Morris & Co. trade card (advertisement)


Simple 19th century engraved trade card (advertisement) of Morris & Co., with Victoria Regina mark on Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom and motto 'Dieu et mon droit'. Trader details in a variety of typefaces. Description and directions for use of their patent portable door fastener. Transcription: LIFE & PROPERTY PROTECTED AND Robbery Prevented, BY USING MORRIS & Co's PATENT PORTABLE DOOR FASTENER. This Instrument is recommended to the Proprietors of Hotels and Boarding Houses, Innkeepers, and the Public in general, and to Commercial Men and Persons Travelling it will be found invaluable, as it effectually secures any door to which it is applied, and may be carried in the wasitcoast pocket without any inconvenience as it is in weight little more than an ounce. Price 1s. 6d. each. Directions for using the Patent Portable Door Fastener. Extend the carved arm in an opposite direction to the teeth of the Instrument, then place the toothed side next the door jamb, the inscribed arm gauging the distance at which it has to be placed, closing the door upon the beaded plate which will force in the teeth; then reverse the extended arm, and your door is securely fastened.



Identifier ym6c94nr
IRN 718641
Class Mark MS 2241/4/1/201
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History
Category Archive
Technique engraving
Medium print
Support paper
Object width 123mm height 178mm
Parent Record Metalwork and Continental Trade Cards
Creator(s) Morris & Co.
Date c.1870
Size and Medium 1 trade card (advertisement)

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