Raven McDavid Articles
Originally housed in a single folder labelled Complete Set of Xeroxes of Raven McDavid's Articles, these files contain photocopies of printed, typed and draft articles and papers by McDavid, mainly relating to linguistics and focussing on the United States. Many of the papers are undated, but date references within the papers have allowed an estimation of the period in which they were produced. The first file contains a photocopied typed review of 'The Linguistic Atlas of England' [1979], 31 leaves; and a photocopied printed review of the 'Atlas of English Sounds', edited by Eduard Kolb with Beat Glauser, Willy Elmer and Peter Stamm (Bern: Francke, 1979), [1979], [8] leaves; and a photocopied printed review of William Labov's publications 'Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular' (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972) and 'Sociolinguistic Patterns'(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972) from 'American Speech', vol. 54 (1979). The second file contains a photocopy of a typed draft paper, 'Inside a Linguistic Atlas', with ms. annotations and corrections, [undated - 1970s], [18] leaves; a typed worksheet based on the Survey of English Dialects (SED) Basic Material headed 'Phonetic Profile: SED Materials', [undated], 21, [5] leaves; a typed paper, 'Tape Recorder: Servant or Master?' [undated], [1] leaf; a photocopy of a typed draft paper, 'Black English in Newfoundland?', by McDavid and Harold Paddock, with ms. annotations and corrections, [undated - 1970s?], 5, [2] leaves; a photocopy of a typed draft paper (with appendices?), 'Black English in New England', [undated - 1970s], 6, [3] leaves; a photocopy of a typed draft paper, 'The Failure of Intuition', by McDavid, Alva Davis and Raymond O'Cain, with ms. annotations and corrections, [undated - 1970s], 11 leaves; a photocopy of a typed draft paper, 'Phonetic Notation in the American Linguistic Atlases', with ms. annotations and corrections, [undated - ?1960s], 11 leaves; and a photocopy of a typed draft paper, untitled, on the use of dialect in humour in American literature, with ms. annotations and corrections, [undated - ?1970s], 5 leaves. The third file contains photocopies of two typed bibliographies: 'Bibliography of American Literature: Language', [8] leaves; and 'American Publications in Linguistic Geography', [1] leaf. The fourth file contains a photocopy of part of a draft typed paper, with ms. annotations and corrections, which appears to be a memoir of McDavid's contact with and knowledge of South Carolina politics and politicians during his youth, largely through his father's political career [undated - 1970s], 21, [2] leaves.
Identifier | jkcxdm5y |
IRN | 410441 |
Class Mark | LAVC/NSP/27 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/jkcxdm5y |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Non-Student Research Papers |
Creator(s) | McDavid, Raven Ioor |
Date | [1960-1981] |
Size and Medium | 4 files of photocopied typed papers. |