analytical and practical testing of wheat flour, and other materials employed in bread-making and confectionery
Dictionnaire universel pour la traduction des menus en français, allemand et anglais. 4. éd. corrigée : Allgemeines wörterbuch für übersetzung der speisekarten... 4. verb. aufl. Universal dictionary of menus in English, French and German
The illustrated book of hors d'oeuvres
Il cucchiaio d'argento : il libro fondamentale della cucina italiana
The consumer jungle
Happy is the bride
A history of the teaching of domestic subjects
Artizan recipes : to illustrate the principles of cookery
The practical man's book of things to make and do
Menus made easy, or, How to order dinner and give the dishes their French names
Carefree cookery : meat, poultry, game
Traditional dishes of Britain
Fabulous foods for people you love
Cook book
The book of ices : including cream and water ices, sorbets, mousses, iced soufflés, and various iced dishes, with names in French and English, and various coloured designs for ices
The modern baker, confectioner and caterer
Canadian cook book
Radiation cookery book : for use with the Regulo New World gas cookers
Dainty meals for small households : a would-be practical help to those interested in cookery
Daily Mail book of Christmas recipes
The famous American recipes cookbook
Galley wise : a guide to 'Boat cooking'
Chinese cookery
Good food from Vienna
Weekend cooking
Fighting for what? : to 'Billy Boy' and all the other boys killed in the war
Gateway guide to eating in Italy : menus and markets
Essentials of modern cookery
Kettner's book of the table : a manual of cookery, practical, theoretical, historical
Canteen cookery
The practical grocer : a manual and guide for the grocer, the provision merchant, and allied trades
French cooking for the home
Home Institute cook book
The housewife's ABC
Home management and house care
Kochen in zehn Minuten : oder Die Anpassung an den Rhythmus unserer Zeit
Be my guest : a guide to imaginative entertaining
The wine and food menu book
Scientific winemaking made easy
The book of bread
A guide to good wine
The spice sampler : consisting of appropriate recipes and remarks for the home preparation of fine dishes expertly seasoned with herbs and spices, together with a glossary of spice information and sample packets to further your acquaintance with exotic spices from the far corners of the earth
The practice and science of breadmaking
'Good Housekeeping's' pies and pasties
One hundred and one ways of cooking potatoes
Black's domestic dictionary
Design for modern marriage
Family cook : more fabulous food for next to nothing
Modern household encyclopedia
Home cookery
The gourmet's week-end book
The WI diamond jubilee cookbook
Il cuciniere italiano moderno, ovvero, L'amico dei ghiotti economi e dei convalescenti : opera necessaria pei capi di famiglia che desiderano fare una cucina economica, famigliare, e sana... e per chi vuole imparare l'arte del pasticciere, confetturiere, liquorista e diacciatore
Customs and cooking from Wales
Elizabeth Craig's family cookery : a new standard economical cookery on comprehensive lines... [etc.]
Francatelli's The modern cook (1846) : 1462 recipes by Queen Victoria's chef
Rag-bag toys : instructions and full-size patterns for eleven toys
Gourmet cooking for cardiac diets
Cook for your kids! : a strategic guide to family feeding
Mrs. A.B. Marshall's larger cookery book of extra recipes
Die kochsalzfreie Krankenkost : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Diätetik der Nieren-, Herz- und Kreislaufkranken
Country flavor cookbook
Practical camp cookery for guides and guiders
Chinese recipes for home cooking : complete recipes and methods of preparation for the most popular, famous and traditional Chinese dishes
Cookery recipes
Country house cooking
Food selection and preparation
Cooking for the wayward diabetic, and others on special diets
The frozen food cookbook, and guide to home freezing
Black's simple cookery and household management
The reluctant hostess
The practical grocer : a manual and guide for the grocer, the provision merchant, and allied trades
Good English food, local and regional : famous food and drink of yesterday and today recorded with recipes
Cooking today - eating tomorrow
Home-made wines, confectionery and sweets
Vegetarian cookery
Let's throw a party
Programmed nutrition
Home-made wines
Cottage cheese and yogurt
About liquids
Meat dishes without joints
Basic science for bakery (and other foodstuff industries) students
Good jams, preserves and pickles
The book of egg cookery
The science of housecraft
Living on your own
The new serve it buffet
Common-sense cookery for English households : based upon modern English and continental principles; with twenty menus for little dinners worked out in detail
Syllabub in the kitchen
Deep freeze cooking
Old English cookery
The complete book of freezer cooking
Domestic science
The royal cookery book (le livre de cuisine)
Dolls' houses
The modern baker, confectioner and caterer
Miss Williams' cookery book
Feeding under fives
The Kensington School of Cookery book
Let's cook leftovers
Good sweets and ices
Simple American dishes in English measures
The galley cookbook
Strange newes from China : a first Chinese cookery book
Recipes from Vienna
Good plain cooking
Our daily bread : a geography of production
Italian cooking
Haybox cookery
Cookery with the professional touch
The practical grocer : a manual and guide for the grocer, the provision merchant, and allied trades
The epicure's anthology
Fat-free cookery
Austin's new encyclopedia for homemakers
Cookery for beginners : a practical book on the art of cookery with 370 recipes
Hairdressing and beauty as a career
Fifty ways of cooking a pheasant
Reconstruction and the home
May Byron's vegetable book : containing over 800 recipes for the cooking and preparation of vegetables, including meatless cookery supplement
Goods that will sell : tried favourites and new notions
Cooking for flavour with spices and herbs
French pastry, confectionery and sweets : continental dishes
Good Housekeeping's cold cookery : buffet parties, savouries, salads, sweets and ices
Wine in the kitchen
Good Housekeeping's basic cookery in pictures
The happy housewife : a book for the house that is or is to be
Household economics : a course of lectures in the School of Economics of the University of Wisconsin
Law's grocer's manual : a practical guide for tea and provision dealers, Italian warehousemen, chandlers, drysalters, bakers, confectioners, fruiterers, and general store-keepers
The modern domestic encyclopaedia
What's wrong with the cooking?
Classical recipes of the world : with occasions for their use and master culinary guide
Mr Munch, cereals
German cooking
Savouries simplified
A general cookery book
Domestic preservation of fruit and vegetables
Sauces, French & English : sixty-five classic and traditional French and English sauces that any man can make at home
Breakfast and savoury dishes
Come into the kitchen; a cookery book for boys & girls
Successful home cooking : a revised presentation of "Complete Cookery"
Tasty dishes; made from tested recipes; showing what we can have for breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper. With appendix containing additional recipes
Good Housekeeping's Cake Decorating
Good savouries
Professional knowledge: "The art of cookery" for the hotel restaurant, and catering trade. An entirely new manual and practical reference work, partly published in dictionary form, including the latest trade developments for all those concerned in the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
Gourmet's basic French cookbook : techniques of French cuisine
Cooking the Czech way
Basic recipes : the foundations of modern cookery
The household oracle : a popular referee on subjects of household enquiry : including: - house building, buying and renting; house furnishing and decoration; housekeeping and domestic cookery; plain and fancy needlework; home farming, gardening, medicine; law; an epitome of the history of the world and the growth of the human family; the formation of our mother tongue and the rules of English grammar; a dictionary of religions; stepping stones of English history and a sketch of the English constitution setting forth the rights, privileges and duties of the English householder parochial, municipal, imperial; the story of the calendar, standards of weights and measures; arithmetical tables and tables of interest and a ready reckoner; household amusements, games, chess, cards and other indoor games, dancing, swimming, etiquette
La cucina in minuti : 294 illustrated recipes for Italian dishes ready in 10, 20 and 30 minutes
The cold table : a book of recipes for the preparation of cold food and drink
The right way to his heart : new ideas in everyday cooking
Foods : their origin, composition and manufacture
The all new Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School cookbook
The modern grocer and provision dealer
Traditional recipes of the British Isles
What's cooking?
Consumer information handbook: Europe and North America
War time cookery book : practical advice and recipes specially prepared for war time conditions
Main meals
Menus and how to make them pay : for hotels and restaurants, residential and lunch clubs, hospitals' staffs, schools : Also for special functions and for hotel staff meals
Nobs & nosh : eating with the beautiful people
Cooking with a Danish flavour
All About Pastries
The liver diet cookery book : containing recipes for cooking liver without the addition of fat, and menus for fourteen days
A course of practical lessons on the making of sweets and chocolates
The Family circle dessert and fruit cookbook
Wine man's bluff
Meals in a minute : menus and recipes, easy, appetizing and economical for every day and every occasion
New days, new ways : the arrangement of the house and its work, with suggestions that make for greater efficiency in the kitchen and greater satisfaction in cooking
Managing for effective living
Let's have a party : simple recipes
The family in the community
The Queen cookery book
Training in homecraft : suggestions for lesson planning
Success in shopping : how to detect good quality in every article
The White House cook book : a comprehensive cyclopedia of information for the home, containing cooking, toilet and household recipes, menus, dinner-giving, table etiquette, care of the sick, health suggestions, facts worth knowing, etc
The way to cook : or common sense in the kitchen
An economical budget for the family with menus and recipes : (father, mother, and three children aged 12, 10, and 7 years), food allowance 25s. per week, estimated November 1939
Chef to Queen Victoria; the recipes of Charles Elmé Francatelli
The victory cookery book
Houses planned for comfort with special conveniences for invalids and the aged
Hors d'oeuvres : how to make them
Old-time recipes
Radiation cookery book : for use with the Regulo New World gas cookers
Enjoy family cooking
Uhlemann's chef's companion
Common herbs as grown in the hortyards at Gulval and their uses
What to have for breakfast
Balanced menus for school and canteen dinners
Nell Heaton's cooking dictionary
Recipes continental
John Fothergill's cookery book
The home of to-day : by a woman who keeps one
Recipes : the cooking of provincial France
Vitamins and the choice of food
The yachtsman's cook book
Food and home cookery : a course of instruction in practical cookery and cleaning, for children in elementary schools, as followed in the schools of the Leeds School Board
The pocket cook book
A seasoning of menus
The Practical grocer
Party menus and recipes
Trade unions abroad and hints for home legislation : reprinted from a report on the Amsterdam Exhibition of Domestic Economy
The English at table
Emelie Waller's cookery and kitchen book for slender purses
You in your kitchen
The master book of fish : featuring over 1,000 recipes
Planning a home
1001 ways to better baking
Good Housekeeping ways with pastry
Good cheese dishes
365 orange dishes : an orange dish for every day in the year
The sauce of life : sauces, gravies, dressings and garnishes
The conduct of the kitchen : how to keep a good table for sixteen shillings a week
Peggy Hutchinson's Home-Made Wine Secrets
Speaking as a woman
Good Housekeeping's setting up home
Common-sense papers on cookery
One woman's year
The how and why of cookery
A girl's problems in home economics : clothing, home, food, family
The home encyclopaedia : a complete library of invaluable hints on every home subject
Das neue Kochbuch : ein Kochbuch mit Kniffen und Pfiffen der Hausfrau gewidmet
Styling corsages with garden flowers
All about home freezing
Good fare : a book of wartime recipes
Home care for the emotionally ill
Artistry in cold food preparation : with recipes and notes on the care of your refrigerator
Gold Coast nutrition and cookery
Mixer and blender cookery for the housewife
The young housewife's cook book
Miss Tuxford's modern cookery for the middle classes : hints on modern gas stove cooking
Good Housekeeping's' biscuits & cookies
Cornflake crusade
Food for fifty
Chinese cooking made easy
The ulcer diet cook book
The flavour of London
Modern housecraft
Food for the tropics : being a short description of native produce suitable for food in tropical countries
Nutrition and its disorders
New dishes for old : food values & substitute recipes
Cooking for campers
Gastronomy as a fine art : or, The Science of good living, a translation of the "Physiologie du goût" of Brillat-Savarin
The "Daily mail" cookery book
The invalid's own book : a collection of recipes from various books and various countries
The practical fruiterer & florist : a complete guide on all matters relating to the retail fruit, flower and vegetable trades
Wit, wisdom, and morals, distilled from Bacchus
Food in the country home
Cooking for the freezer
Steps to good sauces
New Orleans cuisine
Bar service : a non-technical manual for male and female bar-staff
Zon op tafel : geurige gerechten uit de landen om de Middellandse Zee
Das Buch vom Eis : Mit 128 Beschreibungen und Rezepten sowie 78 Abb
Joy Watts' cake decorating
Complete vegetarian recipe book
Luncheon & dinner sweets : including the art of ice making
Open sesame : the way of a cook with a can
Home baked : a little book of bread recipes
Home owner's handbook [...]
The Good housekeeping annual
News Chronicle cookery book
The young homemaker
Electricity supply and safety
The skilful cook : a practical manual of modern experience
English fare and French wines : being notes towards the furtherance of the entente cordiale gastronomique
A laboratory manual of foods and cookery
Eating for the occasion
Plain cookery recipes, as taught in the school
Die Konserven : Ihre Herstellung im Klein- und Grossbetriebe. Illustriertes Lehrbuch für die Fabrikation von Obst-, Gemüse-u. Fleischkonserven im Spezial-Fabrikationsbetrieb sowie in Konditorei u. Küche
We built a home : a book of home interests in general and of one home in particular
The students cookery book
The appliance cookbook
The market for household appliances : a study of the market for household appliances produced by the light engineering industries before the war, the design of the appliances then available, and the market as it may exist in the next ten years
The dinner knell : elegy in an English dining-room
Tried favourites cookery book : with household hints and other useful information
Herbs and spices for health and beauty
Come and get it! : The compleat outdoor chef
Going metric in catering
The classic French cuisine
Best dishes from Europe
Cooking for love
Domestic economy for scholarship and certificate students
150 maniéres d'accomoder les sardines
Understanding cooking
Lady Maclean's cook book
The best of Boulestin
Receipts and relishes : being a vade mecum for the epicure in the British Isles
The practical fruiterer & florist : a complete guide on all matters relating to the retail fruit, flower and vegetable trades
The wife's own book of cookery : containing upwards of fifteen hundred original receipts, prepared with great care, and a proper attention to economy, and embodying all the latest improvements in the culinary art; accompanied by important remarks and counsel on the arrangement and well-ordering of the kitchen, combined with useful hints on domestic economy. The whole based on many years' constant practice and experience; and addressed to private families as well as the highest circles
Official handbook of the National Training School of Cookery : with lists of utensils necessary, and lessons on cleaning utensils
The Daily telegraph : sociable cook's book
Supercook's day before cook book
Fish and fish entrées with appropriate sauces
Home wine-making
88 Danish dishes
Good taste in cakes and sweets : a collection of favourite recipes
Poultry cook book
Puddings : proved & approved
Luncheon & dinner sweets : including the art of ice making
Home-made wines
Housecraft science
The book of good housekeeping
The pleasures of cooking with wine
The young homemaker : first book
Creating a kitchen
Cooking and curing : a testament of food
Elementary chemistry for students of hygiene and housecraft
Food and planning
Take one glen
Lighthearted brewing
The ulcer diet cook book
The chafing dish cookbook
Eat well and stay well
With gusto and relish
Savouring the East : feasts and stories from Istanbul to Bali
The Boston cooking-school cook book
Recettes et paysages : sud-ouest et Pyrénées
A meal in a minute
'Good Housekeeping's' cooking by gas
Home freezers
Food and the family
The art of cooking for invalids in the home and the hospital
Good Housekeeping's continental cookery
Little cookery book
Cookery without a kitchen
Eating for perfect health : food reform and meatless cookery : the principles and practice of food reform simply and clearly explained, including recipes
More kitchen front recipes; further extracts from the early morning broadcasts, with other recipes and hints
Good housekeeping home made sweets and cookies : recipes tested by the Good Housekeeping Institute, proprietors: The National Magazine Co. Ltd
The Jewish festival cookbook : according to the dietary laws
An introduction to hairstyling
Eggs : one-hundred & twenty ways of cooking
Feast and famine : the wonderful world of food
Two hundred ways of cooking fish
The simple science of wine and beer making
The science and practice of confectionery
Talking about puddings
The complete hors d'oeuvre book
Good cold dishes
British and Irish cooking : traditional dishes prepared in a modern way
A manual of domestic economy : with hints on domestic medicine and surgery
Science and your home
High-class cookery recipes : as taught in the School
Cassell's cooking dictionary
Menus made easy : how to order dinner and give the dishes their French names
Cooking without regrets
Recipes from Italy
A Portuguese-American cookbook
Successful canning and preserving : practical hand book for schools, clubs, and home use
The mistress cook
Dinners for beginners : an economical cookery book for the single-handed
The Scots kitchen : its traditions and lore with old-time recipes
Traditional Ukrainian cookery
The no-time-to-cook book
They can't ration these
Dainty dinners and dishes for Jewish families
The history of bread : from pre-historic to modern times
Real French cooking : with a selection of outstanding recipes from other countries
As cooks go
The I never cooked before cook book
Vogue's French cookery book
Soybean chemistry and technology
Hungarian culinary art
My own cookery book
Good Housekeeping's book of good recipes
Meals without meat, or, meatless fare cookery
The fish-retailer and his trade
Creative cooking
Grow your own health : what the doctor says, what the gardener does
Dinner on a toothpick : how to feed 4 or 40 without fuss, forks or fallout
Cooking for a party
Cooking with yogurt
The caterer's manual
The pocket book of wine
The beverage report
A treasury of fine desserts
All about gateaux and dessert cakes
Good Housekeeping's 100 preserves recipes for jams, jellies, marmalades
California mission recipes
Catering for the young
Menus made easy; or, how to order dinner and give the dishes their French names
Silvester's sensible cookery
Easy living : (300 ways of making your home easier to live in)
House into home
Plain cookery recipes, as taught in the school
Woman's Own book of modern homemaking
The hostess cooks
Host and guest : a book about dinners, wines, and desserts
Nobody ever tells you these things about food and drink
The all-Italian cookbook : more than 500 distinctive recipes of old and new, strange and familiar Italian dishes, from the antipasto to zabaione, as they are indigenously prepared and served in each region from the Alps to the Mediterranean
When the cook is away
The economics of modern cookery, or, A younger son's cookery book
The "ideal" cookery book : a reliable guide to home cooking : containing 246 useful and dainty recipes
Lindauer Kochbuch, für guten bürgerlichen und feineren Tisch eingerichtet... nebst zuverlässigen Belehrungen ... und Speisezetteln für alle Jahreszeiten
The packed lunch book
Harmsworth's household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations
Building or buying a house : a guide to house purchase
The school cookery book
Die Wiener Mehlspeise : mit einem Anhang von Spezialrezepten für Diabetiker und Grossverpflegung
Learning for living : a housecraft science course
Food for health : practical nature cure recipes with helpful suggestions
Unusual savouries
Cooking our way : a course in Caribbean cookery and nutrition
[Pressure cooking by Harrods, including recipes]
Secrets of Chinese cooking
The Glasgow cookery book
Action cook book : Len Deighton's guide to eating
Good Housekeeping's home encyclopaedia
Cassell's Domestic dictionary : an encyclopaedia for the household
Westcountry cookery
All in the cooking
The week-end cookery book
Studies in urban household diets, 1944-49 : second report of the National Food Survey Committee
We shall eat and drink again : a wine & food anthology
The Wine and Food Society's guide to soups
The grocery trade : its history and romance
The new concise household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all branches of homecraft
Angels must eat : a culinary entertainment
Cooking with spices
Fruit and vegetable cookery
The homemaker's pictorial encyclopedia of modern cake decorating : borders, flowers, figure piping, tube writing, gum paste, sugar mold, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, petits fours, cream puffs, hors d'oeuvres, salads, desserts, spun sugar, pulled sugar, candy
Better winemaking & brewing for beginners
Jam manufacture : its theory and practice
Basic baking
The complete meat cookbook
The book of vegetable cookery, usual and unusual
Beer and good food : brighten your menus and recipes with beer and ale
Let's love fish
Table traits : with something on them
A new look at careers in home economics
Year book
Plan work & enjoy leisure
Vegetable cookery
Accept with pleasure : a book about food written for those who like to share the good things of life with their friends
Industrial nutrition
Food situation in Central Europe, 1917
W I recipe book
Professional food preparation
Entertaining from your freezer
Regensburger Kochbuch : 1142 original Kochrecepte auf Grund vierzigjähriger Erfahrung zünachst für die bürgerliche Küche
Good Housekeeping's English recipes old and new : a selection of over four hundred tested recipes drawn from the rich heritage of traditional English cooking, together with modern variations and new recipes designed to suit the conditions of today
Harmsworth's household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations
Summer cookery
101 Arabian delights : a book of Arabic cookery
Cookery Book
Breakfast, luncheon, and tea
Meatless dishes, or meals without meat
Key to cooking
Pies, pastries, cakes, puddings & sweets : many recipes, simple and wholesome, easy to understand and to execute
Hay box cookery
Everyday French cooking
The young couple : tips and recipes
Sausage and small goods production : a practical handbook on the manufacture of sausages and other meat products
Science cooks the dinner
The £.s.d. of marriage
Fireless cookery book : a manual of the construction and use of appliances for cooking by retained heat. With 250 recipes
Cooking the Russian way
Training in home management
Food, health and income : report on a survey of adequacy of diet in relation to income
A butler's recipe book, 1719
Senn's century cookery book : practical gastronomy and recherché cookery
The art of Dutch cooking
Refrigeration for the meat trade : a practical handbook on the service and maintenance of refrigerators for butchers
A book about the table
A student's handbook of housewifery
The story of your home
"The fruit of the tree" : an argument on behalf of man's primitive and natural diet
The Robert Carrier cookbook
Flower arranging for fun
Chinese cooking for pleasure
Home winemaking
Cocktail party secrets
Good sandwiches and picnic dishes
The master book of dessert pies and sweets
Herbs for health and cookery
All about biscuits
International kitchen : a book of recipes from all over the world compiled by Good Housekeeping Institute in collaboration with the Gas Council
The world book of pork dishes
How can I save?
Thought for food : a cookery book for entertaining occasions
Deep freezing at home : being a handbook on how to buy, instal, use and maintain a home, farm or hotel freezer, together with detailed instructions on how to prepare, freeze, thaw and cook all types of frozen food, and including a comprehensive collection of special recipes
Home nursing
Common Market cookbook
Domestic science : 50 well-paid careers
Table topics
Entertaining at home
Home freezing for everyone
Snack and party cook book
Esquire party book
Harmsworth's household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations
The waiter
Classic cooking from India
The King's College Hospital book of cooking recipes : being a collection of recipes contributed by Friends of the Hospital and published in aid of the Fund for the Removal of King's College Hospital to South London
Health food cookery book
The new century cookery book : practical gastronomy and recherché cookery
New England cookbook
The ABC of preserving
Cooking by magic
The working mother : tips and recipes
Cream, butter and wine
The ideal home and its problems
Mrs. Dale's bedside book
Early English recipes : selected from the Harleian MS. 279 of about 1430 A.D
Favourite recipes : in English and Spanish
Preserving and pickling
The Gourmet Cooking School cookbook : classic recipes, menus and methods as taught in the classes of the GourmetCooking School
Entertaining is fun! : How to be a popular hostess
The modern caterer's encyclopaedia (illustrated)
Good food on a budget
The concise household encyclopedia
Good food without meat
Cookery for invalids, persons of delicate digestion, and for children
Savoury cooking
A pretty kettle of fish
Better living
Meat dishes
The Danwich guide to Danish open sandwiches
The master book of soups : featuring 1,001 titles and recipes
Treasury of wine and wine cookery
Starting housekeeping
The art of cooking and serving
Deep-freezing for the housewife
Looking after old people at home
The metric cookery book
Five technical reports on food and agriculture
Le monde à table : guide-dictionnaire de la gastronomie internationale
Economical cookery and menus for every day in the year
The anti-bull cook book : being a low guide to the high art of nosh
Table service and decoration
The pleasures of Japanese cooking
Doris Archer's farm cookery book
The everday savoury book : a tasty dish for every day of the year
Tia Victoria's Spanish kitchen
Be bold in your kitchen
The single girl : tips and recipes
Small goods production; a practical handbook on the manufacture of sausages and other meat products
The gold cookery book
Learning home economics
Proteins as human food : proceedings of the Sixteenth Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottingham, 1969
Finnish food for your table
Useful, substantial and splendid : a young people's book of traditional cookery
Perfect cooking : a comprehensive guide to success in the kitchen
A year's cookery : giving dishes for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner for every day in the year, with practical instructions for their preparation
Domestic preservation of fruit and vegetables
Good Housekeeping's picture cookery
The art of coarse cookery
The book of the meat trade
Cassell's book of the household : a work of reference on domestic economy
Good meals for hard times
Poultry & game
Furnishing and re-furnishing
Scotch whisky
The honey cookbook
Candy and candy-making
Cooking on turning spit and grill
Vegetable and fruit dishes : the healthy diet, rich in vitamines
Woman, wine and a saucepan
The nursery cookery book
I have a house
Feeding the family: hints for the intelligent housewife
Home guide to deep freezing
Emergencies and sickness in the home : a guide for mothers and others
Best party dishes
The complete illustrated household encyclopaedia : an omnibus work of general reference for men and women on every home subject
Honey and your health : a nutrimental, medicinal & historical commentary
Vital factors of foods, vitamins and nutrition
The comic cookery book and dyspeptic's guide to the grave
House & Garden's complete guide to creative entertaining
Japanese Cookbook : 100 favorite Japanese recipes for Western cooks
European cooking : traditional recipes from 24 nations
Bestway cookery gift book
Summer cooking
The casserole cookbook
Soups and chowders
Pressure cooking day by day
Cooking and baking the fat-free way; a selection of recipes compiled from coronary thrombosis and kindred ailments, using completely fat-free ingredients and the whites of eggs only and sunflower oil
The meat industry : a text-book for meat traders and others engaged in the various branches of the meat industry
Betty Crocker's New Picture Cook Book
Alice about the house
Portuguese food
The art of sweet-making (bonbons, chocolates, fondants, marzipan, etc., etc.)
Cookery for every household
Home bottling and canning : fruit, vegetables, poultry, meat, including drying and salting
Cooking for one
Better kitchencraft
What shall we have to drink?
How to run your home without help
Mrs. Beeton's cake-making : including buns, biscuits and other dainties
Mediterranean cooking for pleasure
Good Housekeeping's better fish recipes
The book of entrées, including casserale and planked dishes
Meat dishes
Confectioners' raw materials : their sources, modes of preparation, chemical composition, the chief impurities and adulterations, their more important uses and other points of interest
Danish pastries
The Edgewater Beach hotel salad book
Good dishes from tinned foods
Indian cookery for use in all countries
Practical courses in housecraft
Family cookery
Chocolate crisp
Cocina hispano-americana = American-Spanish cook-book
The Hay system menu book with recipes
Dining out in any language
Goods of the grocer and provision dealer : a class book for first and second year students of the Institute and an introduction to commodities for all beginners in the trade of the grocer and provision dealer
The use of quick frozen foods in catering
New dishes from left-overs
Training in domestic work
Running a successful teashop
The Chinese cook book
The art of plain cooking
Recipes of the United Nations
Commis pastry book
Fit for a bishop : or, How to keep a fat priest in prime condition
The electric cookery book
The pleasures of Chinese cooking
Mrs. Beeton's sauces & soups : including sauces for fish, meat, vegetables and puddings, also broths and thick and clear soups, over 300 recipes
Three little cooks
Books for cooks : a bibliography of cookery
Quantity cookery; menu planning and cookery for large numbers
Soyer's paper-bag cookery
The wholefood cookery book
The gentle art of cookery, with 750 recipes
Meat technology : a practical textbook for student and butcher
Whole-meal : with practical recipes
Nutrition work in Greece
A second Dudley book of cookery and other recipes
Soups, stocks, and purées
Fish & sea food cook book
A taste of the past : a collector's miscellany of eighteenth and nineteenth-century tableware
Enjoy your own wine : a beginner's guide to making wine at home
Economical meat cookery : how to get the best out of your butcher
Comprehensive confectionery for hotel, café, restaurant, and general bakery practice
A manual of gelatine cookery : for use with Cox's Sparking Gelatine
Swedish food : 200 selected Swedish dishes, the smörgäsbord, traditional party and everyday menus
Simple French cooking for English homes
Housecraft science
Learning to cook : the book of "how" and"why" in the kitchen
Elsie's cook book : tested recipes of every variety
Ginger snaps
The gourmets' almanac : wherin is set down, month by month, recipes for strange and exotic dishes, with divers considerations anent the cooking and eating thereof, together with the feast days & the fast days and many proverbs from many lands also the words and music of such old-fashioned songs as should be sung by all proud and lusty fellows; to all this is appended a garland for gourmets tressed with many quaint fancies and literary blossoms culled from the most noble writers of all ages
The good wife's cook book
The I hate to housekeep book
A handbook on meat and text book for butchers
Dining at the Pavillon
Cooking for the sick and convalescent : a textbook of dietetics
Good cooking on rings
Cooking with fruit
The new Jewish cook book of favorite recipes
James Beard's American cookery
La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene : manuale pratico per le famiglie
Allergy cooking : a guide with menus and recipes
Austrian cooking for you
Deep-freeze cookery
The wonders of your house
Italian bouquet : an epicurean tour of Italy
For serving four (or even more)
Keep it clean : a comprehensive guide to household cleaning
The art of canned food cookery
The practical fishmonger and fruiterer
The Iris Syrett cookery book : collected recipes of the Tante Marie School of Cookery
Fare wisely and well
Everywoman's problems solved by experts
The party givers' book
The Gas Council's catering handbook
Typical Japanese cooking
Wines from your vines
Say-cheese !
Super sweets & puddings
Herbs in the kitchen
An introduction to the study of the principles of bread-making
Sweets without sugar
Long island seafood cook book
Consumerism : things Ralph Nader never told you
Enquire within upon everything
Feeding the nation in peace and war
Mary Meade's kitchen companion : the indispensable guide for the modern cook
The plain man's guide to wine
Gourmet recipes from a Highland hotel
Aluminium compounds in food : Including a digest of the report of the referee board of scientific experts on the infulence of aluminiuim componds on the nutrition and health of man
Mauduits' cookery book : the vicomte in the kitchen; the art of cooking, preserving, eating, and drinking; with the manner how to make simple dishes; all kinds of banqueting stuffs, of the wines to be drunk with them; and of sauces, syrups, and jams. Also a selection of recipes from many continents, countries, and counties; together with many economic and distinguished novelties; with finally a choice of menus for all occasions, seasons, purses, and moods
The art of Italian cooking
Giving a party
Popular freezer cookery
A salute to onions : some reflections on cookery - and cooks
Mrs. Wilkinson's cookery book
Chemistry in the home
Best quick supper dishes
Harmsworth's household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations
House repairs
The new setting your table : its art, etiquette and service
Middle eastern cooking
The book of electrical cookery
Japanese cooking
Invalid diet : directions and recipes, a special diet recipe book
Cook until done : a collection of unexpected recipes
Bestway cookery gift book
Factory canteens and their management in Great Britain
Food merry-go-round : the art of cooking is the happy use of ingredients at hand
Foods of old New England
Pressure cookery
Hors-d'oeuvres for Hay dieters : light luncheon or supper dishes
Pressure cookery : recipes and menus for all occassions
The Continental cookbook
The home book of French cookery
The home chef
Anyone can cook!
Just for ourselves cookery book
Let's cook it right : good health comes from good cooking
From barrel to bottle : (notes on the home bottling of wine)
The making of the home : a book of domestic economy for home and school use
A kitchen primer : a basic cookbook
Learning home economics
Recipes from Cornwall
The animal food resources of different nations : with mention of some of the special dainties of various people derived from the animal kingdom
Better cooking for large numbers
Good cookery illustrated : and recipes communicated by the Welsh hermit of the cell of St. Gover, with various remarks on many things past and present
Au petit Cordon Bleu : an array of recipes from the 'ecole du petit Cordon Bleu', 29 Sloane Street, London
The grocer's handbook : a text-book for the grocery trade
Preserves from the garden
Perfect cooking
Skill in cookery
Notes from a collector's catalogue : with a bibliography of English cookery books
Light fare recipes for corn flour, "Raisley" and custard powder cookery
Good soups
A book about the table
The Penguin dictionary of cookery
The art of good living : a contribution to the better understanding of food and drink, together with a gastronomic vocabulary and a wine dictionary
Unfired food in practice : with many suggestive recipes
Human foods and their nutritive value
Marguerite Patten's book of fish, meat, poultry and game : main course dishes, basic and traditional, old and new, for festive days and every day
Kunst Des Grillens Und braten am Spiess
Amateur wine making : an introduction and complete guide to wine, cider, perry, mead and beer making and to the cultivation of the vine
Drinks of all kinds : hot and cold, for all seasons
Early American herb recipes
Salads, sandwiches, and chafing dish recipes
Herrings, bloaters and kippers : how to serve them
Modern cake decorating
Home wine-making and vine-growing
The trade's cake book
Good cooking with wine
Bread and bread baking
'Good Housekeeping's' salads and hors d'oeuvre
Cakes of England
Good salads and salad dressings
Deep freezing menus and recipes
How to keep house on £200 a year
Cook's tour of European kitchens : the best continental dishes suited to an English table
Junior Housecraft for standards VI, VII and VIII
Deep-freezing for the housewife
Internacia kuirlibro
The Findus saga : a practical example of international co-operation
The Everday vegetable book : containing 418 economical recipes for cooking vegetables, together with 22 new and tasty sauces
Cooking explained
When we're green we grow
Diet and tradition in an African culture
Aids for the elderly in home and garden
The modern young cook
Domestic science : cookery, needlework, hygiene (including simple first-aid), housecraft
Lakeland cookery
The book of food and drink
Home cookery
Make your own wine
Meal planning and table service in the American home
French cooking for English homes
Recipe index, 1970 : the eater's guide to periodical literature
Two fifteenth-century cookery-books : Harleian ms.279 (ab.1430), & Harl. ms.4016 (ab.1450), with extracts from Ashmole ms.1429 Laud ms.553, & Douce ms.55
Bakery materials and methods : a book for every baker and confectioner
The Cannon cookery book : containing valuable aids in the art of cooking, and recipes proved and tested in the Cannon research kitchen
French cooking by the clock
Polish cookbook
"As we like it" : cookery recipes by famous people
A matter of taste : wine and wine-tasting
A meal in the hand
The cookery book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie
The meatless menu book : four hundred meatless entrées. lunch and supper dishes
Polish cooking
Summer cookery
Mrs. Beeton's household management : a complete cookery book with sections on the housewife, household work... [etc.]
The I still hate to cook book : with over 140 recipes and 323 afterthoughts
La bonne cuisine française tout ce qui a rapport à la table manuel-guide pour la ville et la campagne plus de deux cents dessins spéciaux
Gambols in gastronomy : being some frivolous but helpful essays for girls having a man to feed
The slim gourmet's soup book
Cooking for every occasion
My flower decoration notebook : the weekly diary of an ordinary woman's flower arrangements
Improve your winemaking
Good Housekeeping's Hot and cold puddings : five hundred tested recipes for all kinds of puddings, from satisfying pastries, suet puddings and sponges for winter days, to delicious summer sweets, ices and frozen desserts
Creative cake decoration
Sweets that have tempted me
Bakery materials and methods : a book for every baker and confectioner
Mr Therm goes county : 160 famous county recipes
Nell Heaton's everyday book : comprising calendar notes & special days, gardening hints, recipes & cooking notes
Recipes for high-class cookery : as used in the Edinburgh School of Cookery
Food of love : the favourite feasts of the world's music-makers
Sussex recipe book : with a few excursions into Kent
The "A.1" cookery book containing everything essential for those who wish to have plain food daintily prepared
'Good Housekeeping's' My first school cookbook
Food and planning
Cutting the coat
Personal choice
Recipes of Lakeland : Cumberland, Westmorland, North Lancashire
Not in front of the servants : domestic service in England 1850-1939
Meals for school children
Vegetarisk kokbok
Superior cookery
The English medieval feast
Suffolk cooking, by George : a collection of favourite recipes
Discovering Mexican cooking
Je sais cuisiner
Paul Reboux' book of new French cooking : 300 new and unique receipts
Recipes from the East
Art of the kitchen
The house book
Picnics for motorists
The together cookbook
Cookery for the diabetic
A meal in itself : a book of soups
Milk products
Good appetite my companion : a gourmand at large
Cold dishes and hors-d'oeuvre : the delight of the housewife
Restaurant roundabout
The art of dining, or, Gastronomy and gastronomers
Experimental domestic science
Making the most of a small home
Flora Klickmann's cookery books. giving modern methods and reasonable recipes for middle-class households
All about mead
Making wines like those you buy
Ida Bailey Allen's sandwich book
Creative cake decoration
A complete course in home sweetmaking
Good cooking with yeast
Your home and you : the practical encyclopedia for every homemaker
Cooking without a cook : selected recipes from "Homes and gardens" providing simple, appetising, & economical dishes for every season of the year
Mrs. Edwards' cookery book : recipes, preparing, cooking, things in season, bills of fare, ball suppers, savouries, cakes, ices, drinks, invalid cookery, vegetables, etc. etc
The complete book of home food preservation : fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat, fish and eggs
Choose your vegetables
Kings in the kitchen : favorite recipes of famous men
Dining and wining
'My greengrocer says...'
Cookery for schools to G.C.E. Ordinary Level
Wor lass's yem cookin', or, Why Geordie's sae weel fed
Domestic economy in theory and practice : a text-book for teachers and students in training
Cooking is child's play
The expectant and nursing mother's cookery book
Cooking is exciting, for the young cook
The school of health : a guide to health in the home
Historic tinned foods
A year's dinners : 365 seasonable dinners, with instructions for cooking. A handy guide-book for worried housekeepers
First catch your hare : a history of the recipe-makers
Morning and hot-plate goods : including scones, buns, teabread, etc
The cult of the chafing dish
20th century cookery : how to cook by electricity
Polish cookery : uniwersalna ksiazka kucharska
Never too late : an original cookery book
The fine wines of California
German cookery for the English kitchen
Prudence & Peter : a story for children about cooking out-of-doors and indoors
Good Housekeeping's cookery book
Good Housekeeping children's cook book
The food of the people : being the history of industrial feeding
'Good Housekeeping's' My second school cookbook
Economic biology for students of social science
Recipes of all nations
Caviare and after : the truth about luxury food
Cookery for small craft
British Baker recipes
Home brewed beers and stouts : a handbook to the brewing of ales, beers and stouts at home from barley, malt, malt extract and dried malt extract
Wines and spirits : the connoisseur's textbook
Making wines at home
Mrs. Beeton's poultry and game : including sauces, stuffings, trussing and carving
The cookie cookbook
Home-made chocolates
The reasons why: practical answers to every-day bakehouse questions : "The reason why," & "More reasons why," combined, revised, and enlarged
Lancashire cookery
A taste of Ireland : Irish traditional food
Everywoman's complete guide to homemaking
Food for the rich
Beer and vittels
Food for survival after a disaster
Maura Laverty's cookery book
Everyday cookery
The road home : a journey of exploration
Modern housecraft : the art of reasonable living
What every cook should know
Cooking craft : a practical handbook for students in training for cookery and for the homeworker
The art of dining
Ann Cook and friend
Look! I can cook
Easy Chinese dishes for today
She cooks to conquer
So you want a house in Spain?
Nutrition and the public health : medicine, agriculture, industry, education : proceedings of a national conference on the wider aspects of nutrition, April 27-28-29, 1939
Food by appointment : royal recipes since 1066
The pocket gourmet instant menu translator
So your child won't eat!
International cookery : specialities collected on the spot and tested
Philip Harben's cookery encyclopaedia
Lady Barnett's cookbook
Fruits of the earth
Tomorrow's buffet cooked today : 50 versatile menus for easy entertaining
Fish, meat, egg and cheese dishes
Fun with cookery
Household management : a handbook of domestic economy and hygiene
Economic biology for students of social science
The English cookery book
Women's Institutes
The book of breakfasts : with menus, recipes and breakfast lore
Quantity catering
Shell fish
Masterpieces of French cuisine
The labour saving house
An invitation to wines : an informal guide to the selection, care and enjoyment of domestic and European wines
A book of salads : the art of salad dressing
Summer desserts
The art of sweetmaking : (bonbons, chocolates, fondants, marzipan, etc., etc.)
The bakery trade as a career
Good Housekeeping's A.B.C. of cleaning
Bubble and squeak
Your long-suffering stomach
Esquire's handbook for hosts
Everyday cookery
A book of simples
Better homes and gardens : home canning cook book
More Yorkshire recipes
Bakery science
Home furnishings
Japanese one-pot cookery, friendly and festive
The good cook's guide : more recipes from restaurants in the Good food guide
Blue trout and black truffles : the peregrinations of an epicure
West Indian cookery
Cornish recipes : ancient and modern
Erlesene Cocktail-Bissen
Les soupes de France : étude culinaire par province : trente-six recettes de potages variés
The ghost in the kitchen : electric, automatic'coldstart' cookery
Cooking for your children
Cookery plus : a collection of simple and economical recipes for the aspiring cook. How to turn plain food into party food by addition andembellishment
Cooking round the world
Grandmother's household hints : as good today as yesterday
Cooking the Scandinavian way
Menus for every day of the year : with 828 recipes
A proper newe booke of cokerye
Food without fuss : 200 new recipes and a few thoughts
ABC of simple cooking
Meat science
Wassail! In mazers of mead : an account of mead, metheglin, sack and other ancient liquors, and of the mazer cups out of which they were drunk, with some comment upon the drinking customs of our forebears
A gourmet's guide to fish and chips
The Nation's larder and the housewife's part therein : a set of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in April, May and June, 1940
May Byron's jam book : a handy guide to the preserving of fruit with and without sugar : jams, jellies, marmalades, cheeses, pastes, butters, bottled, dried, spiced, syruped, brandied and candied fruit, containing over five hundred recipes
The ideal cookery book
Chez Maxim's : secrets and recipes from the world's most famous restaurant; presented by the Countess of Toulouse-Lautrec
Commercial confectionery : a practical guide for practical men
Peggy Hutchinson's tonic wine-making secrets
Sandwiches for parties and picnics
Advanced piping and cake designs : method and application of fine piping and run-in work
The salad book : salads for all the year round
The bakers' dictionary
A second helping : or, more dishes for English homes
Household management illustrated, containing full information for the housewife on the economical maintenance and running of the home
Good cooking with herbs and spices
Fruit scones
Cooking alone
Variety in everday food
Escape to Hilife : a gourmet goes to sea
The art of eating in France : manners and menus in the nineteenth century
Le mangeur du XIXe siècle
Grocery for beginners
Shopping for your deep freeze
Cooking for your freezer
Physiologie du goût
A home of your own
French cooking : 24 recipes
Israeli cookery
The way to a good table : electric cookery
Cook it ahead
Successful cooking : what to buy and how to cook it
The soy cook book
Good food on the AGA
Practical larder work
Cooking the Chinese way
Invalid cookery book : with a section of feeding children
Cosmopolitan cookery in an English kitchen
Household encyclopaedia : comprising medical and gardening information, cookery and household recipes, a guide to etiquette, hints for the toilet, etc., etc., etc
Margarine and other food fats : their history, production and use
Nua gach bia : a dictionary of culinary terms, Béarla-Gaeilge, Gaeilge-Béarla
Kitchen adventures, or, Experiments in diet changes : a course of ten demonstrations
Time for tea
Gastronomic bibliography
Colourful cookery : a series of inexpensive dishes which are easy to make and fun to garnish
The greedy book (a feast for the eyes)
Shopping around and cooking with George Villiers
Stains, and how to remove them : with lots of other things as well
The complete western cookbook : the gourmet's guide to the land beyond the Pecos
The complete book of home winemaking
Tritton's guide to better wine and beer making for beginners
Ice creams and other frozen desserts
American Indian corn : (maize), a cheap, wholesome, and nutritious food, 150 ways to prepare and cook it
A herb and spice cook book
Savoury snacks; a collection of recipes for snacks, hot and cold, suitable for sherry or cocktail parties, picnics, informal meals, late suppers and other notable occasions when light but not uninteresting fare is expected
To think of tea!
Everyday domestic science and hygiene
Bibliographie gastronomique
A year's cookery : giving dishes for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner for every day in the year, with practical instructions for their preparation, and a special section on foods for invalids
All the year 'round : a day book
The living stones : the story of a country home
A calendar of food and wine
The practical instruction handbooks
Quantity food purchasing
"Make it easy" cookery : recipes and hints for inexpensive every-day dishes
Dinners, long and short
The family guide to better food and better health
Modern practical cookery : with 63 pages of illustrations
Cooking for busy brides
Harmsworth's household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations
The house improved
Turkish cooking
The complete illustrated cookery : over two thousand recipes and hints on
Never in the kitchen when company arrives
Toothsome dishes : fish, flesh, and fowl : soups, sauces, and sweets, with household hints and other useful information
The book of the onion
The art of flambe cooking
The complete book of modern pressure cooking
Eating French : menus and markets
Dr. Oetker German home cooking
Daily Express enjoyable cookery : more than 1000 tested recipes
Home handicrafts, needlework and repairs
A "course" in canning
Fifty meals without an oven
Tropical cookery simplified
Kitchen front recipes & hints : extracts from the first seven months' early morning broadcasts
Calling again : my Kitchen front talks with some results on the listener
Cunning cookery
We shall eat and drink again : a wine & food anthology
What every cook should know
Elizabeth Craig's enquire within : a new book of simple, lively and up-to-date information on every household subject. Over 2,000 hints to be kept ready to hand
Invalid cookery : the doctor in the kitchen
One hundred and one practical non-flesh recipes
The art of cooking by gas
Lady Sysonby's cook book
The house you want : some practical data about the building, equipment, and furnishing of it, in a series of dialogues
Just cooking, thanks : being a disertation on New Zealand seafoods
Progressive winemaking : a textbook covering fully the theory and practice of winemaking, and a guide to the production of superior wines of popular types
Wine in Australia : a handbook
Flour confectionery craft
Pastries : a complete guide to pastry-making
The making of ice-cream
One hundred and twenty-seven ways of preparing savouries and hors d'oeuvres
Encyclopaedia of home-made wines
Today's home living
Bibliographie gastronomique
Cassell's shilling cookery
The complete housewife
Cantaloup to cabbage; how to cook and serve vegetables, with many new dishes
Cookery up-to-date
Teaching problems in home economics
Foreign food prices as affected by the war
Dishes made without meat
Meat for your freezer : how to buy and prepare it
Scandinavian cooking for pleasure : Denmark/Norway/Sweden
Food and other frailties
The Penlee recipe book : a comprehensive cookery book containing 490 approved recipes on food reform lines
The waiter
Feeding the family in war-time : based on the new knowledge of nutrition
The St. Mungo cookery book
More reasons why : practical answers to every-day bakehouse questions
Recipes : The cooking of the British Isles
The pocket gourmet instant menu translator
The housewife's manual of domestic cookery : with special reference to cooking by gas
The tenth muse : an unconventional cookery book of recipes from many lands
Old Warsaw cook book : hundreds of Polish specialities with many additions from cuisines the world over
Feed the brute
Running a home : a guide to efficient household management
La casa de Lúculo, o el arte de comer: (nueva fisiología del gusto)
Common-sense cooking and eating : a guide to sensible diet with simple recipes
Good Housekeeping's 2nd cookery course
The book of foil cookery
The festive board : a literary feast
The book of the home : a practical guide to household management
Party cooking
The I.M.A. directory of domestic science colleges and training
Inside your kitchen : the source of good living
Mrs. Rundell's domestic cookery : formed upon principles of economy and adapted to the use of private families
House & garden's new cook book
Ida Bailey Allen's step-by-step picture cook book
The management of private affairs
Choose your wine
Simple salads and salad dressings
Advanced piping and modelling : being studies of modelling in gum paste and marzipan for cake decoration
The master book of sandwiches & savoury snacks
101 things to do in wartime : a practical handbook for the home
Elizabeth Craig's economical cookery : containing over 650 economical recipes, chosen for the housewife whose budget is strictly limited
Household bacteriology for students in domestic science
Janet Murray's cookery book : a treatise on the why and wherefore of food and cooking with personally tested methods and recipies [sic]
Inexpensive meals for the family
More caviare and more candy
Douglas's encyclopaedia : a book of reference for bacon curers, bacon factory managers, bacon agents, meat purveyors, meat inspectors, meat salesmen, abattoir superintendents, city, county, or local authority officiers, cold store proprietors and managers, sausage and pork pie makers, and all other industries associated with the meat, pork, provision, and general food trades
Practical catering : a guide to marketing and quantitative estimating of meat, fish, poultry, game vegetables, fruit, dairy produce and provisions
Household knowledge; experts in the home
Catering cook book
Dinner is served : a history of dining in England, 1400-1900
The eat-less-meat book : (war ration housekeeping)
Feeding our army
The White Elephant cook book
Reduce and enjoy it cookbook
The joy of Chinese cooking
Learning to cook with Marguerite Patten
Management in family living
The "Daily mail" cookery book
Housekeeping among Malay peasants
Freeze-drying of foodstuffs : based on a symposium at the Borough Polytechnic, London
Quick-frozen foods : the commerce and technology of processing, packaging and distribution
The international cook book : over 3,300 recipes gathered from all over the world, including many never before published in English. With complete ménus of the three meals for every day in the year
The sportsman's cookery book
Italian cooking
The Italian cookbook
À table!
French cooking made easy
International Kitchen : A new book of recipes from all over the world
The pocket gourmet instant menu translator
Hungarian cooking : simple and economical recipes
With ring and grill
Basic recipes as a key to the art of cooking : showing how over 500 dishes can be prepared from 80 recipes, including many continental dishes. With 478 illustrations
Epicure's corner : world recipes
Work in the home
Treasured Polish recipes for Americans
Household cookery recipes
The bride's book
Where Paris dines; with information about restaurants of all kinds, costly and cheap, dignified and gay, known and little known: and how to enjoy them
Bestway cookery gift book
The Constance Spry cookery book
Good Housekeeping's menus
Celebrity cooking
The Nancy Spain colour cookery book
Good Housekeeping's 3rd cookery course
The food value of sea mussels
The popular cooking guide
Mrs. Beeton's every-day cookery. With about 2,500 practical recipes... [etc.]
Culinary jottings : a treatise in thirty chapters on reformed cookery for Anglo-Indian rites
Kitchen ranging : 775 international recipes
The book of the home : a practical guide to household management
Good food : month by month recipes
Food preparation : a handbook for students
The book of the home : a practical guide to household management
The universal cookery book : 1000 tested and inexpensive recipes including many French dishes
Tables of content : leaves from my diary
Teen guide to homemaking
Royal menus
Quantity catering
The art of egg cookery
Entertaining with elegance
A wine primer
Recipes : wines and spirits
Usual offices
Egg cookery : how to cook eggs in 150 ways, English and foreign
How to cook vegetables
The guide to cake decoration
Wine and spirits : the connoisseur's text-book
Good food from abroad : from the Caucasus to London via Moscow and Paris
Tea on service
Good food from Sweden
Mrs Beeton's poultry and game
The Ice cream industry year book
Something new in sandwiches
The chemistry of breadmaking
Trade cookery
Cooking for one
The closet of Sir Kenelm Digby, knight, opened
Cooking with Joy : a collection of family recipes
Cooking in ten minutes, or, The adaptation to the rhythm of our time
The book of good housekeeping
Managing for effective living
Art of the table : table laying and decoration; etiquette and entertaining; wine and glasses; menus and service at table
The cookery book for diabetics
Teaching better nutrition; a study of approaches and techniques
Foods, their composition and analysis : a manual for the use of analytical chemists and others; with an introductory essay on the history of adulteration
Court favourites; recipes from royal kitchens
Cooking and nutritive value
Cooking craft : a practical handbook for students in training for cookery and for the homeworker
The art of cookery made plain and easy
The young bride's book
Proceedings of the Conference on Spices, held at the London School of Pharmacy... 10th-14th April 1972
Tasty treasures
Food & flowers : a book of decorative recipes
Learning home economics
The banana : its history, cultivation and place among staple foods
The small family cook book
The woman's book
Anglo-Indian and Oriental cookery
The house for you to build, buy, or rent
The minus meat cook book
The complete cook book for men
The New York international cookery book
L'art culinaire Francais : Les recettes de cuisine - patisserie - conserves des matres contemporains les plus réputes
Waterless cooking : recipes and menus collected and arranged with explanatory notes
Catering for schools, canteens, hostels and institutions
"Chow" : secrets of Chinese cooking, with selected recipes
The delectable past : the joys of the table, from Rome to the Renaissance, from Queen Elizabeth 1 to Mrs. Beeton : the menus, the manners and the most delectable recipes of the past, masterfully re-created for cooking and enjoying to-day
Wines for everyman
The book of hints and wrinkles
What to do with the cold mutton : a book of réchauffés : together with many other approved receipts for the kitchen of a gentleman of moderate income
Aids to catering
Standard vegetarian cookery. Comprising "Vegetarian recipes", "75 vegetarian savouries", and new features
Meatless and less-meat cookery
What price meat in decimals?
A calendar of country receipts
Your daily bread
The book of the sausage
Home book of smoke cooking meat, fish & game
Soups, pasta and rice dishes
The complete book of table setting and flower arrangement : with service and etiquette
The beverages we drink : being a popular treatise on the various kinds of drinks in common use
Handbuch der Patisserie (das grosse Mehlspeisbuch) : Gesamtwerk der kalten und warmen Süss- und Nachtischspeisen
The Oskar Davidsen book of open sandwiches
The Schauer Australian cookery book
Northumbrian and Cumbrian recipes
Good things in England : a practical cookery book for everyday use, containing traditional and regional recipes suited to modern tastes : contributed by English men and women between 1399 and 1932
Running a house without help
The wonderful world of breakfast by sue Tribus
The retail grocery trade : a book of general guidance for apprentices and assistants--particularly for those studying for the examinations of the Institute of certificated grocers
Learning to cook
Cookery : sound, simple, dainty
Be your own chef; simple French cookery
Britain's food supplies in peace and war : a survey prepared for the Fabian Society
Old Yorkshire recipes
Vitamines : essential food factors
Food reform and meatless cookery : the principles and practice of food reform simply and clearly explained, including 100 recipes
Restaurant service : a manual on training and organisation
The art of Chinese cooking
The adventure of cooking
Marriage on small means
A year's dinners : 365 seasonable dinners, with instructions for cooking. A handy guide-book for worried housekeepers
Country Fare
Traditional French cookery
Fondue, flambé and side table cooking
The art of Mediterranean cooking : selected French, Italian, Greek, North African, Israeli & Eastern dishes
Hungarian cuisine : a complete cookery book
Cook ahead
The modern home : information here
Daily dinners : a collection of 366 distinct menus in English and French
The epicure's cook book
Illustrated teach yourself cookery
'Good Housekeeping' children's cook book
The art of good living : a contribution to the better understanding of food and drink, together with a gastronomic vocabulary and a wine glossary
The Gourmet cookbook
The belly book : or Diner's guide
How to cook vegetables
Making money in your kitchen; over 1600 products that women can make
Hot meals for cold days
Fish for all seasons
Early English glass : a guide for collectors of table and other decorative glass of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries
Home-made beverages and American drinks
World book of poultry and game dishes
The East-West book of rice cookery
La patisserie pratique : receuil de recettes de pâtisserie, confiserie, glaces, formant un guide pratique à l'usage des maitresses de maison bourgeoise, cuisiniers et cuisinières
Banana dishes
Lakeland cookery
Hoover book of home management
Lady into cook
Going self-service? : a practical guide to self-service grocery retailing
Kind cooking
The I hate to cook book
The I hate to housekeep book
The housewife's pocket book
The home book of Spanish cookery
Large scale catering : a wide selection of attractive but inexpensive recipes for each and every meal
Reminiscences of an epicure
Menus made easy, or, How to order dinner and give the dishes their French names
Good food without salt
Manual of modern cookery
Good Housekeeping's children's cook book
Two hundred dinners : appetisingly illustrated in colour
Children's party fare
Gourmet in the galley: a complete guide to practical holiday cookery afloat and ashore : 600 recipes
Book of entertaining
Good food from Hungary
The home preservation of fruit and vegetables
Thoughts on feeding
Vegetarian cookery
Food and flavor : a gastronomic guide to health and good living
The art of rice cookery
The new cookery of unproprietary foods
Cheerful cookery
French dishes for English tables : soups & potages, hors d'oeuvre, salads: simple and exquisite recipes arranged for English households
The book of the home : a practical guide to household management
Potatoes : one-hundred-&-one ways of cooking
The modern household encyclopedia
The Main cookery book
Good housekeeping cook ahead recipes
Cooking is fun
A dictionary of wines, spirits and liqueurs
Make mine wine
A book of salads : the art of salad dressing
Take a silver dish : a book of Danish food with recipes, past and present, such as have delighted both Danes and visitors to Denmark
Salad days and ways
Mr. Therm's encyclopædia of vegetable cookery
Good Housekeeping's 1st cookery course : incorporating bride's 1st cookery course
Peggy Hutchinson's Young bride's household guide
Cooking with Elizabeth Craig : a cookery book for the housewife of modest income, including over 1,000 recipes and 120 gravure illustrations
Vitamins : a critical survey of the theory of accessory food factors
Cooking for compliments
More for your money : a buyer's guide, an informative manual and reference book on how to spend your money to the best advantage on food, clothing, fabrics and textile goods, cosmetic and toilet requisites, articles of domestic use, furniture and other furnishings for the home etc., etc
The soil and its products : the food we eat versus life-giving foods
The country cookbook : cooking, canning and preserving victuals for country home, farm, camp & trailer, with notes on rustic hospitality
Cooking ahead
The five o'clock cookbook; a collection of family recipes for teatime
Harmsworth's household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all home crafts written by the leading experts of the day and containing upwards of 15,000 illustrations
Without benefit of architect
The home book of Turkish cookery
Common-sense cookery : a complete guide to food, its selection, preparation and presentation
The kitchen encyclopaedia
Today's woman : cook book
Good housekeeping's Picture cake making
Puerto Rican cookbook
365 breakfast dishes : a breakfast dish for every day in the year
French cooking for all
The Glasgow cookery book
Economics of household production
Good Housekeeping's home encyclopaedia
Mrs. Beeton's All-about cookery : with over 2,000 practical recipes, and sections on labour-saving, household work, servants' duties, laundry work, marketing, renovations, etc.; carving and trussing, the art of "using up", table decorations, table napkins, meals and menus, beverages, etc
Tropical cookery
Dining out : how and what to order, what to drink, what the menu means
The Tyrolese cookery book
It's fun to entertain
Canned foods in relation to health
The grocery trade : its history and romance
The new concise household encyclopedia : a practical guide to all branches of homecraft
The high school cookery book
Breakfasts, luncheons, and ball suppers
Recipes from an old farmhouse
Buying a house on a small income
Two hundred ways of cooking fish
Successful winemaking at home
Easymade wine and country drinks
Ice cream lectures given at the Smithfield College of Food Technology of the London County Council : organized in conjunction with the London and Home Counties Division of Ice Cream Alliance Ltd
Cake icing and decorating for all occasions
Simple vegetable cooking : companion to "Growmore"
With a jug of wine
Beer in Britain
The Danwich guide : the art of making Danish open sandwiches
Textiles in the home : (theoretical and practical)
Cassell's dictionary of cookery, with numerous engravings and full-page coloured plates : containing about nine thousand recipes
Good vegetables
Dinner party menus in 30 minutes
The gourmet's companion
An apple a day
Home freezing & storage of food : zero storage in your home
Diet reform cook book
Esquire cook-book
Home decorative handicrafts : a practical guide to artistic craft work with detailed and fully illustrated instructions for making and decorating, with hand tools only, ornamental articles for household and personal use
The Khalid Aziz book of simple Indian cooking
Prize cookery and household recipes
The Bride's magazine cookbook
The new century cookery book : practical gastronomy and recherché cookery
Onions without tears : a collection of intriguing recipes
The American woman's cook book
La cuisine pour les hommes /cRaymond Oliver; Illustrations de Vicky Girard
The flavour of France, in recipes and pictures
The Main cookery book
How to live in England on a pension : a guide to public servants abroad and at home
Mrs. Dale at home
Experimental cookery : from the chemical and physical standpoint
Solo cooking : a book of recipes and practical hints for those living on their own
Edwin Chadwick and the public health movement 1832-1854
Modern book of home canning
Mrs. Lucas's French cookery book : with some additional hints from English and American kitchens
Old cookery books and ancient cuisine
Gastronomic tour de France
The concise household encyclopedia
Warne's new model cookery : Tested and proved economical recipes
Dinners of the day
Wild foods of Britain
The art of the table
Finer cooking with McDougalls
Now cook me the fish : 146 fresh-water fish recipes
Home wine-making without failures
Stay me with flagons; a book about wine and other things
Creative hamburger cookery : 182 unusual recipes for casseroles, meat loaves, and hamburgers
Grill and waffle cookbook
Bread : the chemistry and nutrition of flour and bread : with an introduction to their history and technology
A science course for bakers
The international cookery book : 975 recipes
The art of modern housekeeping
The reluctant cook
Deep freezing
Helping hands : a booklet of guidance for parents of very young children showing how to use their hands for fun as well as developmental skills
Philip Harben's count down cookery
The book of "Woman's Hour" : the words behind the voices
Sultan's pleasure, and other Turkish recipes
The house
The Casa Pepe book of Spanish cooking
The pleasures of the table
Wife and home cookery course
Diet and pleasure : the art of enjoying medical regimes
Tomorrow's dinner cooked tonight : 72 complete menus for easy entertaining
The housewife's companion : or the next best thing to a man about the house
Storing, preserving and pickling
Housewife's choice
Italian cooking : 24 recipes
Cooking afloat
750 dishes from overseas
Hungarian cookery book : 140 Hungarian specialities
Success cookery
Food Values at a glance and how to plan a healthy diet
The ship's steward's handbook : a complete guide to the victualling and catering departments on board ship
The monarch dines : the memories of Theodor Hierneis, one-time cook at the court of King Ludwig II of Bavaria
100 meat-saving recipes
The royal cookery book (le livre de cuisine)
On the tip of my tongue
What shall we have to-day? : 365 recipes for all the days of the year
The book of the home : a practical guide to household management
More good food
Modern developments in domestic science training
Preserves for all occasions
Catering for schools and British Restaurants in emergency cooking depôts
Spons' household manual : a treasury of domestic receipts and guide for home management
1001 ways to foreign fare
The vegetable cook book; from trowel to table
Danish cookery
The omelette book
Good food from Denmark & Norway
The world's best recipes
The smörgasbord cookbook
Manual of household work and management
The home-maker and her job
Food wisdom : a book for the housewife and everyone responsible for the care and preparation of food, showing how refrigeration may be used in the home for keeping food and using it to the best advantage
The happy glutton : an essay on cooking considered both as a fine art and as a worldly pleasure, accompanied by recipes
Food for kings
Things a lady would like to know concerning domestic management
Housework with satisfaction
Russian cooking
For epicures only
The evening standard book of menus : containing economical menus for all days in the year and recipes for the dishes
Recipes of the 1940's
The how-to-cook book
The book of fruit bottling : a practical manual on the process of fruit bottling... [etc.]
The modern cook : a practical guide to the culinary art in all its branches, comprising, in addition to English cookery, the most approved and recherché systems of French, Italian and German cookery. Adapted as well for the largest establishments as for the use of private families
Delectable dinners : menus with recipes
Good potato dishes
The Manual of French cookery : dedicated to the housekeepers and cooks of England who wish to study the art : simplified for the benefit of the most unlearned
A cook's tour : being an account of a culinary journey by car from London to New Delhi
Good food from Sweden : selections from Swedish dishes suited to an English table
Good simple cookery
Principles of nutrition
Feasts for all seasons
The English table in history and literature
Cassell's new cookery book of British and American dishes
Eric Milligan's cookbook
Drying and dehydration of foods
Janie Ellice's recipes, 1846-1859
The book of the home : a practical guide to household management
Summer cooking
500 homecraft short-cuts from overseas
Good housekeeping round the year menus
The winemaker's companion : a handbook for those who make wine at home
Science applied to housecraft
Novel ways of entertaining
A handbook of wine : how to buy, serve, store, and drink it
Continental confectionery: "the pastrycooks' art", for the bakery, confectionery and catering trade : principal part of a new and up-to-date Swiss recipe and handbook of the baking and confectionery craft prepared for bakers, pastrycooks, confectioners and caterers
Home-made sweets
Sweets and candies
Swedish smorgasbord
The ambitious cook
Cooking is fun
Living on the earth : celebrations, storm warnings, formulas, recipes, rumors, & country dances
A cook's guide to wine
The kitchen garden and the cook : an alphabetical guide to the cultivation of vegetables with recipes for cooking them
To set before a queen
The Garland cookbook
For the bride
Tierische Lebensmittel : Milch, Butter, Käse
The freezer cook book
Good cookery
The chemistry of cookery
The book of menus, 1876
A preliminary manual of home nursing
Talking about cakes : with an Irish and Scottish accent
Dutch oven : a cook book of coveted traditional recipes from the kitchens of Lunenburg
Diet for children
The Manchester cookery book
Good Housekeeping's egg & cheese cookery
American Women's Club cookery book
Yacht cookery and hints to small boat sailors
Japanese cooking : 24 recipes
Austrian cooking
Home pickling
Homecraft : the young woman's guide to the modern home and family
Good food from Italy
The art of cuisine
Essentials of modern cookery
Kettner's book of the table : a manual of cookery : practical, theoretical, historical
The practical grocer : a manual and guide for the grocer, the provision merchant, and allied trades
Take it easy before dinner
Le prisma de la femme : encyclopédie de la vie pratique
Farmhouse cookery
How to read German menus
English picnics
Successful cooking and baking
Wines you can make : a practical handbook on how to make these cheap and delicious wines in one's own home
Hungarian wine through the ages
Cooking with an accent : the herb grower's cookbook
The practice and science of breadmaking
Good puddings and pies
Flowers as food : receipts and lore from many sources
A cook's notebook
Spons' household manual : a treasury of domestic receipts and guide for home management
Homecraft : the young woman's guide to the modern home and family
What price meat? : A comprehensive range of methods of costings for the meat trade
Household cookery for South Africa
Cakes & ale : a dissertation on banquets, interspersed with various recipes, more or less original, and anecdotes, mainly veracious
The Manchester cookery book
Freeze now, dine later
Cookery and housekeeping : a manual of domestic economy for large and small families
Calendrier gastronomique; histoires de cuisine et cuisine de l'histoire
The school cafeteria
Cooking the Chinese way
The cook hostess
The peasant cookbook
The reasons why : practical answers to every-day bakehouse questions
Casserole & chafing dish
The electric cookery book
How to cook and eat in Chinese
Handbook on the principles of cooking
German wines
Cooking for crowds
Soyer's paper-bag cookery
Fast day and vegetarian cookery
The tenth muse : an unconventional cookery book of recipes from many lands
The potluck cookery book
Vegetable variety, or, How to enjoy a meatless meal
Modern bread from the viewpoint of nutrition
Vitamins and minerals for everyone
Soyer's standard cookery : a complete guide to the art of cooking dainty, varied, and economical dishes for the household
Cocktails : how to mix them
Winemaking with canned or dried fruit : a comprehensive guide to the easy production of quality wines from ingredients readily obtainable at supermarket or chemist : tinned fruits, fruit pulps, juices, concentrates, syrups, jams, jellies and dried fruits
Establishing and operating a retail bakery
Open sandwiches and cold lunches
Greenfingers and the gourmet
Hand-made continental chocolates and pralines
Good cakes, bread and biscuits
The Great Scandinavian cookbook : an encyclopedia of domestic cookery
The 1-2-3 of homemaking
From creel to kitchen : how to cook fresh-water fish : one hundred and seventy-five recipes
Food for the world
Victoria League cookery book
Cook it yourself; a simple guide to continental cookery
Eating and drinking : an anthology for epicures
Köstliches Gewürz : Kräuter und Früchte, Pilze und Pasten, Weine, Öle und Säfte, Zucker und Salz, Wurzeln und Zwiebeln, Dressings und Saucen
Eating the Russian way
Well, let's eat
Breakfast dishes : for every morning of three months
Chef Herman's story : how we started students on successful foodservice careers
Hungarian cuisine : a complete cookery book
Food for pleasure : an anthology of recipes
Our loving duty, or, The young housewife's compendium : being an entirely revised and renovated edition of The bride's book
Vitamins : a survey of present knowledge
Everybody's dinner book : from one shilling to ten
Cocktail fare
The galley gourmet
Accountancy for caterers
Swiss cooking
Into the freezer, and out
Good housekeeping with modern methods, including a section on catering
Cassell's dictionary of cookery. With numerous illustrations. Containing about nine thousand recipes
In an eighteenth century kitchen : a receipt book of cookery, 1968
Cooking from scratch
The executive cook book
The cook hostess' book
The anatomy of dessert
See how to cook : Sally in the kitchen
Meet for the meatless : four hundred meatless entrées, lunch and supper dishes
The American household encyclopedia : what to do, how do it
A handbook for institutional catering
Successful party catering for 20 to 2,000 persons
Eat honey and live longer
How to run a good party
May Byron's vegetable book : containing over 800 recipes for the cooking and preparation of vegetables, including meatless cookery supplement
The winemaker's companion : a handbook for those who make wine at home
The master book of poultry and game
Figure piping : its methods and uses
Bonbons and simple sugar sweets
Savouries, snacks and appetisers : with a supplement on picnics
A surprise in every dinner
The book of good housekeeping
Entertaining with Elizabeth Craig
The pleasures of the table : an account of gastronomy from ancient days to present times : with a history of its literature, schools, and most distinguished artists : together with some special recipes, and views concerning the aesthetics of dinners and dinner-giving
Savour, a new cookery book
King Edward's cookery book
Beeton's dictionary of practical recipes and every-day Information... Arranged in alphabetical order, and usefully illustrated
Training Margaret : a book for every mistress, maid, bride and bride-to-be
The home and a changing civilisation
More London inns and taverns
Salads for all the year round
Cookery for dyspeptics
Specification for gas-heated catering equipment
First steps in the kitchen : recipes for young beginners
The master menu and recipe book : (including luncheon and dinner menus for every day of the year)
American cooking for English kitchens
Cooking for camp and caravan
The successful home cook
The all electric cook book
Household administration : its place in the higher education of women
The scarcity of domestic servants : the cause and remedy : with a short outline of the law relating to master and domestic servant
The banquet book : a classified collection of quotations designed for general reference, and also as an aid in the preparation of the toast list, the after-dinner speech, and the occasional address; together with suggestions concerning the menu and certain other details connected with the proper ordering of the banquet
Culinary jottings : a treatise in thirty chapters on reformed cookery for Anglo-Indian exiles, based upon modern English and continental principles with thirty menus for little dinners worked out in detail, and an essay on our kitchens in India
Caribbean cookbook
The home book of Indian cookery
Health for all: wartime recipe book
Rearing an imperial race : containing a full report of the second Guildhall school conference on diet, cookery and hygiene, with dietaries; special reports from H. M. ambassadors abroad; articles on children's food requirements, clothing, etc
The practical fishmonger and fruiterer
Good food : month by month recipes
Modern household encyclopedia
Leave it to cook
Party food and drink
1500 everyday menus : daily menus for a year with 200 menus for special occasions
Make your own wine
A book of practical recipes for the use of palmine : a pure vegetable butter of highest dietetic and culinary value
Drinks, cocktails and homemade wines
Sweet-making for all
The manufacture of confectionery : based upon Jacoutot's well known work
All about ices, jellies, creams, & conserves
Southern cooking
Italian cooking
Service for soda-fountains, ice-cream parlours and milk bars
The career woman's cookbook
The English housewife in the seventeenth century
Practical housewifery
Cookery for occasions
Red, white & rosé : a guide to wines and spirits
Look, you can cook : a cook book for young people
Edible fats and oils : their composition, manufacture and analysis
Food preparation recipes
Crisis cookery
Secrets of Russian cooking
A cup of coffee
The Italian confectioner, or complete economy of desserts, containing the elements of the art according to the most modern and approved practice, full and explicit directions respecting distillation, decoration, and modelling, in all their branched... The whole comprising every information requisite to form the complete confectioner, and to enable him to arrange the embellishments of the table with taste and elegance
Table service for all occasions
Smörgasbord and Scandinavian cookery
Second piccolo cook book
Home economics for Leaving Certificate
Feeding the people in war-time
Complete party dinners for the novice cook
The technology of bread-making : including the chemistry and analytical and practical testing of wheat, flour, and other materials employed in bread-making and confectionery
Cunard cook book
World wide cook book; menus and recipes of 75 nations
Tante Heidi's Swiss kitchen
State fair : [blue ribbon preserving and pickling recipes]
The science of dining (Mensa philosophica) : a medieval treatise on the hygiene of the table and the laws of health
Any one can bake
Plasmon cookery book : dainty, nutritious and economical dishes for every household
Cookery for men only, or I.Y.G.T.T.L.A.F. [i.e. If you go to the larder and find]-
The one maid book of cookery
The "Olio" cookery book
French cooking for everywoman
Eating and drinking : a miscellany
Four hundred prize recipes : reprinted from the Daily Telegraph
Simple vegetarian cookery
Laurie's household encyclopaedia : a book of household reference, comprising cookery and household recipes, useful medical and gardening information, a simple guide to etiquette, hints for the toilet, delineations of character and personality as well as many other recipes and much useful information of a general nature - the whole alphabetically arranged and simply and clearly explained
Someone to dinner : chef cooking for little kitchens
Catering, and how to carry it out
Honey Cookery
Entertaining on a small income
Borwick's cookery book
Home made wines, syrups and cordials : recipes of Women's Institute members
Holiday candy and cookie cook book
Hostess book of entertaining
The good salad book
Herbs : how to grow, treat, and use them
The marriage book : the young couple's guide to setting up house, home and family
The business woman's cookbook
Diet for the million : with a chapter on "Diet and disease"
The pocket guide to good cooking
General Foods Kitchens cookbook : modern living with frozen foods
Consuming interest, from 'The Spectator'
Elementary household chemistry : an introductory textbook for students of home economics
Cooking for bachelors and bachelor girls
Everyday domestic science and hygiene
Properties of food : a practical text-book for teachers of domestic science
The wines of France
Easier housework by better equipment
Egg, flour, rice and cheese dishes
Natural cooking the 'Prevention' way : hundreds of nutrition-packed recipes from the readers of 'Prevention', America's leading health magazine
Nursery nourishment
Meatless dishes for Hay dieters : with some old friends converted and made compatible
The Ebony cookbook : a date with a dish : a cookbook of American Negro recipes
Today's woman barbecue cook book
Cooking for two
Good Housekeeping's cooking for two
Hundred Recipes for pickles and preserves with a section on home-made wines
Meal management : laboratory manual
The talisman Italian cook book
Sauces : French and famous
You can cook for 1 (or even two)
Warne's model cookery and housekeeping book : containing complete instructions in household management
The practical fishmonger and fruiterer
A million menus for dining and entertaining at home
Cooking in war time
Hungarian cooking : simple and economical recipes
Cook without fears
Elizabeth Hallett's hostess book
How to cook game : in a hundred different ways
Profitable catering
The art of cheese cookery
The new style of confectionery
Meat dishes without coupons
Concerning cake making
Hamlyn's guide to sauces and saucemaking
Pennsylvania Dutch cook book
Balanced meals with calorie values for the ordinary household
The new wolf in chef's clothing
Your own home
Questions women ask
The happy housewife : the wit and wisdom of Ruth Drew
Cassell's new universal cookery book
G.E.C. cookery and instruction book for use with electric cookers
The kitchen companion
The art of Italian cooking
Step-by-step recipes : for the complete cook
The lunch box and every kind of sandwich
Home brewing without failures
The Penguin salad book
How to cook in Palestine = Wie kochtman in Erez Israel?
Haute cuisine : a gastronomic guide to classical menus and dishes, with digressions on regional specialities, Oriental cookery, and the joys and responsibilities of connoisseurship and epicureanism
Cook for tomorrow
Tried favourites cookery book : with household hints and other useful information
Philip Harben's book of the frying pan
The haybox in the home : the handbook of the Institute of Haybox Cookery
Costing supplement to the I.C.I. catering manual
The art of Chinese cookery
The gourmet's book of diet recipes
Let's cook with yeast
The art of home-making
Sweet-making for everywoman
The complete Indian housekeeper & cook : giving the duties of mistress and servants, the general management of the house, and practical recipes for cooking in all its branches
The Penguin cookery book
Menus for gourmets
The finer cooking, or, Dishes for parties
Cape cookery, old and new : over 900 modern and traditional recipes including a comprehensive chapter on diet cookery
The practical fruiterer & florist : a complete guide on all matters relating to the retail fruit, flower and vegetable trades
Feeding your family
The garrulous gourmet
Those rich and great ones, or, Life à la Henri : being the memoirs of Henri Charpentier
Now to the banquet
Italian cooking for pleasure
The whole art of dining : with notes on the subject of service and table decorations (illustrated)
Aroma and flavour in winemaking
Wine making for all
Today's woman pie cook book
Chicken and game
Mushroom cookery
Soups and starters
Offal : gourmet cookery from head to tail
Potpourris and other fragrant delights
1000 household hints : attractive, money-saving hints and wrinkles arranged for immediate reference
The householder's companion
Beyond the green baize door
Domestic science as a career
What to eat and why
The Geordie cook book
High-class and economical cookery recipes, as used in the Cookery School, 98a, Westbourne Grove, London, W
A general cookery book
The good cook's encyclopedia
The Pytchley book of refined cookery and bills of fare
Specification for safety requirements for baby walking frames : [metric units]
The modern baker, confectioner and caterer
South African traditional dishes
The Main cookery book
Complete cookery
Away, dull cookery!
Culinary and salad herbs : their cultivation and food values, with recipes
The Escoffier cook book : a guide to the fine art of cookery
Essential food facts for successful catering
Cooking in war-time
The Viennese cookery book
The home of to-day : its choice, planning, equipment and organisation
The flavour of Italy : in recipes and pictures
Margaret Sim's cookery
Edwardian glamour cooking : without tears
The complete cookery book for diabetics
The modern grocer and provision dealer
Good food from Spain and Portugal
Good food on a budget
Cassell's household guide to every department of practical life : being a complete encyclopædia of domestic and social economy
Vogue's cookery book
The compleat angler's wife : a complete guide to cooking the angler's catch
Vietnamese cookery
Cocktails : and how to mix them
The apple book : recipes for every month of the year
Practical cake-craft : hints on successful production
The Housewives' guide to meat
A course of practical lessons on cakes and cake decorations
Good Housekeeping's puddings and desserts
Culinary tales : an anthology of stories and recipes
The polyglot cookery books
The bride's encyclopedia
The countrywoman's year
Cooking for Christmas
Domestic encyclopaedia
What's left in the larder
The master dictionary of food & cookery and menu translator
First report of the Royal Commission on food prices, with minutes of evidence and appendices
Lüchow's German cookbook : the story and the favourite dishes of New York's most famous German restaurant
The Worshipful company of grocers : an historical retrospect, 1345-1923
Croeso Cymreig : a Welsh welcome; recipes for some traditional Welsh dishes
Good fare for little money : Economical estimates for parochial and social parties, housekeeping &c
The art of carving
The art of Korean cooking
Pots and pants : man's answer to women's lib : a cook book for men
The summer cookbook
The Savannah cook book : a collection of the old fashioned receipts from colonial kitchens
365 soups (and their accompaniments)
Cooking with a French touch
The art of vegetarian cookery
The something went wrong what do I do now cookery book : what to do about salty soup, burned stew, fallen cakes, overcooked cauliflower, runny eggs, and hundreds of other kitchen catastrophes
The Alfreton cookery book
Home economics assignments
Good fare : a code of cookery
Institutional catering: recipes for 100
Liebig company's practical cookery book : a collection of new and useful recipes in every branch of cookery
Miss Cameron's cookery book
Good things
The Scots cellar : its traditions and lore
Your refrigerator
Fish, meat, poultry and game
The oyster book
Dougal's cook book
Successful wine making
A treatise on the cooking of big joints : as also instructions for roasting and boiling poultry and game, together with hints on the preparation of vegetables and the making of salads
Danish cakes
Mrs. Ericsson Hammond's salad appetizer cook book : a carefully composed supplement book containing illustrations, menus, excellent recipes of appetizers, salads, and a variety of different hot and cold entrées, desserts, and meringues
Freeze with ease
Encyclopedia of European cooking
The family week-end book
Good Housekeeping's Festive fare for all the year round : birthdays, weddings, children's parties, Christmas, Easter, picnics
Coconut pyramids
Savoury cold meals
The Hay system cookery book : adapted for British use from Esther L. Smith's "Official cook book of the Hay system"
Home economics
Salesmanship for the grocer and provision dealer
Recipes from Norfolk homes
Menus makyth man : a second Winchester cookery book
Popular vegetarian cookery : comprising upwards of one hundred and twenty specially selected recipes
The art of the table : including how to wait at table, how to fold napkins and how to carve
Groønnsak retter : gode lettlagede oppskrifter
Family favourites
Modern home management
Canteens in industry : a guide to planning, management and service
Breadmaking : its principles and practice
The cooking of the Caribbean islands
The complete hostess
Yugoslav cookbook
America's cook book
Me--in the kitchen
High class cookery
The magic ring for the needy & greedy
Markets for the people : the consumer's part
Five hundred sandwiches
Home management
Pies and puddings
The Household from 'A' to 'Z'
The complete Indian housekeeper & cook : giving the duties of mistress and servants, the general management of the house, and practical recipes for cooking in all its branches
The ABC of wine cookery
Cafe & milk bar catering
The young householder
Fruit wines
The complete wine book
Making wines like those you buy
Sunset salad book : with hors d'œuvres and canapés
The Netherlands cookbook
Around the world in a salad bowl
Mrs. Beeton's Cold sweets : jellies, creams, fruit dishes, cold puddings, and ices
The beginner housewife
Notes on a cellar-book
The celebrity cook book
Bacon and hams
Advanced Cookery
The Broadlands cookery-book : a comprehensive guide to the principles and practice of food reform
Hutchison's food and the principles of dietetics
Food - the deciding factor : a guide to rationing and food values
Fun, food and facts
Handbook of housekeeping for small incomes
Prize pieces and original designs
Handbook for the breakfast table : varied and economical dishes
Cooking with can and pack
The Bible cookbook
The nautical cookery book for the use of stewards and cooks of cargo vessels
A.B.C. of cookery
Good Housekeeping's more cake recipes
Gas cookery : with practical recipes
Balanced menus for school canteen dinners
Bouquet garni : good dishes from la belle France
It's fun to cook continental dishes
The young wife's cookery book
Every woman's enquire within : A complete library of household knowledge for all home-loving women
Basic English fare
Food in hospitals : a study of feeding arrangements and the nutritional value of meals in hospitals
Modern culinary art : the best French and foreign cookery
To the queen's taste : a cook book for moderns
The Alice B. Toklas cook book
The Practical grocer
Getting the most out of food : a series of studies on the modern approach to feeding and nutrition
Cake design and decoration
Good food from old England
Teach your child about cooking
Egg cookery : a complete handbook of tested recipes for breakfast, luncheon and dinner
The Tuck Inn
Food values of portions commonly used
Winemaking with concentrates : a practical guide to good winemaking and the production of enjoyable wine from grape and other popular fruit juice concentrates
Danish home baking : traditional Danish recipes
Die einfache Torte
Meat at any price
Snacks, hors d'oeuvres : 24 recipes
Quick and easy winemaking from concentrates and fruit juices
Woman's kingdom : containing suggestions as to furnishing, decorating and economically managing the home for people of limited means
The happy home : a universal guide to household management
Lazy lady lunches
Better home making
The Gayelord Hauser cook book : good food, good health, good looks
More homecraft shortcuts from overseas
Food values : what they are and how to calculate them
Practical cookery and the etiquette and service of the table : a compilation of principles of cookery and recipes with suggestions for etiquette for various occasions
A household book for tropical colonies
Production of pre-cooked frozen foods for mass catering
Lancashire recipes
Young wives' encyclopaedia
Cookery and housekeeping
The modern hostess : entertaining with ease and economy on all occasions
The home book of flower arrangements, using Oriental, European, and colonial containers
Cookery under rations
The fine art of cooking
Round the world cookery
Cuisine et vins de France
Mary Meade's magic recipes for the electric blender
Exhibition goods
How to cook and eat in Chinese
Rhythm in foods : a harmony between fine cooking and scientific food values
Cooking for pleasure
The complete jam cupboard : giving the special virtures of each preserve
Kitchenette cookery
Some recipes for war-time dishes
A guide to modern cookery
Regenerative food and cookery
Culinary capers
Law's grocer's manual
Good Housekeeping's home encyclopaedia
Hard-time cookery
Travellers joy : recipes from Quaker homes around the world
Nutrition and relief work : a handbook for the guidance of relief workers
The complete patissier
Pears book of meats and accompaniments
Harpers directory and manual : the standard work of reference for the wine and spirit trade
Peggy Hutchinson's do's and don'ts of wine making : with a special section of herb and hedgerow tonic wines for pleasure and health : 150 completely new recipes
Mrs Beeton's favourite cakes and breads
A history of spaghetti eating and cooking for: spaghetti dinner
The book of ices : including cream and water ices, sorbets, mousses, iced soufflés, and various iced dishes, with names in French and English, and various coloured designs for ices
Pastry-making and confectionery : including the art of icing and piping, also cakes, buns, fancy biscuits, sweetmeats, etc
Yorkshire recipes
Simplified cooking and invalid diet
Home queries
The foods we eat : A survey of meals, their content and chronology by season, day of the week, region, class and age, conducted in Great Britain by the Market Research Division of W.S. Crawford Limited
Cooking for texture
Complete guide to home canning, preserving, and freezing
Meals on a tray
I couldn't cook either
Food for health : practical nature cure recipes with helpful suggestions
The cook's paradise : being William Verral's 'Complete system of cookery', published in 1759, with Thomas Gray's cookery notes in holograph
Home preserving
Mrs. Arthur Webb's economical cookery
Digestion and diet rationally discussed
The 'Which?' good drink guide
Cooking with the Chinese flavour
The fine art of Chinese cooking
Recipes : the cooking of China
The friendly potato and a cookbook
More fit for a bishop
Easy French cookery : containing over 300 economical and attractive recipes from a celebrated chef's note-book
Recipes for food and conduct
Mrs. Beeton's cookery book : with sections on marketing, laundry work, carving, table napkins, labour saving, household hints, trussing, table decoration. With 4 plates in colour and 80 illustrations
The best of Eliza Acton: recipes from her classic "Modern cookery for private families," first published in 1845
Useful tips, hints, and shortcuts & index
Mary Harrison's guide to modern cookery
Recipes of various kinds : in cooking, preserving, brewing and other important matters. Collected, and improved by an amateur of the first distinction; derived from sources the most authentic, ancient & modern, foreign & domestic, and embracing a compendium of useful & entertaining knowledge
Scandinavian cooking
Cooking craft : a practical handbook for students in training for cookery and for the homeworker
Home bottling and canning : fruit, vegetables, poultry, meat, including drying and salting
Our favourite dish : the theatre recipe book
Mutton : a picture guide to dissection
The grammar of cookery
How to cook in casserole dishes
Text-book of nutrition
Backen macht Freude : ein Handbuch der Hausbäckerei
3 bottle bar : a miscellanea of those favored formulas that have been compiled with indicative symbols for proper guidance
50 one-pot meals
Making soft drinks with Peggy Hutchinson
Cake decorating at home
Cake and biscuit book
Sweet dishes : a little treatise on confectionery and entremets sucrés
Hawaiian cuisine : a collection of recipes from members of the society, featuring Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, and cosmopolitan dishes
Austrian cooking
The practical home handywoman : a book of basic principles for the self-reliant woman dealing with all the problems of home-making and housekeeping
To set before a king
Golden flapjack
Party fare
In defence of British cooking
Food for home use : producing and conserving
Grocery for beginners
Monthly recipes for the hotelier & caterer
The Jubilee cookery book : vegetarian recipes
The thorough good cook : a series of chats on the culinary art, and nine hundred recipes
Scientific catering for institutions : a handbook for food supervisors in hospitals, nursing homes, sanatoria, hostels, schools, hotels, boarding-houses, etc
Hungarian cookery
Look and cook
Meal management
Parties and entertaining
Breadmaking : its principles and practice
The camper's kitchen
Caviare to candy : recipes for small households from all parts of the world
The far eastern epicure : a culinary journey to the Far East with original recipes and drawings
The preservation of fruit and vegetables : including bottling and jam making
Engaged to be married
A book about beer
Liber cure cocorum
Bottlescrew days : wine drinking in England during the eighteenth century
Cooking for prizes
A practical dictionary of cookery : 1200 tested recipes
Pickles, salads & home-made wines : including all methods of preserving vegetables, bottling, canning, drying and making of chutneys, sauces and beverages
French country cooking
Home management
The book of household management : comprising information for the mistress, housekeeper, cook... also sanitary, medical and legal memoranda, with a history of the origin, properties, and uses of all things connected with home life and comfort
Mrs Beeton's favourite party dishes
Food from the Commonwealth and Empire
Industrial catering and canteen management
Electric commercial catering handbook : a guide to practical design, installation, use and maintenance
Betty Crocker's picture cook book
Party drinks and wines : for Xmas and New Year
Ted Saucier's Bottoms up
Whitbread craftsmen
Four-score chicken dishes
Cakes, cookies and pastries
Herbs, salads and seasonings
Mrs. Beeton's Cold sweets : jellies, creams, fruit dishes, cold puddings, and ices (350 recipes)
The encyclopedia of world cookery
Looking after yourself
Elizabeth Craig's simple cooking : an entirely new, economical cookery book, containing simple, inexpensive recipes and menus for the modern household
Human nutrition and diet
Mrs. McKee's royal cookery book
They can't ration these
Cottage angles
Nutrition, dairying and subject boundaries : report of conferences held at Durham University, Cheshire School of Agriculture, Reaseheath, and Exeter University by the National Milk Publicity Council
Growing, freezing and cooking
Countryman's cooking
Dining out?
The modern baker, confectioner and caterer
Ideal breakfast dishes, savouries, and curries
Good food for children
Commercial cake decoration : a complete treatise on the correct method of decorating cakes
When madame cooks
Anthology of puddings
Fifty breakfasts
Hints for hotel-keepers
Attractive meals without meat
Viennese cooking
Rations, rationing, and food control
Management in family living
Italian food
The weekend sailors' cookbook
Cookery for busy lives & small incomes
A concise encyclopaedia of gastronomy
Ursula's cook book : for the woman who has no time to spare
The modern grocer and provision dealer
A calendar of food and wine
Cassell's home encyclopaedia : a practical guide to all home crafts : 1850 illustrations
The Samaritan cookery book
At the table of Israel : a unique collection of three hundred traditional and modern Israeli recipes
Game cooking : a collection of recipes with a dictionary of rare game
Your home
Fruit : 384 French recipes
Marguerite Patten's book of cakes and baking
Herbs, salads and seasonings
Progressive confectionery : commercial and exhibition
200 Ideas for snacks
The polyglot cookery books
More Peggy Hutchinson's home-made wine secrets
Woman's Own book of the Home
Family management : a householder's guide
Cook - and enjoy it
Home management
There's time for a meal
Calendrier gastronomique : histoires de cuisine et cuisine de l'histoire
Food, health and income : report on a survey of adequacy of diet in relation to income
Alt Österreich bittet zu Tisch : aus dem Kochbuch meiner Mütter
About food preservation and refrigeration : its relation to health
The complete hostess
Eat and be merry : a book about people and food
Vogue and House & Garden Entertaining
Recipes : the cooking of Japan
Meatless cooking the natural way
Practical lessons in cookery for small households
A textbook of hospital catering
Education for family living
The Diner's Club cookbook : great recipes from great restaurants
America's cook book
French family cooking in plain English : a selection of the recipes of Philomène
Manuel complet de la cuisinière bourgeoise : contenant: un guide pour les personnes en service, les soins du ménage, des appartements, de la vaisselle, du linge, etc., etc
Good Housekeeping's book of entertaining
Wholesome fare : a sanitary cook-book, containing the laws of food and the practice of cookery, and embodying the best British and continental receipts; with hints and useful suggestions for the sedentary, the sick, and the convalescent
L'art de la table
Standards, principles, and techniques in quantity food production
The pocket gourmet instant menu translator
Successful canning and preserving : practical hand book for schools, clubs, and home use
Contemporary cookery : Vogue receipts 1945-1947
Liebig's Fleisch-Extract in der bürgerlichen Küche : Eine Sammlung erprobter u. bewährter Recepte
The science of nutrition
The book of the meat trade
Cassell's book of the household : a work of reference on domestic economy
Cookery and nutrition
The best vegetarian dishes I know
Favourite Chinese recipes
Mrs. Beeton's fish cookery : including suitable sauces, serving and carving : 350 recipes
The house we ought to live in
Peggy Hutchinson's home-made sparkling wine secrets
Main dishes
The book of sauces
Green salads and fruit salads, including salad dressings and recipes for salad vinegars
Canny cooking : a guide to over 200 quick and easy gourmet dishes
Housework without tears
Exciting cooking : 1001 new recipes and 1001 household hints
Dictionnaire universel pour la traduction des menus en Français, Allemand et Anglais = Allgemeines Wörterbuch für Übersetzung der Speisekarten in Französisch, Deutsch und Englisch = Universal dictionary for translation of menus in French, English and German
Aids for the elderly in home and garden
Cooking quickly
Musings of a Chinese gourmet : food has its place in culture