Joseph Hick trade card
Decorative 19th century engraved trade card of Joseph Hick. Trader details inside ornate frame with hand coloured details on front of card. On reverse, further trader details in a variety of typefaces with decorative flourishes. Transcription of obverse: JOSEPH HICK, No. 56 Mill Hill LEEDS, CARVER, GILDER, Picture Frame & Looking Glafs [Glass] MANUFACTURER. Old Glasses restored. Ladies Needle Work neatly Framed & Glazed. Transcription of reverse: JOSEPH HICK, No. 56 Mill Hill Leeds. Carver & Gilder FURNITURE JAPANNER, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL Painter. Imitations of Wood & Marble. Window Cornices, Wash Stands, Drefsing [Dressing] Tables, Chairs &c. repainted to any Colour & Varnished to look equal to new. Sofas, Chairs &c Stained in Imitation of Rosewood. India Cabinets repair'd & imitated. BRONZING &c. Ladies Work Boxes & Screens neatly Varnished & Polished. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Varnish, Japan & every other Article for Japanning. London prepared Canvas & Pannels [Panels], Oile [Oil] & Bladder Colours.
Identifier | z94rvvpp |
IRN | 721453 |
Class Mark | MS 2241/4/3/142 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History |
Category | Archive |
Technique | engraving |
Medium | |
Support | pasteboard |
Object | width 114mm height 74mm |
Parent Record | Furniture Trade Cards, Billheads and Miscellaneous Ephemera |
Creator(s) | Joseph Hick |
Date | c.1820 |
Size and Medium | 1 trade card |