The household oracle : a popular referee on subjects of household enquiry : including: - house building, buying and renting; house furnishing and decoration; housekeeping and domestic cookery; plain and fancy needlework; home farming, gardening, medicine; law; an epitome of the history of the world and the growth of the human family; the formation of our mother tongue and the rules of English grammar; a dictionary of religions; stepping stones of English history and a sketch of the English constitution setting forth the rights, privileges and duties of the English householder parochial, municipal, imperial; the story of the calendar, standards of weights and measures; arithmetical tables and tables of interest and a ready reckoner; household amusements, games, chess, cards and other indoor games, dancing, swimming, etiquette


Double column text. Includes index.


Identifier fcftgmqp
IRN 356784
Class Mark Cookery Camden A/MIL
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Cookery Printed Books - Camden

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