Samuel Holmes trade card (advertisement)


Pictorial 19th century letterpress trade card (advertisement) of Samuel Holmes with large image of oven at top of item. Details about Holmes's patent domestic ovens including 'Directions for setting' and 'Instructions for the cook'. Newspaper cuttings pasted on reverse with manuscript ink signature '1803'. Transcription: Samuel Holmes, CASTLE-COURT, NEAR BEDFORD-STREET, STRAND. REGISTER STOVE MANUFACTURER, AND INVENTOR OF THE CONDUCTING OVEN UPON A NEW PRINCIPLE. HOLMES'S PATENT DOMESTIC OVENS, without Flues, which unite in the highest Degree Convenience, Utility, and Economy. - It is a Fact well known, that all Ovens hitherto contrived for the Use of Families, which are attached to Kitchen-Ranges, owing to the Flues, occasion a considerable Loss of Fuel as well as Diminution of Heat. To obviate these great Disadvantages has been the Study of the INVENTOR of the PATENT DOMESTIC OVENS, which are without Flues, and which, instead of diminishing, increase the Heat, without the least additional Fuel. - References to Families of the first Respectability will be given, where the Ovens may be seen in Use, and also at his Manufactory, Castle-Court, Strand, near Bedford-Street. N. B. - The Society for the Encouragement of Arts has done MR. HOMES the Honour of voting him a handsome Premium for this Invention. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING. Set the Oven on a Pier of Bricks, well worked in Mortar, as solid as possible, and worked all round the Oven to the Top; lay a Course of Tiles of Bricks, Top of the Oven, to come to the Arm of the Grate, as the Plate directs; then Bed solid the Hob, and work the Back as firm as possible close to the Side of the Oven. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COOK. Observe, in the Morning, to take out the Ashes from the Grate next the Oven, before you light the Fire, and clean the Oven with a wet cloth; shut the Door till the Conductor gets red hot, and in One Hour after the Oven will be hot for Baking any Thing. In Half an Hour look at your Baking; see if it wants Turning; and particularly attend to keeping the Door shut, that the Heat may be kept in. The Trade supplied on reasonable Terms. Printed by C. CONWAY, Little Chapel-Street, Westminster. J. Berryman, Sc.



Identifier p9xlpnhn
IRN 718578
Class Mark MS 2241/4/1/138
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History
Category Archive
Technique letterpress
Medium print
Support pasteboard
Object width 177mm height 205mm
Parent Record Metalwork and Continental Trade Cards
Creator(s) Samuel Holmes, C. Conway, J. Berryman
Date c.1803
Size and Medium 1 trade card (advertisement)

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