Northern/North Midlands Dialect Border Research


The papers in this file relate to Fritz Röhrer's investigation of the Northern/North Midland dialect border, the results of which were published in the 'Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society' in 1950. They include a typed list of informants visited (listing place-name, map number and informant name and address); photocopied ms. maps showing the northern and southern boundaries of pronunciation for the words foal, to eat, cow, bone and spoon (maps 2 and 3 in the published article; 3 copies of southern boundaries map); a photocopied ms. map showing the distribution of Northern and Midland forms of to go (5 copies); coloured ms. maps of Yorkshire showing variations in the pronunciation of corn and morning; and a printed map, 'The Humber-Ribble Belt', with 195 localities marked. The file also includes an article extracted from the 'Yorkshire Post' for 20 April 1950, detailing Röhrer's dialect investigation. The papers from this file were originally housed in a folder labelled Rohrer N.-N. Midl. Accompanying these papers are two A3 maps drawn by Röhrer, showing Yorkshire, Lancashire, North Lincolnshire and southern Westmorland. The first is a photocopy of an ms. map drawn by Röhrer, dated Leeds, March 1950, and showing numbered localities and the names of towns and rivers (3 copies). The second map is an original coloured ms. map drawn by Röhrer, dated Leeds/Zurich January 1952. It also shows numbered localities, and the names of towns and rivers, but the localities are additionally marked according to when field recordings were made. It is possible that this map relates to fieldwork for the SED. There is a tear to the right hand side of the map, but text and data are unaffected.


Identifier klvghlcy
IRN 410451
Class Mark LAVC/NSP/37
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Non-Student Research Papers
Creator(s) Röhrer, Fritz
Date 1949-1952
Size and Medium 1 file of typed papers, ms., photocopied and printed maps, and a newspaper extract; 2 over-sized ms. maps.

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