Inaugural Lecture Introduction


Speech introducing the inaugural lecture of Professor George Gordon (Professor of English Language, University of Leeds), 16 February 1950, on the English significance of Scandinavian literature. The speech sets Gordon's lecture in the context of teaching and research in English language at the School of English. At the head of the first page of the speech is an ms. note, possibly in the hand of Harold Orton, referring to D.D. and Professor Lascelles Abercrombie.


Identifier m7qqjwgj
IRN 410415
Class Mark LAVC/NSP/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Non-Student Research Papers
Date 1950
Size and Medium 1 file with 2 typed leaves.

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