Levy, Joseph & Co. trade card
Pictorial 19th century engraveded trade card of Levy, Joseph & Co., with large image of shop front filling most of card. Various wares depicted in shop windows with 'BRISTOL BAZAAR' proclaimed on frontage and two window shoppers and dog in foreground. Reverse of card details change of company name and message to customers. Transcription of obverse: Messrs. LEVY, JOSEPH & CO.'S. FURNISHING & FANCY REPOSITORY. 39 COLLEGE-GREEN, BRISTOL. LANDER Transcription of reverse: MESSRS. A. LEVY & CO. In returning their sincere thanks to their Friends and Patrons for the very liberal support they have experienced for upwards of twenty years, beg to inform them, that the business heretofore existing under the name A. LEVY AND CO. will, in future, be carried on as the firm of LEVY, JOSEPH, & CO. Messrs. LEVY, JOSEPH, & Co. having recently materially increased the extent and variety of their Stock, have, for the benefit of those unacquainted with the magnitude of their Establishment, compiled the subjoined List, and trust, by keeping Goods of the first quality, charging the smallest remunerative profits, and by always sustaining the beauty and variety of their collection, for which they have hitherto been so celebrated, to meet with the continuance of that patronage which has for many years been so liberally extended to them. Their Stock, one of the largest and most varied in the kingdom, is conveniently arranged, and the Public are most respectfully invited to inspect it; the Price, MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, being attached to each article. Messrs. LEVY, JOSEPH, & Co. being themselves considerable importers, are enabled to offer articles of Foreign Manufacture at a very considerable reduction on the usual prices; and one of the firm being always in the market, they are constantly supplied with every thing new deserving consideration. Messrs. L., J., & Co. beg respectfully to draw the attention of the heads of families, hotel-keepers, and others to the list of prices of their FURNISHING GOODS, which, on perusal, will be found to contain many important reductions. In their stock of Glass (the whole of which is of their own cutting), in consequence of the late alteration in the scale of duties, they have made a deduction of 20 per cent. The reduced prices also of many articles in the Furnishing Department will, on perusal, be found worthy of remark.
Identifier | gql84n3l |
IRN | 718483 |
Class Mark | MS 2241/4/1/43 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/gql84n3l |
Collection(s) | Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History |
Category | Archive |
Technique | engraving |
Medium | |
Support | paper |
Object | width 75mm height 110mm |
Parent Record | Metalwork and Continental Trade Cards |
Creator(s) | Levy, Joseph & Co., Lander |
Date | 1845-1851 |
Size and Medium | 1 trade card |