James Cotterell trade card
Elaborate 19th century engraved trade card of James Cotterell in brown ink. Trader details in a variety of typefaces, with some decorative initials and flourishes. Remains of previous brown paper mount and glue present on reverse. Transcription: JAMES COTTERELL, (LATE JOHN NICHOLDS.) Silver Plater & Pot Tinner. MANUFACTURER OF All kinds of Potted Roller and Bridle Buckles, Polished Bard Stirrup Leather Buckles, Silver Plated, & Brass Roller and Bridle Buckles, Silver Plated, Whole Buckles in a variety of Patterns, Every description of Military Buckles &c. &c. & every thing connected with the Trade. SILVER-PLATED, POTTED OR POLISHED SADDLE STAPLES. DEES, & MARTIN GALE RINGS &c. &c. POTTED & POLISHED SNIPES & RINGS, COLLAR SQUARES, BRIDLE STOPS, DOG COUPLES, &c. &c. 45, ST. JOHN STREET, Walsall. Kirby, Walsall.
Identifier | bfkbm4mq |
IRN | 718502 |
Class Mark | MS 2241/4/1/62 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/bfkbm4mq |
Collection(s) | Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History |
Category | Archive |
Technique | engraving |
Medium | |
Support | pasteboard |
Object | width 115mm height 75mm |
Parent Record | Metalwork and Continental Trade Cards |
Creator(s) | James Cotterell, Kirby |
Date | c.1850 |
Size and Medium | 1 trade card |