George Wippell trade card


Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of George Wippell, depicting various metalware items (clockwise from left) fireplace, stove, knife and fork, urn, range, saw and axe, key and lock. Manuscript ink signature 'F W Drake' overlays text on reverse. Transcription of obverse: GEO. WIPPELL, Stove Manufacturer, Smith, Brazier. Wholesale & Furnishing Ironmonger. 231, HIGH STREET, EXETER. Bell Hanging and Tin Plate Working Transcription of reverse: COOKING APPARATUS on an improved principle, with open Fire. Kitchen Ranges, Registers, Sarcophagus, Rumford & other Stoves, Smoke Jacks &c. Manufactured on the most reasonable Terms. Fenders & Fire Letts in Brass or Steel, Papier Machie & Japanic Tea Trays... Best London Tea & Coffee Urns... Superior Knives & Forks with Ivory... Stag, Bone, Horn, Ebony Handles, Patent raised Dish Covers... Sheffield Plated & Brittania Metal Goods, Boilers, Saucepans & Kitchen Furniture of every description. Tin & Japan'd Wares with numerous other Articles. COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS UP STAIRS.



Identifier p84wdg8d
IRN 718452
Class Mark MS 2241/4/1/12
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History
Category Archive
Technique engraving
Medium print
Support pasteboard
Object width 90mm height 60mm
Parent Record Metalwork and Continental Trade Cards
Creator(s) George Wippell
Date c.1840
Size and Medium 1 trade card

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